Ratings 101 of Plant HighCrew Girls
Plant High Crew Website
Plant Website
Rowers Need to Know
You wanted it now you get. Plant High Crew girls here it is. AN in-depth look at how the rating system works and wut you are rated. Some may not be posted becuase frankly there is some many of you. But if you wanna know just email. At PlantHighCrewGuy@hotmail.com

Here you go:
Well simply put there is a basic formula in rating a girl.
Divided By

This the basic formula
which is tweak between certian guys. ANd somethings are weighted more then others for some guys. So now that you know how about we start with 5 crew girls and rate them.
[Shout Out]
Here it is the List Of the first 5 girls
Suisie Horn 8
Johanna Pelfrey 6
Erica Smith 6
Yuki Carthy 6

All of these ratings are rounded if you want more accurate ratings ask.

There you go each week the list will grow
and ratings will change. You wanted it you got it. See you at practice. Remeber if you want to have a friend rated just post in the guest book. If some of these may seem a little aligned you have to remeber some things drastically out weigh others. For me its personality some peoples brings there rating up some brings it down and only I will know. Soon as this gets up and running I will have a panel of three from each category hopefully.