*Nikola Tesla*

Weird Weather Worldwide Engineering/Modification, Who's To Blame?

I will show this to Dr. Gennady Shipov and to Professor J. P. Vigier in the
morning and ask for their comments. There is also someone else we will ask.
Tomorrow is an auspicious day for more than one reason.

"Tom Bearden (by way of Creon Levit)" wrote:

 Dear Dr. Evans (Myron):

My deepest thanks to you for this definitive statement, and my strong congratulations to you and your theoretical colleagues for this important work you have done.

Having followed the development of these extreme Russian weapons for two decades as best I could, I would like to assure the scientists receiving your message that this Russian weapon program started by 1950, and was well-underway by the mid-50s.  In January 1960 Khrushchev, speaking to the Presidium, referred to such weapons as "fantastic weapons", and as "just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak."  In short, the weapons were in final development in January 1960.  They are loosely known as "energetics" weapons.

The first large energetics weapons were deployed by the Soviets in 1963. They were not yet available - fortunately - during the Cuban Missile Crisis a few months earlier, else that grave confrontation might well have had a quite different outcome.

I personally gathered open reports of hundreds of incidents of testing of these Russian weapons.  The power achieved by the weapons is awesome, and very much differing from high power microwaves, lasers, and radars. For a hard reference of very good quality (multiple trained witnesses, investigation by good scientists of conventional training, etc.), eyewitness  reports and the investigation of an enormous event are scientifically  reported in the following two references (both should be read, as the second contains additional information).

Walker, Daniel A.; Charles S. McCreery, and Fermin J. Oliveira, "Kaitoku Seamount and the Mystery Cloud of 9 April 1984," Science, Vol. 227, Feb. 8, 1985, p. 607-611.

McKenna, Daniel L. and Daniel Walker, "Mystery Cloud: Additional Observations," Science, Vol. 234, Oct. 24, 1986, p. 412-413.

In this incident, a "cold explosion" (sharply pulsed creation of convergent EM energy in the interference zone) was created off the Kuril Islands, Above the surface of the ocean.  This caused rapid cooling of the localized air, and a resulting sudden insurgence of surrounding air.  The result was a sharp upwelling of water and vapor sucked up from the surface of the
ocean, rising rapidly to about 60,000 feet altitude, then spreading out into a large cloud.  Then in the top of that cloud there appeared an intensely glowing ball (shell) of light.  This shell of light then slowly and steadily expanded as a sphere, until it reached some 300 miles diameter.  The electromagnetic energy in the glowing spherical shell would thus have been
enormous.  At that time, the center of the sphere was at an altitude of about 200 miles.

This is certainly not a natural phenomenon.  Nature does not make intense little stationary balls of light in the tops of clouds, which slowly and methodically expand to spheres 300 miles in diameter and remain perfect spheres of light.

This is only one of many dozens of similar reports from around the world. Such tests were so regularly observed and reported by airline pilots Flying the northern route between Japan to the U.S., that everyone lost interest and the pilots mostly ceased reporting them.

The enormous energy density achieved by these action-at-a-distance weapons is particularly significant.

I personally published citations of many of these reports I found in the open literature.

The weather control referred to by Defense Secretary Cohen is often Achieved by using one or more scalar interferometers to produce slow heating in a selected small area of the atmosphere, e.g. in a chosen location over the United States.  That heating produces air expansion, reduces the air's density, and thus produces a "low pressure" area (ground pressure measurement).  Simultaneously, at other selected areas, slow cooling over a selected area is produced, resulting in more dense air and therefore a "high pressure" area as measured on the ground.  By slowly moving these highs and lows around, the jet streams can be entrained and deviated - and in fact "steered".  By altering and steering the jet streams, one can "steer the weather".  On July 4, 1976, apparently as an icon gift from the Russians for our U.S. bicentennial, regular engineering of the weather over North America and the United States was initiated (the first tests were apparently in 1967).  It is still ongoing.  The Russian weather engineering has also been steadily expanded over the territory of other nations, and has added cooling and heating of selected areas of ocean water as well.  In short, it now involves "energy tickling" and thus "temperature alteration" of El Nino and La Nina.

These weapons cannot be explained by normal U(1) electrodynamics, since U(1) makes the term "scalar interferometry" an oxymoron.  On the other hand, E.T. Whittaker in 1903 and 1904 published definitive work showing that (1) the so-called "scalar" potential is actually a bundle of bidirectional longitudinal EM waves, and (2) all EM fields, potentials, and waves are decomposable into two scalar potential functions (hence into scalar interferometry).

Dr. Evans and the AIAS theorists have just rigorously established the technical basis for the Whittaker scalar interferometry.  The interferometry does indeed produce scalar potential gradients and curls in the interference zone, and in the presence of mass such as air, these scalar entities interact with the masses to produce ordinary EM fields, waves, energy, etc.

Eerily, for over a century scientists have calculated the reaction cross section of the scalar potential, never the magnitude of it.  And then we have called that reaction cross section the "magnitude of the potential." If one examines the definition of the potential, one finds it defined at a point as the joules of energy collected (diverged) from those bidirectional
waveflows comprising the potential, around a unit point charge assumed at that point.  One need only point out that this rigorously is the reaction cross section of the potential, not the magnitude of the potential itself. The water swirling around a fixed rock in a river, is not the river. In the ideal conditions, a fixed amount of water is in the "swirl", hence the divergence of the water there has a scalar magnitude.  However, the river itself is not a scalar entity, but is a vectorial entity.  In the same fashion, potential is a multitude of bidirectional rivers.  It is not a scalar entity at all, but is a multivectorial entity.  The divergence of energy from that potential, at a point, is a scalar value.

The magnitude of the potential is indefinite.  This can be seen from the very simple equation W = (phi)q, where (phi) is the reaction cross section of the potential PHI at a 3-space point in diverged/collected joules per coulomb, q is the number of diverging/collecting coulombs occupying that 3-space point, and W is the total number of joules of energy collected by
the charge q.  As can be seen, even from a very weak potential with a small but nonzero reaction cross section (phi), one can extract as much energy as one wishes, merely by placing sufficient charges q at sufficient 3-space points.  From a single microvolt (cross section), e.g., one can collect a trillion joules of energy, given sufficient intercepting/collecting/diverging charges q.

So all our textbooks teach us to calculate the multivectorial potential's scalar reaction cross section at a point, and call that the "magnitude of the potential' at that point - which is a non sequitur.  What is extracted from or diverged from an entity, is not the entity itself.

The O(3) electrodynamics being pioneered by Dr. Evans and others is highly significant.  For the first time, scalar interferometry has been expressed in proper mathematical terms, and a paper giving this demonstration has been submitted for formal publication.

I would like to express my deep personal appreciation and congratulations To Dr. Evans and his theoretical colleagues for their strenuous efforts. Many people throughout the Western world owe them a very great debt for this important work, which is vital to the defense of our various nations and our very survival.

Most sincerely,

T.E. Bearden, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)
President, CTEC Inc.
President, American Association of Distinguished American Scientists
Fellow Emeritus, AIAS.

 I would like to bring to the attention of the scientific community a document in the public domain, part of a speech by the Honorable Wiliam Cohen, U.S. Defense Secretary, at the University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28th 1997, at a conference organized by former Senator Sam Nunn. The relevant quote is: "Other (terrorists) are enaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through  the use of electromagnetic waves.........it's real and that is the reason we  have to intensify our (counter terrorism) efforts." This speech was released to the press, and is in the public domain. This kind of statement cannot be understood in terms of Maxwell Heaviside theory, so there is an extremely urgent need to develop a new kind of electrodynamics. The principle is that one must assume that such weapons exist, or be caught by surprise. Bill Cohen and Sam Nunn are responsible, highly experienced, and levelheaded. There is effectively no stable government in the former USSR, a state of near anarchy prevails, an extremely dangerous scenario for NATO. The conservative academic adherence to an utterly discredited U(1) theory is  actually leaving NATO wide open to surprise attack in the opinion of the US Government in the form of the Secretary of Defense. This is also my personal opinion as a permanent resident alien of the US, and British /
EEC citizen. The O(3) idea is a first step to what should develop into a massive NATO research effort.

This is why I have been working so intensively on papers in the past few months, and ask editors and referees to bear with me and go the extra mile.

If we get the second edition of MNO then the pressure on editors and referees will be eased.

 Dr. M. W. Evans, 82 Lois Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA.



Of particular interest is the hemispherical shell of energy which years ago was dubbed the "Tesla Shield."

 Two scalar hemispherical surfaces are created, using multiple frequency transmitters and truncated Fourier series expansions. Interference of the two scalar hemispheres creates a great, glowing hemispherical shell of ordinary electromagnetic energy. In the shell, the energy density is sufficient to lift Dirac matter from the Dirac sea of vacuum. The shell is thus filled with a glowing plasma.

Such a shell may be several hundreds of miles in diameter at the base. The enormous energy required to form such a defense shell is obtained by a "scalar power tap" into the molten core of the earth itself as previously explained. In late April/early May of 1985, 27 such "power taps" were placed in the earth by the Soviets. If each tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 large scalar EM weapons, then the Soviet strategic scalar EM arsenal contains over 100 monstrous superweapons capable of generating exothermic explosions,
 endothermic explosions, engineering the weather, locating and destroying underwater submarines, detecting and destroying ballistic missiles shortly after launch, detecting and destroying long range strategic bombers as soon as they are airborne, etc.

