
Home Renovation, Masonry

The comments below are unedited opinions of the colleagues who submitted them. A date (month and year) indicates that the comments following that date are from the given month and year. The most recent comments appear at the bottom.

8/99 ***I have used Gerrior Masonry out of Stoneham or Wakefield and they do excellent work. I do not have the number on me if you would like I can try and bring it in tomorrow. He built a new set of stairs for me, a retaining wall for my sisterinlaw and fixed a leak in a set of basement stairs for a friend. Everyone has been pleased with the quality of the work. Gerrior Masonry and Landscape Construction 12 Walnut Hill Park Woburn, MA 018013714 (781) 9334157

***Here is the name of a guy who rebuilt my crumbling brick front steps competently and reasonably. Please tell him the wheelchair guy in Belmont sent you. Graziano Galante Mason, Gen. Construction 220 North Road Sudbury, MA 01776 (978) 4436082