Mind of the Pure, Clean Truth

To clean and purify the body is to wash the dirt from it. When we wash away material that has accumulated from the outside and has been produced from the inside, then we feel that the body has become beautiful and clean. Saliva or feces or urine or sweat or body oils, after being excreted from the body, become dirty. When something adheres to the body which does not circulate like blood in our own life, then we feel that it is dirt. Therefore, to have a beautifully pure, clean body we have to wash away all dirt, whether it has come from the outside or the inside, and be a naked body as such, without having anything attached.

With regard to the mind, what is dirt? All thoughts and feelings that are produced by the mind become dirt after they have been produced. The mind that remains attached to these external things is dirty. Wash out, wash away all this dirt. The naked mind, mind as such, is the most clean, pure, beautiful mind. It doesn't cover itself with ornaments or patches: This mind as such is the truth and is clean and pure. This is what we call the true mind or the pure mind or the single mind or the real mind. This mind, not covered with ornaments or patches, is the strongest in the world. This true mind, naked as such, is the most beautiful thing in the world.

"The honest mind is the Pure Land." This is it.

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