At any rate, the giant Tesla shield is useful against any penetrating vehicle. If the shell is not so large, its energy density may be very high. In that case, the intense plasma heating will fuse and even vaporize metallic bodies. In addition, any vehicle encountering the shell is subjected to an extremely intense EMP arising everywhere inside its circuitry. EMP shielding is of no use against the creation of energy throughout the spacetime of the
circuits; such shielding only helps against energy flow through space in the  conventional sense.

Thus the electronics of any vehicle encountering the shield are instantly dudded, whether or not they are shielded against ordinary electromagnetic interference (EMI). This includes the electronics operating a nuclear warhead, carried by a re-entry vehicle. Electrically everything penetrating the shell is totally dudded. Further, explosive materials are exploded when such an EMP is encountered, and combustible materials are fiercely consumed or set afire. Ablative shielding suffers an interesting catastrophe: since energy does not try to "flow into" the shielding but "arises" everywhere in it simultaneously, "ablation" occurs everywhere throughout the ablative material, simply exploding it instantly. In addition, for smaller Tesla shells (say of 50 miles in diameter) the energy density is sufficient to melt or vaporize metals such as missile structures.

With such a Tesla shield, there is no need to discriminate true warhead bearing re-entry vehicles from decoys, chaff, etc. The whole "mess" entering the shield is simply "cleaned up" and "sterilized" or destroyed. The shield can take care of ICBMs/IRBMs and their nuclear warheads, strategic bombers and their nuclear bombs, cruise missiles and their nuclear warheads, re-entry vehicles and their warheads, decoys, chaff, etc.


The London Sunday Times of 17 August 1980 contained information and a photo-sketch of incidents of sighting of the testing of very large Tesla globes deep within the Soviet Union. The sightings were made in Afghanistan by British war cameraman Nick Downie. The phenomena seen were in the direction of the Saryshagan Missile Test Range, which -- according to the U.S. Defense Departments "Soviet Military Power," 1986 -- contains one or more large directed energy weapons (DEW's).

Even though Downie was seeing the globe of light from a great distance, it flared silently over the Hindu Kush and expanded to subtend an arc of about 20 degrees, dimming as it expanded. (An arc of 20 degrees subtended by an object many hundreds of miles distant indicates an object of well over a hundred miles in diameter. This gives some idea of the enormous energy being controlled and manipulated by these Soviet weapons.)

Downie saw the sight on more than one occasion in September 1979.

In the same month --December 1979-- a stationary luminous globe containing a vertical stripe of black in the center was seen in the sky off the coast of St.Petersburg, Florida. This particular type of sighting in that area has been previously correlated with times of known activity at Saryshagan.

Further, in the same month, U.S. nuclear warning Vela satellites detected a "nuclear flash" over the South Atlantic, off the coast of Africa. Controversy has raged in U.S. Intelligence and scientific circles to this day as to whether a nuclear explosion or some other kind of mechanism produced the flash.

Indeed, the flash may have been produced by a scalar EM howitzer from Saryshagan as one more "ping" of the U.S. Intelligence system, to ascertain whether or not it knew anything about scalar EM howitzers. Again the negative response told them with high confidence that (1) We still didn't know about scalar EM stuff, and (2) We were still totally defenseless against the Soviet scalar EM weaponry.

At any rate, from Downie's sightings, it is highly probable that the DEW weaponry at Saryshagan Missile Test Range was active in September 1979, and was producing large Tesla globes. If the DEWs at Saryshagan can produce the giant luminous Tesla globe, they are almost certainly scalar EM interferometers and can produce the giant Tesla shields as well. Downie reported other earlier sightings of similar phenomena seen by Afghans deep
within the Soviet Union in the same direction toward Saryshagan...

Briefly, let us cover the uses of such a giant globe or spherical shell of glowing EM energy and plasma.

By placing such a giant globe hundreds of miles out away from the defended heartland, an entire arc of the sky can be defended against long range ballistic missile attack in midcourse. During their midcourse trajectory, the attacking missiles would have to penetrate the globular shell twice, exposing them to giant internal EMPs twice. A very high probability thus exists that all missiles entering the space occupied by the globe are  dudded upon entry and/or exit. This includes the electronics inside the nuclear warheads themselves. Also this is particularly effective against MIRV and MARV missile carriers since the multiple re-entry vehicles are normally still on the main vehicle during most of midcourse. The use of this midcourse ABM globe defense greatly reduces the number of vehicles arriving at the latter part of midcourse and the terminal phase of their trajectory.

By using a smaller, more intense globe, and placing it on incoming clusters of objects or single objects, both EMP and local heating are used against the objects. This is suitable in the latter part of midcourse and in the terminal phase of ICBMs, IRBMs, SLBMs, and cruise missiles. It is also useful against incoming strategic bombers and their air to surface missiles both ballistic and cruise.

Two modes of the globes -- especially the small ones -- can be used. First the continuous mode can be used to "fry" or vaporize incoming objects in a relatively small volume (say ten to fifteen miles in diameter). Second, the "pulse" mode can be used to "service" all incoming objects, whether or not they have passed through the "large globe" midcourse defense. This provides an additional guarantee of killing the objects; discrimination is
 not required, just get all of them. The exposure of all incoming objects to  multiple attacks raises the probability of kill to essentially 100%, or as close to that as one wishes. Of course the incoming vehicle may still encounter a terminal defense consisting of the Tesla shield and associated roving "quickshot" small intense globes.

 In short, with these systems an essentially 100% ABM and anti bomber defense is possible. Further, the Soviets have possessed such an effective defense for two decades, JUST AS THEY HAVE OPENLY STATED SINCE 1960 WHEN KHRUSHCHEV ANNOUNCED HIS "SUPERWEAPONS"!!


Here is another verified incident of a gigantic test of a Soviet scalar EM howitzer deep within the Soviet Union.

This is a C.I.A. report, released under the Freedom of Information Act. One can be quite sure that the incident occurred as stated.

The phenomenon was seen from two aircraft approaching Mehrabad Airport in Teheran, Iran on June 17, 1966 and reported by their pilots.

On the far horizon deep within the Soviet Union, an intense spherical ball of light appeared, "sitting on the horizon" so to speak. The globe of light increased to enormous size, dimming as it did so, literally filling an arc of the distant sky as it expanded. The sighting was shielded from most ground observers view at the airport itself due to an intervening mountain range which masked most of the phenomena from the ground.

 The silent, expanding globe was observed for four or five minutes before it faded away.

Again this is positive evidence of the testing of a giant scalar interferometer, in the "midcourse ABM globe" type of action.

However, note the date -- mid 1966! The Soviets have therefore been testing such scalar weapons of enormous size and power for at least two decades. This implies that development must have started at least a decade earlier, or in the mid '50s.

Still earlier, in January 1960 Nikita Khrushchev had announced the development of a "fantastic" Soviet weapon, one which could even destroy all life on earth if unrestrainedly used. In 1962 the ebullient Khrushchev was forced to back down and lose face before John Kennedy, in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev's missiles and bombers were in woeful shape, as Kennedy well knew (by courtesy of the Russian spy, Colonel Oleg Penkovsky). Kennedy did not know that Khrushchev's new superweapons were nearing deployment, but
 were not quite ready yet.

 To save face and prevent his immediate ouster, Khrushchev apparently conducted a startling two-strike demonstration of his new weapons as soon as they became operationally ready. On April 10, 1963 he detected and destroyed the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear submarine, using a scalar EM howitzer in the underwater "continuous" mode. The next day he demonstrated the "pulsed" underwater destruction mode for underwater subs by producing a giant underwater explosion underneath the water 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. Ironically, just as the Atlantic was coming alive with U.S. naval vessels searching for
 the lost Thresher, a second test of the weapons that had finished off the sub occurred to the south of them, unnoticed and disregarded, even though seen and reported to the F.B.I. and the U.S. Coast Guard by a passing U.S. jetliner's pilot and crew, who observed the underwater explosion.

We thus can peg the development of these weapons by the Soviets as starting well before 1960. The first operational deployment of the gigantic strategic weaponry occurred in early 1963.

Note that the 1966 testing observed here is completely consistent with this estimated development schedule.

Thus large Soviet strategic scalar EM weapons have been operational on site for 24 YEARS !!! This implies that at least three additional generations of the scalar EM weapons have been developed and deployed by now...


Incidents of Soviet testing of the Tesla shield and the Tesla globe weapons are routinely observed  by airline pilots flying over the North Pacific into and out of Japan.

This is one typical example. Two jetliners, Japan Air Lines flights 403 and 421, sighted and reported a large glowing globe of light sitting just beyond the horizon and extending well above it. The aircraft were in the vicinity of 42 degrees N latitude and 153 degrees longitude at the time. The sighting was thus about 700 miles east of Kushiro.

The diameter of the ball was estimated as at least 18-27 kilometers by the pilots. Depending upon the actual distance to the sphere it may have been of much larger size.

This incident is reported in the Asahi Evening News, Tokyo, June 22, 1982.

Many similar sightings have been reported by jet airliner pilots flying over these waters.


Here is another sighting closer to home.

This incident was observed from a passing ship on June 22,1976 in the North Atlantic, at about 2113-2140 hours. It is reported in the Marine Observer, Vol.47,1977, p.66.

