
Clothes, Children's Used

The comments below are unedited opinions of the colleagues who submitted them. A date (month and year) indicates that the comments following that date are from the given month and year. The most recent comments appear at the bottom.

3/00 ***There is a place up Route 1, Priceless Kids, no clothing over $10 and they have lots of good bargains.

Also there is a Children's Orchard in Revere, MA.

***The ultimate is Dollar a Pound, on Broadway St. in Cambridge near Kendall Sq., in the Garment District building. Upstairs (the garment district) is open all the time and has a huge selection of adult clothes, smaller of children's clothes. Dollar a Pound just has heaps of clothes that you have to sort through, in general piles by age group. You grab a garbage bag they supply, and forage to your heart's content. The price is dollar a pound. I've gotten some really great deals there, but you have to be willing to look through a lot of stuff and get there in the mornings on weekends and a few weekdays they close by 11 or so.

The best of all of the Children's Orchard is the one in Natick.

***My partner has found some great clothes at 2 stores in Newton. One is Kiddy Litter on Washington St. in Newtonville. The other is called Twice is Nice Kids in Newton Center, I think.