Resume | Publications

Energy (PEMFC) and Water Research

My research is mainly focused on the today's burning issues of energy and water. My sincere effort are directed to contribute a bit towards the goal of secure future for the generations to come. Hello, I am trying to make some contribution to the next generation energy technology, Fuel Cell. Todays oil prices are sky rocketing and maybe our children will nave no oil. Its high time to do intensive research in the greener energy sources. My main field of work is to develop and characterise Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). The newer membrane development aims at low cost material and ease of synthesis alongwith the fairly high peroxide resistance. The characterization of SPE have been carried out by using some of the novel techniques such as Positron Annihilation Spetroscopy (PAS) I have also worked in the development of technologies in the field of Desalination, especially removal of toxic metals from drinking water or effluents. Thank you for visiting my web page.

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