First an orange glow was sighted behind some distant clouds. A couple of minutes later, a glowing white sphere of light was observed to the left of the orange glow, just above the clouds. The white sphere then slowly expanded to a much larger sphere, dimming as it expanded. At its maximum size, the top of the white sphere reached about 24 degrees 30 minutes elevation angle to the observer. Development to maximum size required about 10 minutes.

 By 2140 hours the sphere had faded and disappeared. The sphere was sufficiently thin that the stars could be seen through  it at all times.

Again, this incident strongly fits the large Tesla globe mode of a Soviet scalar EM interferometer.

 The significance and role of the orange glow are not known at this time.


 Here is another incident that represents a stimulus to the British government, to see if the British are aware of scalar electromagnetics.

Again this is a CIA report released under the Freedom of Information Act, so the details are reliable.

 On Sep. 10, 1976 British European Airways flight 831, flying between Moscow and London and over Lithuania at the time, observed an intense ball of light above the clouds below the aircraft. The light was so intense it lit up the sky in the entire vicinity.

The concerned pilot reported the glowing object to Soviet ground authorities with whom he was in contact. He received harsh instructions to ignore the light, and essentially to continue on his way out of there.

Here we see an incident involving a small, intense Tesla globe, of the kind with which the defense could "service" objects that had already penetrated a large midcourse globe, or aircraft approaching the defended area.

Obviously the Soviet authorities were tracking the aircraft, and knew it was in the vicinity. It seems logical, then, that they deliberately placed the brightly glowing ball beneath the aircraft so that the pilot and crew could not fail to observe it.

The strange message to the pilot was simply designed to increase the intensity of the stimulus. The stimulus was to be something like, "The Soviets are doing something in research and development that allows them to create intense balls of glowing light at a distance, and place these objects in and around the air in and around aircraft, possibly to intercept them." The purpose, of course, was to observe the British governments reaction after the incident was reported by the pilot upon his arrival in London.

Again the reaction of the British -- and the U.S. as well -- was as predicted. Again we showed that we knew nothing of scalar electromagnetic weapons, and did not recognize one when we encountered its effects.


Very neat things can be done if one "nests" several Tesla shields --say three or four -- concentrically, one inside the other. In that case even the nuclear radiation (such as gamma rays) from a defense-suppressive high altitude nuclear burst can be handled.

For example, suppose three such concentric shields are placed over a large vital area. Further, suppose a high altitude nuclear burst is placed above the outer shield. Gamma radiation almost instantly strikes the plasma in the outer shell, where it is absorbed, scattered, and re-radiated at a lower temperature. (That after all is what plasmas do.) Inside the first shell, the scattered radiation is now in the x-ray and ultra violet region.
Let us track the most lethal component, the x-rays.

The scattered x-rays then strike the second plasma shell, and are absorbed scattered and re-radiated at a lower temperature. Inside the second shell the scattered radiation is now in the visible and infrared region, with a little ultraviolet.

This optical radiation in turn strikes the third plasma shell, and is absorbed scattered and re-radiated at still lower temperature. Inside the third shell, most of the energy is now in the form of radio frequency (RF) energy, with a little IR and visible band spectral energy content.

At this point, ordinary electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding of electronic equipment on the ground inside the third shield can take care of any RF interference resulting from the emergent RF noise.

As can be seen, three shells are sufficient to convert the gamma and x-ray radiation (and ultraviolet and infrared) mostly to harmless RF energy before all three shells are penetrated. Thus the tactic of deliberate defense suppression by a preliminary high altitude nuclear burst can be countered by multiple Tesla shields.

In addition, of course, any ordinary vehicles penetrating all three shields are exposed to successive violent EMP's and are almost certainly electrically dudded. The vehicles are also subjected to multiple periods of intense heating, so combustibles, fuels, explosives, and ablatives are destroyed. In addition, metal structures may be melted or vaporized.

Think of it this way: anything which hits one of these Tesla shields goes phhht! Just like a bug hitting an electrified bugkiller screen.

For years passing ships have observed and reported such multiple-shield "light phenomena" over remote regions of the ocean. U.S. intelligence has routinely not paid any heed to "lights at night" over remote ocean areas, and so Soviet tests in this manner have remained relatively unnoticed by officialdom...


In July 1976 the U.S. received very special Bicentennial greetings from the Soviet Union.

At that time, communications systems of the world in the 3-30 megaHertz band suddenly met substantial interference from extremely powerful, chirped Soviet transmitters which were suddenly activated. These transmitters continue their transmission to this day.

Estimates of the power of these transmitters vary, but figures range as high as several hundred megawatts, with a nominal figure being 100 megawatts.

These powerful transmitters were properly nicknamed "Woodpeckers" because of the characteristic sound of the chirped signal when received. That is, the received signal makes a "pecking" sound much like a woodpecker's beak hitting a block of wood.

Several nations protested, but the powerful signals have continued, right down to this day. The only Soviet response was to add a "spread spectrum" capability, so that the transmitter would not dwell too long on one specific frequency, but shifted periodically to other frequencies.

These transmitters have apparently never been precisely located by U.S. intelligence, but their beams carry much of the characteristics of an over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. They have been dubbed OTH radars by U.S. intelligence, and can without question perform that mission, in addition to some very interesting missions that U.S. intelligence does not assess.

"Soviet Military Power", Department of Defense, 1985, p.45 shows the direct intersection over the United States of the Woodpecker radar beams used in an OTH role. In addition, shown is an additional "scanner" beam which can be scanned across the intersection "grid" over the U.S., formed by waveform interference of two main Woodpecker beams.

First, they can be used in  a conventional OTH radar mode, since their beams follow the earth-ionosphere waveguide and curve around the earth. In this mode they can detect missiles at launch and thereafter, and strategic bombers at launch and thereafter.

These scalar interference grid weapons can be used to biologically attack entire populations in a targeted area. This aspect is not covered in this briefing. Suffice it to say that phase locked ELF modulation signals of 10 Hz and less are often detected on multiple woodpecker frequencies simultaneously. In a target area, this modulation -- is sufficiently stronger than the Schumann resonance of the earth's magnetic field -- will entrain a
percentage of the brains into "forced entrainment". In that case, these human brains are "synchronized" to the Woodpecker signals so that multiple coherent frequencies are phase-locked into them. That is, multiple coherent EM channels directly into these entrained brains now exist. At that point, Fourier expansions may now be used to attack specific portions of the brain geometrically.

In addition, scalar EM disease patterns can be modulated upon the carriers, again with fourier expansions. Specific biological effects can be induced in the entrained populations at will, limited only by the state of the art of the Soviet technology used to attack them. Possible effects include instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system, and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by the subjects as their own.

While further discussion of this area is beyond the scope of my knowledge, the biological aspects of the Woodpecker transmitters are horrible. It suffices to say that, in thousands of experiments, Kaznacheyev demonstrated that almost any kind of cellular death and disease pattern could be electromagnetically transmitted. Kaznacheyev reported the effect in
te near ultraviolet.  Experimenters at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated the experiments in the infrared.

The bottom line is that photons themselves can carry death and disease patterns between cells. Scalar EM technology allows synthesis of the actual potential pattern (which after all represents total control of charge and charge distribution, hence biochemistry in the cell) of a particular disease or death mechanism. Symptoms (and cellular death from them!) of
nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection, and other mechanisms were induced by the Kaznacheyev experiments.

Dr. Popp of West Germany has published an analysis of the virtual photon master control system of the cells. Since scalar EM represents the deliberate ordering of virtual particle  flux into deterministic patterns, the master control system can readily be entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and disorder at will...

It's too bad this article doesn't mention how this weather modification can also be used for weather warefare, which the U.S. and the United Nations have a Convention against doing. (Larry)

The London Times 8/1/99

 A TEAM of scientists has discovered a technique for growing clouds and controlling rainfall. They have made rain fall in areas stricken by drought - and found ways of
 preventing cloudbursts over areas threatened with floods.

 The new methods, discovered after 10 years' research, could allow tourist resorts to guarantee long spells of  sunshine and agricultural areas to benefit from rain when they
 need it.

 The research was done in a drought-stricken area of south  Mexico, led by Dr Roelof Bruintjes, of the US National  Center for Atmospheric Research. He sent a plane to spray
 small clouds with particles of potassium chloride. Rain  followed 15 minutes later.

 The result could have been coincidence, but the scientists  have repeated it nearly 50 times. Some clouds did not  produce rain immediately, but instead grew rapidly until they
 released moisture. Bruintjes said: "Our studies produced a large increase in rainfall in seeded clouds, much higher than would otherwise have occurred. It is very encouraging."

 The findings are being studied by Nasa. Other researchers describe the results as the most important breakthrough for 20 years. Since the 1940s, metereologists have been trying
 to boost rainfall artificially. They have fired rockets containing various substances into clouds and planes have sprayed particles of silver iodide inside them to provoke rain,
 which was unpredictable and expensive. The new technique is far more reliable and cheaper.

 Normally rain falls only from clouds large enough to generate strong wind currents, which throw tiny water droplets into one another until they coalesce into raindrops. Eventually
 they become heavy enough to overcome the updraughts and fall to the ground. In large clouds, this process is accelerated by low temperatures, which freeze droplets at the top of the cloud. The ice particles act as nuclei around which more water coalesces, also forming raindrops.

