
Car Repair, Tune-Ups

The comments below are unedited opinions of the colleagues who submitted them. A date (month and year) indicates that the comments following that date are from the given month and year. The most recent comments appear at the bottom.

5/99 One person recommended Executive Automotive on MA Ave (walking distance to work). This is where I ended up taking my car. Although I don't know much about Tuneups, I felt comfortable with the results.

There is a mechanic behind those big 3 red brick apartment buildings across the street. His name is Aladdin, and I believe his shop is called Aladdin's Auto Shop. I went to him through a friend's rec and he was wonderful. I only went to him for a split tire which he fixed on the spot but my friend swears by him and after my brief experience I would take my car to him. He's built cars from scratch and is a philosopher of sorts...

We get our Ford serviced at Bonnell Ford in Winchester, if you want or need a dealer (probably not). They're well-organized and do good work, but it's pricy and a bit out of your way, I'd guess.

A caution: Chico's Sunoco on Fresh Pond messed up one job on my car (suspension and alignment) and misdiagnosed another (I got a second opinion on that one). They're OK for minor stuff.

I take my "bitchin'" 1973 Dodge Dart to Ed's Global Service Station in Watertown on Main Street. I LOVE these guys! They're honest, fair and DO NOT give women the "dumb" woman treatment. Finding parts for my old clunker has been an occasional problem, and they've REALLY gone above and beyond to find them. I can't recommend them enough!

Their number is 9249659 and tell them I sent you. You'll probably either talk to Ed or Chuck. Both are great guys.

The Sunoco station on the corner of Wheeler and Concord (behind the Ground Round) has done all my tuneups for the past several years no complaints. I wouldn't take major mechanical repairs (e.g., rebuilding a transmission) to them, but they handle the simple stuff well.....

Memorial Drive Mobil at River St.; or Mobil in Medford Square: both reliable and reasonably priced. "Jerry" is out sick today, and I'd probably go to "Eddy" at Memorial Drive this week.

B&R Auto Center on Mill St. in Arlington. Ask for Paul. They know what they are doing and will not overcharge you.