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Scans are done in gray image at 900, 2400, 4900 dpi. To my amazement a couple scans had small color areas show up. One scan was totally B & W until I cropped a section and blew it up, then color areas appeared.
All the scans had the aspect ratio preserved and when finished were best viewed at 100%. Scans were all done in Photo Plus 4. Occasionally I would take a scan into Microsoft photo editor or Adobe photoshop and do photo adjustments. The photo scans pictured here are but a tiny section of the originals. On most of these I haven't a clue how or what steps I took to get the results. I was just playing around and never expected this.

I haven't a clue why these scans are showing this stuff or why some have different colored backgrounds and some are white. I scanned a regular photo of me and the dogs and did the same adjustments to it, but didn't come up with anything resembling these. These scanned photos are only a small crop of the originals.

These images, pictures, etc. that are comming out on the scans seems to somehow of been put onto the rocks in layers. The reason I think this, is that I have re-scanned the same areas and I come up with a completely different picture. It seems like every time I re-scan the same area I am peeling off another layer. Also I am noticing that the different DPI settings are bringing out different pictures, images, symbols, etc. Some of the pictures have what looks like cylinders (scrolls?) in them and the more you adjust the focus, the more symbols  appear out of the cylinders.  Symbols and glyphs range between 1/32" and 1".

(# 1)

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

Number 3 , Eaglesnout, came from the red square area marked #1, 900dpi. Number 4 , Eaglesquares, 900dpi came
from the same area . Number 5 , Eaglecrop (hoboglyphs), 900dpi, came from the red square area marked # 2. Number 6, Eagle2400dpi (Glass), came from the same area, 2400dpi. Number 7 , Squarecrosses 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 came from the same area, 4900dpi. Number 8, 3572400dpi, came from the same area, 2400dpi. Number 9, 357whitecross, 900dpi, came from red square area marked # 3. Number 10, 357stairwaycrosses, came from red square area marked # 2, 2400dpi.

The photos pictured on this page were cropped in approximately 1/8"x1/8" areas from within the red boxes. They then were enlarged (big time), focus adjustments were done and/or repixeling to 1280x1024 pixels. Then another small section was cropped, enlarged, focus adjustments, etc. done again. The process was repeated a third time on some. The scan photos below are crops of the final picture. The original scans are/were as big as 120MB.

(# 2) 357Littleanimal

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

The photo above is a scan at 4900dpi of an animal from # 357 that can be clearly seen under a magnifying
  light. This came from the red marked area # 2 in photo # 1 above.

(# 3) Eaglesnout

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

There is a unicorn about three quarters down on the left. Eagles and birds everywhere, many look Egyptian. This one lost most of it's clarity in the downsizing and cropping process. Done at 900dpi. Came from red marked area # 1

(# 4) Eaglesquares

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

In the photo above there are little squares with symbols and drawings inside. Some of these I have seen under a magnifier, before I ever started scanning. This one lost some clarity in the process of downsizing and cropping . Done at 900dpi. Came from red marked area # 1

(# 5) Eaglecrop (Hobosquares)

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

I have never seen these symbols on any of the pieces and was one of the first scans I did. I had no idea I would be
    finding these amazing pictures and thus didn't pay attention to what I was doing or how I was I was doing it. Notice how the mushrooms are all pointing one way [ in the large version, a couple are pointing differently] and the different shapes of them. One person who has a rather extensive site on many different types of glyphs said that these looked like Hobo glyphs. I agree, but there is one problem and that is Hobo's never could of seen these as this picture comes from an area about 1/500th of an inch. 900dpi. Came from red marked area # 2.

(# 6) Eagle2400dpi (Glass)

c) 1999, all rights reserved

This one is really amazing. The big area on the right has pictures, etc. in little squares. I scanned a section at 2400dpi, then did auto focus +3 twice. Then did auto focus +1, then re-sized down. 2400dpi. Came from red marked area  # 2

(# 7) Squarecrosses 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8.

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

These are scan crops are of the same piece done at 4900dpi. This also has a negative schematic look to it. I tried to
        crop images that stood alone. The majority of these are repeated throughout and interconnected. The only one not repeated in the large version is at the bottom, second from the right. 4900dpi. Came from red marked area # 2.

(# 8) 3572400dpi

                        (c) 1999, all rights reserved

This one was very upsetting. The original had many wonderful different types of crosses. One was a Celtic looking cross. I drew two of them. When I cropped this picture I forgot to save the original. 2400dpi. Came from red marked area # 2.

         (# 9) 357brightwhitecross

 (c) 1999, all rights reserved

This white cross was visible in original #357 900dpi & 2400dpi. This picture was cropped from a scan, auto focus
  adjusted twice, pixels adjusted to 1280x1024, then resized down and one more auto adjust. Notice that there are
            symbols, etc. in the rest of the picture. This white cross is also viewable under magnifier. 900dpi. Came from red marked area # 3.

(#10) 357Stairwaycrosses

     (c) 1999, all rights reserved
2400dpi. Came from red marked area # 2.

      I have had some comments that I should be descriptive with the steps used to get these scans, so here it is. This is the descriptions of how I got to scan # 18. These are crops of original finished picture.
(1) # 357 Scanned eagle complete head, copy (2400dpi) FIRST STEP

1. Enlarged a bit. I didn't keep track of how much. (I believe it was 30%).
2. Put in fit in window view.
3. Cropped on top of animal (marked red area # 2).
4. Enlarged 1000%. 5. Auto adjust. (familiar looking designs) 6. Saved as # 357 2400dpi. (Saved original # 1)

(2) # 357 # 1 2400dpi   SECOND STEP

1. Cropped upper left corner 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"while in fit in window view.
2. Enlarged 200%.
3. Did auto focus.
4. Did auto focus + 3. (Totally new looking designs. I'm calling this one stairwaycrosses. This also has areas with
squares and symbols in them. The stairs are made up of crosses. It also has a schematic look to it. Saved this one
as 357stairwaycrosses2400dpi.

(3) #357stairwaycrosses 2400dpi  THIRD STEP

1. Enlarged 30%. 2. Did auto focus + 3. 3. Cropped a section and titling it 357stairwaycrosses1. Putting that on site.
Saved changes. This has areas with squares and symbols in them. The stairs are made up of crosses. It also has
schematic look to it. It has tube lines connecting everything. Saved changes to both.

(4) 357stairwaycrosses1  FOURTH STEP  1. Crop, going on Internet site.

(5)357stairwaycrosses2  FIFTH STEP      1. Crop, going on Internet site.

(6)357stairwaycrosses3  SIXTH STEP     1. Crop, going on Internet site.