 Scientists have long believed this second process holds the key. They believed that particles sprayed into a cloud should act like the ice, forming nuclei for raindrops. The problem was what to make the particles from and how best to spray
 them into a cloud.

 Bruintjes flies a small plane just beneath the clouds while flares strapped to the wings spray microscopic particles containing potassium chloride, plus some sodium chloride -
 common salt - into the air. The particles are so small and light that the turbulence of even a small cloud is enough to keep them airborne. Once inside they rapidly absorb
 moisture, forming the nuclei for large droplets.

 The process also helps the cloud to grow larger because, as water condenses around the particles, it releases heat and fuels the turbulence.

 Bruintjes found some clouds responded so quickly that the technique might be useful in fighting forest fires. Other uses include ending droughts, promoting harvests and draining
 clouds of water before events that need good weather, such as Wimbledon.

 Dr Rob Wood, a cloud physicist at the Meteorological Office, said: "This is an exciting breakthrough. Clouds could be depleted of water before important occasions or used to
 boost water supplies where needed."

 Playing with the weather has, in the past, had catastrophic results. Two years ago it was revealed that the disastrous flood at Lynmouth, north Devon, in 1952 was caused by a
 secret rain-making experiment that went wrong. Thirty-four people died when a 12ft wall of water surged through the village's narrow streets after the Ministry of Defence seeded
 clouds with silver iodide.

 The first hint that other substances might be more effective came eight years ago, when meteorologists heard that a South African paper mill suffered downpours affecting only a
 tiny area around it. An investigation showed the mill's chimney was spewing tiny particles of hygroscopic salts into the air. These have a powerful attraction for water, acting
 like magnets around which raindrops can form. Bruintjes found that a mixture of potassium and sodium chlorides acted the same way and that the concentrations could be

 Some meteorologists have suggested that such techniques might be used to cultivate arid land. But the greatest interest will probably come from Asian countries where dependence
 on crops such as rice, that need large amounts of water, mean that even a tiny increase in rainfall could produce huge economic benefits.

Tesla invented some amazing stuff. The military is secretly using his inventions. One of Tesla's invention, the death ray has been developed by the U.S. military and was considered to horrific. It was given to Israel.

Nikola Tesla:
                      Humanitarian Genius

     Excerpted from vol 6, no. 4, "Power and Resonance", the "Journal of the International
     Tesla Society". For further information on the topics discussed below: "The Tesla Book
     Co.", Box 1649, Greenville, Texas 75401

     Ask any school kid: "who invented radio"? If you get an answer at all it will doubtless
     be Marconi - an answer with which all the encyclopedias and textbooks agree. Or ask
     most anyone: "who invented the stuff that makes your toaster, your stereo, the street
     lights, the factories and offices work?" Without hesitation, Thomas Edison, right?
     Wrong both times. The correct answer is Nikola Tesla, a person you have probably
     never heard of. there's more. He appears to have discovered x-rays a year before W.
     K. Roentgen did in Germany, he built a vacuum tube amplifier several years before Lee
     de Forest did, he was using fluorescent lights in his laboratory 40 years before the
     industry "invented" them, and he demonstrated the principles used in microwave ovens
     and radar decades before they became an integral part of our society. Yet we associate
     his name with none of them.

     For about 20 years around the turn of the century, he was known and respected in
     academic circles world wide, corresponding with eminent physicists of his day, including
     Albert Einstein, quoted and conferred with on matters of electrical science, adopted by
     New York's high society, backed by such financial and industrial giants as J. P.
     Morgan, John Jacob Astor, and George Westinghouse. He counted as friends eminent
     artists such as Mark Twain and pianist Ignace Paderewski. His honorary degrees,
     major prizes, and other citations number in the dozens.

     Tesla was born in Smijlan, Croatia in 1856, the son of a clergyman and an inventive
     mother. He had an extraordinary memory, one that made learning six languages easy for
     him. He entered the Polytechnic School at Gratz, where for four years he studied
     mathematics, physics and mechanics, confounding more than one professor by an
     understanding of electricity, an infant science in those days, that was greater than theirs.
     His practical career started in 1881 in Budapest, Hungary, where he made his first
     electrical invention, a telephone repeater (the ordinary loudspeaker) and conceived the
     idea of a rotating magnetic field, which later made him world famous in its form as the
     modern induction motor. The polyphase induction motor is what provides power to
     virtually every industrial application, from conveyer belts to winches to machine tools.

     Tesla's mental abilities require some mention, since, not only did he have a photographic
     memory, he was able to use creative visualization with an uncanny and practical
     intensity. He describes in his autobiography how he was able to visualize a particular
     apparatus and was then able to actually test run the apparatus, disassemble it and check
     for proper action and wear! During the manufacturing phase of his inventions, he would
     work with all blueprints and specifications in his head. The invention invariably
     assembled together without redesign and worked perfectly. Tesla slept one to 2 hours a
     day and worked continuously on his inventions and theories without benefit of ordinary
     relaxation or vacations. He could judge the dimension of an object to a hundredth of an
     inch and perform difficult computations in his head without benefit of slide rule or
     mathematical tables. Far from an ivory tower intellectual, he was very much aware of
     the issues in the world around him, made it a point to render his ideas accessable to the
     general public by frequent contributions to the popular press, and to his field by
     numerous lectures and scientific papers.

     He decided to come to this country (USA) in 1884. He brought with him the various
     models of the first induction motors, which, after a brief and unhappy period at the
     edison works, were eventually shown to George Westinghouse. It was in the
     Westinghouse shops that the induction motor was perfected. Numerous patents were
     taken out on this prime invention, all under Tesla's name.

     Tesla worked briefly for Thomas Edison when he first came to the United States,
     creating many improvements on Edison's dc motors and generators, but left under a
     cloud of controversy after Edison refused to live up to bonus and royalty commitments.
     This was the beginning of a rivalry which was to have ugly consequences later when
     Edison and his backers did everything in their power to stop the development and
     installation of Tesla's far more efficient and practical ac current delivery system and
     urban power grid. Edison put together a traveling road show which attempted to
     portray ac current as dangerous, even to the point of electrocuting animals both small
     (puppies) and large (in one case an elephant) in front of large audiences. As a result of
     this propaganda crusade, the state of New York adopted ac electrocution as its method
     of executing convicts. Tesla won the battle by the demonstration of ac current's safety
     and usefulness when his apparatus illuminated and powered the entire New York
     World's Fair of 1899.

     Tesla's most important work at the end of the nineteenth century was his original system
     of transmission of energy by wireless antenna. In 1900 Tesla obtained his two
     fundamental patents on the transmission of true wireless energy covering both methods
     and apparatus and involving he use of four tuned circuits. In 1943, the Supreme Court
     of the United States granted full patent rights to Nikola Tesla for the invention of the
     radio, superseding and nullifying any prior claim by marconi and others in regards to the
     "fundamental radio patent" It is interesting to note that Tesla, in 1898, described the
     transmission of not only the human voice, but images as well and later designed and
     patented devices that evolved into the power supplies that operate our present day TV
     picture tubes. The first primitive radar installations in 1934 were built following
     principles, mainly regarding frequency and power level, that were stated by Tesla in

     In 1889 Tesla constructed an experimental station in Colorado Springs where he
     studied the characteristics of high frequency or radio frequency alternating currents.
     While there he developed a powerful radio transmitter of unique design and also a
     number of receivers "for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted". He
     conducted experiments designed to establish the laws of radio propagation which are
     currently being "rediscovered" and verified amid some controversy in high energy
     quantum physics.

     Tesla wrote in "Century Magazine" in 1900: "...that communication without wires to any
     point of the globe is practicable. My experiments showed that the air at the ordinary
     pressure became distinctly conducting, and this opened up the wonderful prospect of
     transmitting large amounts of electrical energy for industrial purposes to great distances
     without wires...its practical consummation would mean that energy would be available
     for the uses of man at any point of the globe. I can conceive of no technical advance
     which would tend to unite the various elements of humanity more effectively than this
     one, or of one which would more add to and more economize human energy..." This
     was written in 1900! After finishing preliminary testing, work was begun on a full sized
     broadcasting station at shoreham, Long Island. Had it gone into operation, it would
     have been able to provide usable amounts of electrical power at the receiving circuits.
     After construction of a generator building (still standing) and a 180 foot broadcasting
     tower (dynamited in world war I on the dubious pretext of being a potential navigation
     reference for German U-boats), financial support for the project was suddenly
     withdrawn by J. P. Morgan when it became apparent that such a worldwide power
     project couldn't be metered and charged for.

     Another one of Tesla's inventions that is familiar to anyone who has ever owned an
     automobile, was patented in 1898 under the name "electrical ignitor for gas engines".
     More commonly known as the automobile ignition system, its major component, the
     ignition coil, remains practically unchanged since its introduction into use at the turn of
     the century.

     Nikola Tesla also designed and built prototypes of a unique fuel burning rotary engine
     based upon his earlier design for a rotary pump. Recent tests that have been carried out
     on the Tesla bladeless disk turbine indicate that, if constructed using newly developed
     high temperature ceramic materials, it will rank as the world's most efficient gas engine,
     out-performing our present day piston type internal combustion engines in fuel
     efficiency, longevity, adaptability to different fuels, cost and power to weight ratio.

