Costumes for Heather's school play

These are the 3 French Hens. Zey speak wiz the French accent, no? And zey love to pose with a cheesy smile on zere faces.

A close up of the puppets. It is hard to tell in the photo but both the puppet and the girls are wearing a beret and a red "feather" boa.

These are the 2 Turtle Doves. They get quite hot in their warm wintery clothes. I am so mean to make them wear a hat and scarf indoors.

A closer look at the puppets. Each puppet has a wee scarf and hat knitted by a TA at my school. I love the soppy look the puppets get on their faces when they are near each other. Coo!

It is a really cute show with lots of singing and everyone who wanted a part got to get a costume and say a little line. I hope you enjoyed seeing my costumes and my kids. Wish you were here to come and see it!

Click here to see the pictures again. I SAID CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PICTURES AGAIN!!!!!