Kanashii Saiyajin no Ouji
Scarlet are the blood on your face
Freshly stained from the battle you've won
Still lukewarm from the enemy that once lived yet died in your hands
That should've trembled with guilt when touching the lifeless corpse
Never did

For this is the most official sacrifice that has to be done every moment
You have existed within the heating sparks of energy blasts
Wiping off the red disdaining with a sinister smirk
Breathing the flesh-stench-filled air thinking
I am alive

Who knows what this misty young warrior has in his mind
Musing the things they would never even dream about
Yes the things that are way beyond their imaginations of
Annihilation of the odds against him
His ultimate pride of the Prince

His torn scarlet cape hiked the wind
Waving madly as if telling the blood of the Saiyajins lives on
Simmering the hatred deep inside their conscience
The slim eyes staring afar the distance of mirai
Waiting for the era of glory
Determined of the legend of you shall become
The legend that just have to be the truth

Hoping with the blazing fire lit by the shaft of the opponent of who you
Despise with all your conscience secretly
Hidden in grief and anger
No one to tell and no one shall know your ultimate ambition
Growing as the never-ending increase of the power level

You are the pride of all Saiyajins who would bow before you
And yet there is no one there
No one but strangers existing on this doggoned planet
Sneering at the lonely figure that is nowhere to be seen
Except his reflection on the metallic wall

Every healing after the moribund
Only lingered on with the hellish torture of what you called
The training of becoming the Elite
What lies beneath that metallic figure are
Fragments of torn emotion that has
Nothing left but sins

Yametekure Ouji sama
For this is the end of no return
To the right track
Can't you see that you're now driven mad by the venom that
Stayed with you for the last idiotic life

How many times have you crawl to the ice-cold space pod
Dragging the hyper-exhausted body that's just
Have to live on to achieve one cramp-hearted revenge
Corroding the pride that is hardly left

The ruthless years have blunted your sensitivity for
Nothing is more important than the demand of that bastard
Every life that is taken from your merciless hands is
Just another stranger you would never have to understand
And suddenly all the horizon is reddened by sea of blood

There are countless times you arouse from the sleep
Fearing the nightmare that replayed endlessly throughout your life
What you don't realize is the world around you is already one
Squalled in grieve for there are no one to embrace you whole
Whispering the caring words you desperately wanted to hear

You are lost atashi no Ouji sama
Lost in the world you exist for
Manipulated by the unseen strings
Yet it worked smoothly as slick oil
For it knows every move a weary Prince will make

The piercing whistle sliced across the air
It is the announcement of planet destruction
The chain that pulls you back to reality
Depriving the limited tranquility you enjoyed
Another fatal voyage has begun

Kiwotsukete atashi no Ouji sama

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