     Tesla's generosity eventually left him without adequate funds to pursue and realize his
     inventions. His idealism and humanism left him with little stomach for the world of
     industrial and financial intrigue. His New York laboratory was destroyed by a
     mysterious fire. References to his work and accomplishments were systematically
     purged from the scientific literature and textbooks. Driven into a Hermetic exile in a
     New York hotel during the period between the two wars, 20 years of his potentially
     rich and productive contribution were taken from us. The only occasions of public
     appearance were the yearly press interview on his birthday when he would describe
     amazing and far reaching inventions and technological possibilities. These were distorted
     and sensationalized in the popular press, particularly when he described advanced
     weapons systems on the eve of world war II. He died in obscurity in 1943. Only the
     FBI took note: they searched his papers (in vain) for the design of the "death-ray
     machine". It is interesting to note that the motivation for our "Star Wars" defense system
     was based upon fears that the soviets had begun deployment of weapons based upon
     Tesla high energy principles. Public reports of mysterious "blindings" of U.S.
     surveillance satellites, anomalous high altitude flashes and fireballs, elf wave radio
     interference, and other cases lend credence to this interpretation.

     Credit must be given where credit is due for the labor saving and humanitarian
     inventions such as universal ac current that have been incorporated into the very fabric
     of our daily lives and also the devices who's design have been made available, but have
     not been utilized by society at large.

     Short History of Nikola Tesla

     This is a file to straighten out misconception and disinformation that has occurred over
     the years, about how supposedly "great" Edison was, and how Nikola Tesla was
     brushed under the capitalist power rug.

     Edison was a thief, employing all kinds of people for their brains, he stole their
     inventions, their ideas, so much so, that it is unclear today what Edison actually
     invented, and what was stolen from others.

     The Edison Electric Institute was formed to perpetuate the notion that Edison was the
     inventor of record, and to make sure that school textbooks, etc., only mentioned HIM
     in connection with these many inventions. Much like Bell Labs does today.

     Nikola Tesla was pretty much always a genius, after having made many improvements
     in the electric trolleys, and trains in his country, he came to America, sought
     employment, and eventually ended up working for Edison.

     Edison had contracted with New York City to build Direct Current (D.C.) power
     plants every square mile or so, so as to power the lights that he supposedly invented.
     Street lights, hotel lighting etc. Having trenches dug throughout the city to lay the cables,
     copper, and as big around as a man's bicep, he told Tesla that if Tesla could save him
     money by redesigning certain aspects of the installation, that he would give Tesla a
     percentage of the savings. A verbal agreement. After approximately a year, Tesla went
     to Edison's office and showed him the savings that had occurred ($100,000 or so,
     which in those days was quite a piece of change) as a direct result of his (Tesla's)
     engineering, and Edison pretended ignorance of any agreement. Tesla quit. From that
     point on, the two men were enemies.

     Tesla invented useable Alternating Current (A.C.) that we all use today, in a world
     where Edison and others already had a huge investment in D.C. power.

     Tesla proselytized A.C. power and had some success building A.C. power plants, and
     providing A.C. power to various entities. One of these was Sing Sing prison, in upstate
     New York. Tesla provided A.C. power for the "electric chair" there. Edison had big
     articles printed in the New York newspapers, saying that A.C. power was dangerous
     "killing" power, and in general, gave a bad name to Tesla.

     To contradict this jab, Tesla set out on his own positive marketing campaign, appearing
     at the 1880? World Exposition in Chicago passing high frequency "dangerous" A.C.
     power over his body to power light bulbs in front of the public. Shooting huge, long
     sparks from his "Tesla coil", and touching them, etc. "Proving" that A.C. power was
     safe for public consumption.

     The advantage of A.C. power was that you could send it a long distance through
     reasonably sized wires with little loss, and if you touched the wires together, "shorted
     them", you got a lot of sparks, and only the place where they were touching melted until
     the two wires weren't touching anymore.

     D.C. power, on the other hand, needed huge cables to go any distance at all, while
     using power, the cables heated up. When shorted, the cables melted all the way back to
     the power house, streets had to be dug up again and new cables laid. If a short
     occurred in a single light, it usually started a fire, and burned down the hotel or
     destroyed whatever it was in contact with! This was quite profitable for those in the
     D.C. power business, and quite good for those into ditch digging, construction, etc.

     Tesla invented 2-phase, and 3-phase Alternating Current. He figured motors turned in a
     circle, so alternately driving separate, 180 degree, sections of the surrounding armature
     would build up less heat, and use less electricity. He was right.

     1929 came, the stock market crashed, bankers, lawyers, everyone who had lost their
     wealth and hadn't jumped out a window, sought work, many as common laborers if
     lucky, for a dollar a day. Tesla found himself digging ditches in the company of broke
     but influential ex-Wall-streeters. During the short lunch period, he would tell his buddies
     about phased A.C. electricity, and how it was efficient, etc. Along about 1932, he was
     working at a small generator rebuilding shop in New York, and one of the bankers that
     he used to dig ditches with, found him, and took him to Mr. Westinghouse, to whom he
     told his stories. Westinghouse bought 19 patents outright, and gave Tesla a dollar per
     horsepower for any electric motor produced by Westinghouse using the Tesla 3-phase

     Tesla finally had the money with which to start building his laboratories, 5 and
     conducting the experiments with free earth energy. The idea that really made him

     Something free, that the masters of war and business couldn't control? They couldn't
     have that! So, the day after Tesla died in 1943, his huge laboratory on Long Island
     mysteriously burned down, no records saved, and the remnants were bulldozed the day
     after that to further eradicate any equipment still left. So much for "free energy".


                                 by Dave Small
                   © 1987 - Reprinted from "Current Notes" magazine.

     The question comes up from time to time. "Who's the greatest hacker ever? "Well,
     there's a lot of different opinions on this. Some say Steve Wozniak of Apple II fame.
     Maybe Andy Hertzfeld of the Mac operating system. Richard Stallman, say others, of
     MIT. Yet at such times when I mention who I think the greatest hacker is, everyone
     agrees (provided they know of him), and there's no further argument. So, let me
     introduce you to him, and his greatest hack. I'll warn you right up front that it's mind
     numbing. By the way, everything I'm going to tell you is true and verifiable down at your
     local library. Don't worry -- we're not heading off into a Shirley MacLaine UFO-land
     story. Just some classy electrical engineering...


     Colorado Springs is in southern Colorado, about 70 mile south of Denver. These days
     it is known as the home of several optical disk research corporations and of NORAD,
     the missile defense command under Cheyenne Mountain. (I have a personal interest in
     Colorado Springs; my wife Sandy grew up there.) These events took place some time
     ago in Colorado Springs. A scientist had moved into town and set up a laboratory on
     Hill Street, on the southern outskirts. The lab had a two hundred foot copper antenna
     sticking up out of it, looking something like a HAM radio enthusiast's antenna. He
     moved in and started work. And strange electrical things happened near that lab.
     People would walk near the lab, and sparks would jump up from the ground to their
     feet, through the soles of their shoes. One boy took a screwdriver, held it near a fire
     hydrant, and drew a four inch electrical spark from the hydrant. Sometimes the grass
     around his lab would glow with an eerie blue corona, St. Elmo's Fire. What they didn't
     know was this was small stuff. The man in the lab was merely tuning up his apparatus.
     He was getting ready to run it wide open in an experiment that ranks as among the
     greatest, and most spectacular, of all time. One side effect of his experiment was the
     setting of the record for man-made lightning: some 42 meters in length (130 feet).


     His name was Nikola Tesla. He was an immigrant from what is now Yugoslavia; there's
     a museum of his works in Belgrade. He's a virtual unknown in the United States, despite
     his accomplishments. I'm not sure why. Some people feel it's a dark plot, the same
     people who are into conspiracy theories. I feel it's more that Tesla, while a brilliant
     inventor, was also an awful businessman; he ended up going broke. Businessmen who
     go broke fade out of the public eye; we see this in the computer industry all the time.
     Edison, who wasn't near the inventor Tesla was, but who was a better businessman, is
     well remembered as is his General Electric. Still, let me list a few of Tesla's works just
     so you'll understand how bright he was. He invented the AC motor and transformer.
     (Think of every motor in your house.) He invented 3-phase electricity and popularized
     alternating current, the electrical distribution system used all over the world. He invented
     the Tesla Coil, which makes the high voltage that drives the picture tube in your
     computer's CRT. He is now credited with inventing modern radio as well; the Supreme
     Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943 in favor of Tesla.

     Tesla, in short, invented much of the equipment that gets power to your home every day
     from miles away, and many that use that power inside your home. His inventions made
     George Westinghouse (Westinghouse Corp.) a wealthy man. Finally, the unit of
     magnetic flux in the metric system is the "Tesla". Other units include the "faraday" and
     the "henry", so you'll understand this is an honor given to few. So we're not talking
     about an unknown here, but rather a solid electrical engineer. Tesla whipped through a
     number of inventions early in his life. He found himself increasingly interested in
     resonance, and in particular, electrical resonance. Tesla found out something fascinating.
     If you set an electrical circuit to resonating, it does strange things indeed. Take for
     instance his Tesla Coil. This high frequency step-up transformer would kick out a few
     hundred thousand volts at radio frequencies. The voltage would come off the top of his
     coil as a "corona", or brush discharge. The little ones put out a six-inch spark; the big
     ones throw sparks many feet long. Yet Tesla could draw the sparks to his fingers
     without being hurt -- the high frequency of the electricity keeps it on the surface of the
     skin, and prevents the current from doing any harm. Tesla got to thinking about
     resonance on a large scale. He'd already pioneered the electrical distribution system we
     use today, and that's not small thinking; when you think of Tesla, think big. He thought,
     let's say I send an electrical charge into the ground. What happens to it? Well, the
     ground is an excellent conductor of electricity.

