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Time and Space and Nature
Every second is part of your life.
HTA Moon Festival Party 9/28/02
SAT math preparation and test sets
Introduction to Computer Programming

CSB's speech to World Taiwanese Association Annual Convention
Taiwan Independence is in the horizon !! :-)
Jack Daniel trip with Ko Hsinho's family on 7/6/2002
Jack Daniel trip with Wang Jai-Ching and Lu Sue Ping 8/24/2002

Life must go on no matter what happens ! Life is precious !

Creative thinking: Imagination, Data (information), Evaluation, Action
News articles :
Condolence on Dr. Lee Cheng-yuan
Articles sharing:
MTBC Welcome Letter AhChing's Photo Album TAA Huntsville's Album Vivian's garden Album
五姨(May)的照片 淑敏(Sophia)的照片 1>/a> 淑敏(Sophia)的照片 2 Hote & Yachun Trip to USA
Roster 1213 Math Team TM 2002 In Class Competition Calendar 2 nations
Healthy foods Think inward Make it simple The rich and the poor
Dr. Lee Cheng-yuan Taiwan Today Relationship Tomato & Garlic
Color Table (RGB) Web Design Reference Your role 東吳大學資訊科學系系友會
Lucky Shanghai Heat Mutual Respect A gift
Growth Food Taiwan20 & Dr. LTH Taiwan & Bush
Ma Tsou 5 years' plan Vegetable TOEFL

Members and friends' links:
View and Post messages Nashville Taiwanese Association
Sina News Huntsville Taiwanese Association
How to read Chinese Huntsville Taiwanese Association 2000
Athena Formosan Association for Public Affairs
Peter Wang Kung Fu
China Times Kimo News
Oversea Campus
Memorial sites:
Memorial Snian Home Pages Dr. Lin Hong Wen Mr. Jim Bin Wang
Email articles:
Luck Interview
True Love Taipei is great
Food Riddles
Vivian Wang Taiwanese American Heritage Week
Taiwanese American Heritage Week(Part 1) Taiwanese American Heritage Week(Part 2)
Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004 Family Portrait 10/10/2004
Kids' articles Chinese School:
Spring 王雅儀 Friend Final Test 王雅詩 Final Test王雅儀

Memorial articles for my father Mr. Jim Bin Wang:
Jeffrey Jai-Ching Wang Show-Mei Wang Drew Chu-Chi Wang Henry Ho-Der Wang Tina Yea-Er Chung Jane Yea-Shia Lu Peter Hor-Ching Wang Susan Yea-Ju Yang
Lily Yea-Ly Traynor May Yea-Mei Lee Anita Tsai-Fung Wang Handel Juan Tong Wang Weil Wei-An Wang Kevin Mong-Bang Chung John Ufon Lu Samansa Chun Yi Yang
Vivian Yea-Shih Wang Ellen Yea-Yi Wang Amy Yea-Min Wang Sharon yea-Chun Wang Wendy Yea-Wen Wang Juan Show Wang Sophia Suemi Chung
Memorial articles for Dr. Hong Wen Lin:
蔡雅兒(詩) 蔡雅兒 蔡慶生(詩) 蔡慶生(詩) 東元綜合醫院院長 黃忠山
謝宏忠 牧師 莊峻鏞 醫師 高明汝 琴音 - 疼 惜 東元綜合醫院產房護理長 林玉薇代表產房同事
林宏圖(詩) 林宏圖 林采芳 林采馨 東元綜合醫院副院長 簡基城
王雅詩 王雅儀 謝宏謨(詩) 新竹靈糧堂 黃師母
Ms. Shu-Mei May Chen 蔡慶生(詩) Ann Lin 蔡雅兒 新竹靈糧堂 黃贊彥 牧師

Huntsville Taiwanese Association 2004