     Let me spend a moment on this so you understand, because topsoil doesn't seem very
     conductive to most. The ground makes a wonderful sinkhole for electricity. This is why
     you "ground" power tools; the third (round) pin in every AC outlet in your house is
     wired straight to, literally, the ground.

     Typically, the handle of your power tool is hooked to ground this way, if something
     shorts out in the tool and the handle gets electrified,the current rushes to the ground
     instead of into you. The ground has long been used in this manner, as a conductor.

     Tesla generates a powerful pulse of electricity, and drains it into the ground. Because
     the ground is conductive, it doesn't stop. Rather, it spreads out like a radio wave,
     traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. And it keeps going, because
     it's a powerful wave; it doesn't peter out after a few miles. It passes through the iron
     core of the earth with little trouble. After all, molten iron is very conductive. When the
     wave reaches the far side of the planet, it bounces back, like a wave in water bounces
     when it reaches an obstruction. Since it bounces, it makes a return trip; eventually, it
     returns to the point of origin. Now, this idea might seem wild. But it isn't science fiction.
     We bounced radar beams off the moon in the 1950's, and we mapped Venus by radar
     in the 1970's. Those planets are millions of miles away. The earth is a mere 3,000 miles
     in diameter; sending an electromagnetic wave through it is a piece of cake. We can
     sense earthquakes all the way across the planet by the vibrations they set up that travel
     all that distance. So, while at first thought it seems amazing, it's really pretty straight
     forward. But, as I said, it's a typical example of how Tesla thought. And then he had
     one of his typically Tesla ideas.

     He thought, when the wave returns to me (about 1/30th of a second after he sends it
     in), it's going to be considerably weakened by the trip. Why doesn't he send in another
     charge at this point, to strengthen the wave? The two will combine, go out, and bounce
     again. And then he'll reinforce it again, and again. The wave will build up in power. It's
     like pushing a swingset. You give a series of small pushes each time the swing goes out.
     And you build up a lot of power with a series of small pushes; ever tried to stop a swing
     when it's going full tilt? He wanted to find out the upper limit of resonance. And he was
     in for a surprise.


     So Tesla moved into Colorado Springs, where one of his generators and electrical
     systems had been installed, and set up his lab. Why Colorado Springs? Well, his lab in
     New York had burned down, and he was depressed about that. And as fate would
     have it, a friend in Colorado Springs who directed the power company, Leonard Curtis,
     offered him free electricity. Who could resist that? After setting up his lab, he tuned his
     gigantic Tesla coil through that year, trying to get it to resonate perfectly with the earth
     below. And the townspeople noticed those weird effects; Tesla was electrifying the
     ground beneath their feet on the return bounce of the wave. Eventually, he got it tuned,
     keeping things at low power. But in the spirit of a true hacker, just once he decided to
     run it wide open, just to see what would happen. Just what was the upper limit of the
     wave he would build up, bouncing back and forth in the planet below? He had his Coil
     hooked to the ground below it, the 200 foot antenna above it, and getting as much
     electricity as he wanted right off the city power supply mains. Tesla went outside to
     watch (wearing three inch rubber soles for insulation) and had his assistant, Kolman
     Czito, turn the Coil on. There was a buzz from rows of oil capacitors, and a roar from
     the spark gap as wrist-thick arcs jumped across it. Inside the lab the noise was
     deafening. But Tesla was outside, watching the antenna. Any surge that returned to the
     area would run up the antenna and jump off as lightning. Off the top of the antenna shot
     a six foot lightning bolt. The bolt kept going in a steady arc, though, unlike a single
     lightning flash. And here Tesla watched carefully, for he wanted to see if the power
     would build up, if his wave theory would work. Soon the lightning was twenty feet long,
     then fifty. The surges were growing more powerful. Eighty feet -- now thunder was
     following each lightning bolt. A hundred feet, a hundred twenty feet; the lightning shot
     upwards off the antenna. Thunder was heard booming around Tesla now (it was heard
     22 miles away, in the town of Cripple Creek). The meadow Tesla was standing in was
     lit up with an electrical discharge very much like St. Elmo's Fire, casting a blue glow.
     His theory had worked! There didn't seem to be an upper limit to the surges; he was
     creating the most powerful electrical surges ever created by man. That moment he set
     the record, which he still holds, for manmade lightning. Then everything halted. The
     lightning discharges stopped, the thunder quit. He ran in, found the power company had
     turned off his power feed. He called them, shouted at them -- they were interrupting his
     experiment! The foreman replied that Tesla had just overloaded the generator and set it
     on fire, his lads were busy putting out the fire in the windings, and it would be a cold
     day in hell before Tesla got any more free power from the Colorado Springs power

     All the lights in Colorado Springs had gone out. And that, readers, is to me the greatest
     hack in history. I've seen some amazing hacks. The 8-bit Atari OS. The Mac OS. The
     phone company computers -- well, lots of computers. But I've never seen anyone set
     the world's lightning record and shut off the power to an entire town, "just to see what
     would happen". For a few moments, there in Colorado Springs, he achieved something
     never before done. He had used the entire planet as a conductor, and sent a pulse
     through it. In that one moment in the summer of 1899, he made electrical history. That's
     right, in 1899 -- darn near a hundred years ago. Well, you may say to yourself, that's a
     nice story, and I'm sure George Lucas could make a hell of a move about it, special
     effects and all. But it's not relevant today. Or isn't it? Hang on to your hat.


     Last month we talked about an amazing hack that Nikola Tesla did -- bouncing an
     electrical wave through the planet, in 1899, and setting the world's record for manmade
     lightning. This month,let me lay a little political groundwork. Last October I attended
     Hackercon 2.0, another gathering of computer hackers from all over. It was an informal
     weekend at a camp in the hills west of Santa Clara. One of the more interesting
     memories of Hackers 2.0 were the numerous diatribes against the Strategic Defense
     Initiative. Most speakers claimed it was impossible, citing technical problems. So many
     people felt obligated to complain about SDI that the conference was jokingly called
     "SDIcon 2.0". Probably the high(?) point of the conference was Jerry Pournelle and
     Timothy Leary up on stage debating SDI. I'll leave the description to your imagination
     -- it was everything you can think of and more. Personally, I was disturbed to see how
     many gifted hackers adopting the attitude of "let's not even try". That's not how micros
     got started. I mentioned to one Time magazine journalist that if anyone could make SDI
     go, it was the hackers gathered there. I also believe that the greatest hacker of them all,
     Nikola Tesla, solved the SDI technical problem back in 1899. The event was so long
     ago, and so amazing, that it's pretty much been forgotten; I described it last issue. Let
     me present my case for the Tesla Coil and SDI.


     You will recall I said that Tesla was born in Yugoslavia (although back then, it was
     "Serbo-Croatia"). He is not unknown there; he is regarded as a national hero. Witness
     the Nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade, for instance. There's been interferences picked
     up, on this side of the planet, which is causing problems in the ham radio bands.
     Direction finding equipment has traced the interference in the SW band to two sources
     in the Soviet Union, which are apparently two high powered Tesla Coils. Why on earth
     are the Soviets playing with Tesla Coils? There's one odd theory that they're subjecting
     Canada to low level electrical interference to cause attitude change. Sigh. Moving right
     along, there's another theory, more credible, that they are conducting research in "over
     the horizon" radar using Tesla's ideas. (The Soviets are certainly not saying what they're
     doing.) When I read about this testing, it worried me. I don't think they're playing with
     attitude control or radar. I think they're doing exactly what Tesla did in Colorado


     Time for another discussion of grounding. Consider your computer equipment. You've
     doubtlessly been warned about static electricity, always been told to ground yourself
     (thus discharging the static into the ground, an electrical sinkhole) before touching your
     computer. Companies make anti-static spray for your rugs. Static is in the 20,000 to
     50,000 volt range. Computer chips run on five to twelve volts. The internal insulation is
     built for that much voltage. When they get a shot of static in the multiple thousand volt
     range, the insulation is punctured, and the chip ruined. Countless computers have been
     damaged this way.

     Read any manual on inserting memory chips to a PC, and you'll see warnings about
     static; it's a big problem. Now Tesla was working in the millions of volts range. And his
     special idea -- that the ground itself could be the conductor -- now comes into
     relevance, nearly a hundred years after his dramatic demonstration in Colorado Springs.
     For, you see, in our wisdom we've grounded our many computers, to protect them
     from static.

     We've always assumed the ground is an electrical sinkhole. So, with our three-pin plugs
     we ground everything -- the two flat pins in your wall go to electricity (hot and neutral);
     the third, round pin, goes straight to ground. That third pin is usually hooked with a thick
     wire to a cold water pipe, which grounds it effectively.

     Tesla proved that you can give that ground a terrific charge, millions of volts of high
     frequency electricity. (Tesla ran his large coil at 33 Khz). Remember, the lightning
     surging off his Coil was coming from the wave bouncing back and forth in the planet
     below. In short, he was modifying the ground's electrical potential, changing it from an
     electrical sinkhole to an electrical source.

     Tesla did his experiment in 1899. There weren't any home computers with delicate
     chips hooked up to grounds then. If there had been, he'd have fried everything in
     Colorado Springs. There was, however, one piece of electrical equipment grounded at
     the time of the experiment, the city power generator. It caught fire and ended Tesla's
     experiment. The cause of its failure is interesting as well. It died from "high frequency
     kickback", something most electrical engineers know about. Tesla forgot that as the
     generator fed him power, he was feeding it high frequency from his Coil. High frequency
     quickly heats insulation; a microwave oven works on the same principle. In a few
     minutes, the insulation inside that generator grew so hot that the generator caught fire.
     When the lights went out all over Colorado Springs, there was the first proof that
     Tesla's idea has strategic possibilities.

     It gets scarier. Imagine Tesla's Coil, busily pumping an electrical wave in the Earth. On
     his side of the planet, he was getting 130 foot sparks, which is a hell of a lot of voltage
     and current. And simple wave theory will show you that those sort of potentials exist on
     the far side of the planet as well. Remember, the wave was bouncing back and forth,
     being reinforced on every trip. The big question is how focused the opposite electrical
     pole will be. No one knows. But it seems probable that the far side of the planet's
     ground target area could be subjected to considerable electrical interference. And if
     computer equipment is plugged into that ground, faithfully assuming the ground will
     never be a source of electricity, it's just too bad for that equipment.

     This sort of electrical interference makes static look tiny by comparison. It doesn't take
     much difference in ground potential to kill a computer connected across it. Lightning
     strikes cause a temporary flare in ground voltage; I remember replacing driver chips on
     a network on all computers that had been caught by one lightning strike, when I lived in
     Austin. Imagine the effect on relatively delicate electronics if someone fires up a Tesla
     Coil on the far side of the planet, and subjects the grounds to steep electrical swings.
     The military applications are pretty obvious -- those ICBM's in North Dakota, for
     instance. It's possible they could be damaged in their silos, and from thousands of miles
     away. Running two or more Coils, you don't have to be exactly on the far side of the
     planet, either. Interference effects can give you high points where you need with varied
     tunings. Maybe, just maybe, the Soviets aren't doing "over the horizon" radar. Maybe
     they just bothered to read Tesla's notes. And maybe they are tuning up a real big
     surprise with their twin Coils.


     You've heard of the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars". We're searching for a
     way to stop a nuclear attack. Right now, we've got all sorts of high powered research
     projects, with the emphasis on "new technology". Excimer laser, kinetic kill techniques,
     and even more exotic ideas. As any of you know that have written computer programs,
     it's darned hard to get something "new" to work. Maybe it's an error to focus on "new"
     exclusively. Wouldn't it be something if the solution to SDI lies a hundred years ago, in
     the forgotten brilliance of Nikola Tesla? For right now we can immobilize the electronics
     of installations half a planet away. The technology to do it was achieved in 1899, and
     promptly forgotten. Remember, we're not talking vague, unproven theories here. We're
     talking the world's record for lightning, and the inventor whose power system lights up
     your house at night.


     All we'd have to do is build it. You might not believe the story about Tesla in Colorado
     Springs, and what he did. It's pretty amazing. It has a way of being forgotten because of
     that. And I'm not sure you want to hear about the SDI connection. Still, as you work on
     a computer, remember Tesla. His Tesla Coil supplies the high voltage for the picture
     tube you use. The electricity for your computer comes from a Tesla design AC
     generator, is sent through a Tesla transformer, and gets to your house through 3-phase
     Tesla power. Tesla's inventions... they have a way of working..

     If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers,
     please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the
     first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

     Jerry W. Decker
     (214) 324-8741

     Ron Barker
     (214) 242-9346

     Chuck Henderson
     Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

A Rare Event: Tom Bearden Talks About Weaponry

      "I promised Zoh some years ago that I would come on her show and I would talk
      about weaponry and I'm fulfilling that promise today."

      One of the greatest man-induced dangers we face as a planet today is the development of electromagnetic frequencies to be used as wave warfare. In April of 1997 Secretary of Defense William Cohen admitted he was concerned about threats of terrorism with weapons that can cause earthquakes and trigger volcanoes.

Over the years we have shared with our audiences many different approaches to the      subject of quantum mechanics, the work of Nikola Tesla, the concerns about ELF wave warfare, mind control, and other technological nightmares predicted by the misuse of these technologies. Investigators and researchers in these areas often refuse to speak publicly about their work, and usually Ltc. Tom Bearden is one of them. When asked, Bearden typically declines to share his knowledge about our government's involvement in behavioral weaponry, lecturing instead on the many other facets in his amazing repertoire. Indeed, there are other lecturers speaking publicly about behavioral weaponry, but often they are sent by the government to assure the public this stuff doesn't go on.

But on May 16, 1997, however, Tom Bearden kept his promise, and agreed to be a guest on The Zoh Show and tell her audience what he knows about electromagnetic weaponry. Zoh recalled meeting Christopher Bird for the first time in December 1977. The co-author of the classic, The Secret Life of Plants, Chris Bird eventually became the best man at the wedding of Dr. Bob and Zoh (see Hieronimus & Co. Newsletter #6), and at that first meeting Chris noted Zoh's interest in learning how frequencies are capable of changing consciousness, healing and harming. Chris said, "You must speak to my good friend Tom Bearden." Tom and Zoh briefly discussed his work in weaponry, with a promise to go into more details at their next meeting. Since then, he has discontinued public speaking about his knowledge, until this date, twenty years later, on May 16, 1997 when he joined The Zoh Show to help promote the New Energy Conference of May 1997, and fulfill his twenty year old promise.

Zoh asked Tom to give his own rendition of his biography and he modestly summarized his extraordinary background like this:

"Well, in all these matters, Zoh, you've got to keep your sense of humor. I started out to be a country & western guitar picker and singer and followed that trade until I wound up in the U.S. Army. I had an Army career, I'm retired of course, then worked in aerospace for 19 years. That's basically my background. Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering, B.S. degree in mathematics, some other courses here and there, and the equivalent of a Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering from a special Army course. I got concerned early on looking at electromagnetics," when he realized text book teachings were antiquated in the teachings and concept of energy. It was all twisted up, and it is to this day, and I'm not the only one who says that. Some of the very famous foundation's physicists have pointed out that electrodynamics should be completely redone, but it's fashionable to never pay attention to that." Tom says he got concerned because it appeared to him that if the errors were corrected, "you could also model the mind," he continues. "I've always been convinced that we are human beings. We are not meat computers and we are not machines. If we lose sight of the fact of our humanity and our human beingness, the rest of it doesn't matter anyway. If we are nothing but a bunch of robots beating one another's brains out then we would be better off to be destroyed and populate the earth with real human beings.


 "One of the things that I wanted to see was a science that was more humane, that      considered human beings as well as materialism. Fortunately, quantum mechanics     destroyed materialism about sixty-something years ago but unfortunately it hasn't fallen down yet. It's dead but it's not toppled over, and unfortunately most of our scientists are still materialists," meaning they believe that the brain is where all the action is. In their belief, he says, "there's no such thing as an independent mind or independent spirit or anything."

Tom is reluctant to discuss our military's involvement in electromagnetic warfare because he doesn't want to be "gagged". "First of all, as you can probably imagine, I've leaned over backwards and stayed completely out of any room that had anything to do with anything our own government might be doing or might not be doing. The obvious reason is: everything I did had to be done from open sources -- otherwise you just end up getting classified, and gagged and shut up."


In general, however, Tom will say, "Most of our attention in the west has been focused on what we call Directed Energy Weapons, where we actually just bang the energy out in the normal fashion, and we try to get lots of it out there, and we try to get it out in a real dense clump and bang it with that. That's like a laser beam. Or, in microwaves, hold a bunch of it together so that it gets hit with a slug of energy. That's basically what kinds of weapons, the west at least, overtly anyway, has been working on. In the KGB laboratories, the cream of the non-linear scientists of the whole world are the Russian scientists, always have been. Those folks worked on this other stuff and they were working on it shortly after the end of World War II. In 1947 they were working on it like mad and so by 1950 they were testing prototype laboratory weapons. Particularly by the latter 50s they actually had pretty good solid weapons systems and prototype coming along. The first large strategic weapons that they deployed, the real big monsters were deployed in early 1963. The reason for the      Cuban missile crisis was: in backing Castro the Russians wanted to change the whole      balance of power and stick in nuclear weapons, but they also knew they had these super weapons coming along. Kruschev had spoken of those in 1960. Part of that was printed in the New York Times. And so he went ahead and started sticking in the long range missiles and the nuclear weapons and so forth. And they did put nuclear weapons in Cuba in spite of the knowledge of our government in those days. Later we found they really did. What [Kruschev] did was he just sort of jumped the gun, because his big stuff was not deployed yet, and when Kennedy called his bluff in 1962 he didn't have the big guns behind him and his missiles were in woeful shape. Kennedy knew that, courtesy of Colonel Penkovsky, a Soviet spy that was in our employ at that time, courtesy of the British Intelligence. Kennedy knew that as far as missiles and the normal stuff was concerned, Kruschev was in terrible shape. So of course he got caught with his pants down, so to speak, he didn't have the big weapons to back himself up yet. BUT when he got them he negotiated and blustered around long enough to get a promise out of Kennedy not to attack Cuba so he could keep the base in Cuba. Then he vowed revenge. When those things were deployed, of course, he had lost face seriously before the whole world and particularly before the Communist party. So Kruschev's days were numbered shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was desperate to try and stay in power.


 "...1962 was the Cuban Missile Crisis, as soon as those things got deployed a few months later, in April 1963, he did a tremendous dramatic test of the weaponry. First he killed the U.S.S. Thresher underneath the ocean off the coast of the U.S., left signatures a mile wide. The next day he placed an underwater burst of this energy, gigantic burst 100 miles north of Puerto Rico, one of the deepest parts of the oceans and we had a passing jet airliner which happened to see the surface of the ocean ball up and rise up about 1/2 a mile high in a mushroom cloud and fall back into the ocean, the symptoms of an underwater nuclear burst if you don't vent the gas bubble. We have a good pick point. My personal opinion is the Russians were up to their neck in the death of Kennedy also, as was apparently God and everybody else, too, but the thing is he did get his revenge and he did demonstrate to the Communist party that the weapons were workable and they would destroy, for example, the finest attack submarine we had of the day."

"...In general there's a "system within the system" in Russia. First of all you've got the      Communist party which is really the dominant system, and it still is today. It's sort of       lying dormant a little bit today, but not really. It still controls the KGB, and the KGB still has all the powers that it wants to exercise. And it always did control and have the development systems for the advanced weapons of the kind that I was talking about, where you use a different kind of electromagnetics. We pointed out that two papers, one in 1903 and one in 1904 by E.T. Whittaker, give you the way to go about constructing and using this new electromagnetics.


"...That last paper was used to establish what today is called Super Potential Theory and very few people work in it but it's known. The first paper was completely ignored and it gave you the ability... to create energy at a distance. It does not flow through space as normal EM [electro magnetic] Waves. It's not ELF [extremely low frequency]. It's not like your normal radio broadcasting system at all. It's really like a DC voltage that doesn't have anything going on on the surface but down underneath it has pressure waves, and the pressure waves bang into the system on the other end and create real electromagnetic energy on that end. Putting it simply... there's no such thing as a shield for it. So obviously that kind of weaponry is head and shoulders above anything else we normally look at including firing a laser beam here at something up there, you know, and with it going through the air in the normal fashion... What happens at the other end is the energy rises directly as out of the local vacuum the actual space time the thing's embedded in."


To define scalar energy, Tom drew an analogy. "Suppose you have an ocean -- after all, we know today that space itself is a special kind of ocean. It's filled with enormous flux activity. It's not an emptiness at all, sort of like a special kind of sea or ocean. The waves that you have on the surface where the water has to rear up, be physically lifted up, and moved energetically, that compares to a normal electromagnetic wave. Those waves move pretty slow on the surface of the water. Now underneath the water if you sort of had a little flat plate area and you bang this plate very sharply with a little shock wave, you get a pressure wave that goes through the water. This pressure is just a transmission of pressure. Water's almost incompressible or basically incompressible, so the pressure wave goes very rapidly through the water at a tremendous rate. If you bang together somewhere out in the  distance a couple of these pressure waves that come in from two different points and meet upon an object, upon that object they then create all kinds of upheaval waves and all kind of stuff you'd get on the surface. The object can be in deep trouble very quickly, but when you look at it from the surface kind of view you will see waves appear on it. It didn't get there with surface waves transporting across and hitting it in a normal fashion. It came in by the pressure waves underneath slapping together and recreating the surface waves. And that's the way we're talking about. In other words you have a hidden type of wave that buries up to what we would say in space time, if you want to talk general relativity, or better yet to look at it materially the way that Whitaker did and so forth, it simply infolds inside the scalar potential, what we normally call just DC voltage."


Working in scalar energy "can do a lot of good as well as a lot of bad," says Tom Bearden. "Let's talk about some good and bad that you can do in terms of human beings. First of all, a Russian scientist named Kosnoschev who headed up a research institute in Siberia in those days did some enormously important work.... As far as everybody else was concerned [he demonstrated] openly just normal electromagnetics -- but it wasn't. It was the special stuff. He demonstrated that any kind of cellular disease whatsoever, without limitation, can be captured and transmitted into other cells at a distance using this special kind of electromagnetics. They did about 18,000 experiments, and research institutes can prove this. And so, of course, the KGB and so forth started weaponising that effect very highly. You know for years [they used] the so-called microwave radiation on the U.S. Embassy in     Moscow where they induced all kinds of health changes. This was a limited test deliberately kept very small, although they did kill three ambassadors."


"...Wheeler, one of the great physicists of this country, pointed out that if you condense energy like in mass or you have a cloth of energy, that affects the actual fabric of space time itself. It's like it pushes the sheet, makes a lump in it." Zoh likened it to dropping a child's ball on his bed and the sheet gets a bump in it. "It changes it," continued Tom. "It's an engine. In return the geometry gets twisted up, interacts back on the mass. Mass tells space time how to curve, space time curvature tells mass how to move. This operates at all levels and all you have to do is capture these little clumps of energy, make a pattern of them that you need, and that's called engineering the vacuum. We just call it vacuum engines.

"So you can make these little pockets of energy in the actual vacuum itself and the      emptiness in front of you, little energetic dispositions. It's got forces in it once mass is put there. There are little invisible fingers that are little engines and they work on the mass. They work inside the nucleus. They work wherever you design them for."

"...There's two kinds of frequency there. There's the frequency that exists up on the surface of the ocean and then there are these jillions of frequencies that are hidden down underneath the ocean. Those are the ones that we're talking about." While Bearden and other teams of scientists world over are trying to learn how to use that available energy to heal and to change the disease state, it can also be used to kill.


 "It's the ultimate biological warfare, of course," continues Thomas Bearden. "I'll say this flatly, and I won't answer any further questions about it; the Gulf War Syndrome was induced... It was induced with this stuff. All the rest... was contributing factors that everybody's talking about. Yeah you had a little bit of nerve gas released, yeah, you had some chemicals, yeah, you had this, but not everybody got those exposures. There are some deeper signatures if you look into it very deeply that show you exactly how it was done and the fact that it was induced. It was a test. It was a test of a very special kind of weapon I have not talked about yet. Anyway you can use it to create diseases.

      Transforming Cells Forward Or Backward

"You can just as easily use it to cure diseases," continues Bearden. For example there      were experiments in France in the early 1960s when they cured lab animals of terminal tumors and other vicious infections like the sleeping sickness using internal    electromagnetics -- without knowing what they were doing. The late Christopher Bird      wrote about the whole history of that project. "But nobody could explain how it worked.... What they were able to do was just back the cell up. Once the cell was infected or diseased or whatever, like in a cancer cell, they just reversed it back to a normal cell. They didn't kill the cell. That's not what you do. You just change it back and forth." Nobel Prize nominee Robert Becker also showed conclusively that extremely minute amounts of electricity can induce healing, a practice now approved by the FDA for use in healing bone fractures in hospitals everywhere. Unfortunately millions of people continue to suffer needlessly when electromagnetic healing could cure them of numerous ailments and illnesses, but the FDA will has not approved its use elsewhere.

"The Russians looked at it you know, with an extremely large research program," says      Tom. "They not only looked at it but they developed the heck out of it. So that's the    problem. We just simply can't get our own scientists to move off of square one.... There's been absolutely no [development] in this country, even looking at this internal       electrodynamics, even though it's been in the hard literature for almost a century."


"One problem is all science is patronized, that is, somebody has to pay the freight,      somebody has to pay the bills.... The bureaucracy in science that controls the money flow, what money shall be spent and what it shall be spent for controls all of science. What people do not realize is science is not free at all in this country -- it is highly constricted. There are plenty of bright, young Ph.D.s that would love to work on this kind of thing, but the scientific community will not allow them because the bureaucracy will not give them any funds. And if they try to work on their own in this area they get destroyed, pure and simple.

"...The other thing is scientists like to glorify themselves, but they form a distribution just like any other group of people. The broad in the middle are people just like you and I doing a special job. They're no better, no worse. There's a small percentage of them that are angelic almost. They are really the epitome of the scientists. There is also a small group on the bottom, the end of it, the bottom 11% that are nearly devils, and they are manipulative and they try to rise and control everything, and they are interested only in the big money game, who's got the money, who controls. Governments of the world have been made beasts of burden for large control interests anyway, not just one, but all kinds of control interests. It's a DOGGONE cat and dog fight out there. And so what you have is all these competing interests using power, influence and money, and all buying everything. And that's what controls what science works on. That's why you don't get free energy. Free energy can be done anytime anybody wants to spend a little money. It's slowly being done anyway."

Ltc. Tom Bearden knows a lot about electromagnetic theory, over-unity electrical    machines and free energy devices, but only on The Zoh Show will you hear him talking about subjects he has removed from his public speaking lectures: weapons that can trigger earthquakes, cause volcanoes, disturb brain patterns and seed thoughts in the populous.

For copies of Thomas E. Bearden's writings, The Excalibur Briefing, 1988 and 1990, and AIDS As Biological Warfare, send an SASE to The Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912. Tom Bearden is a frequent speaker on new energy technologies. Video and audio tapes of his presentations at the International Symposium on New Energy can be ordered from Back Country Productions at 303-772-8358