My very first experience of surfing on the net was two years ago in high school. My teacher was not a pro instructor nor a sibling, but a girl sitting beside me. Of course I did not know that we were not permit to do so, just because I saw people doing it. However, after typing in the key word ‘Vegeta’ and clicked search, I became one of the person I never expected myself to be – a hopeless fan plus addicter to this punked-out, spiky-haired humanoid.

Vegeta may had been the key character that made my fingers itch to open endless windows, in fact I still spend time searching for more of his image. More over, I noticed the multimedia and the interactions between him and the fans who praised him. I typed my first fan fiction around in March, year 2000. I enjoyed thoroughly as these light-hearted ideas coming though my head as I typed. I still could hardly believe myself for typing the first three chapters in the ‘hunt and peck’ style! School was rough for me then, indulging in re-creating the world with no pressure was a great release.

Nevertheless, being in an environment that hardly accepted me decreased the pleasure of liking the world I indulge in. Confusion of anger crept in and drove me to near insanity. Animations to me are worlds that reflects cases and humanity in reality. Yet what was the use of following the peaceful method of getting along with people when all you get in return was cold water? Never did I expect much positive return from them but I knew that this was not what I deserved, to be seen as a person that need not apology for the humiliation they perform to me.

More over, I became more aware of myself of getting caught in the illusion the phenomenal characters had got people to create on the net. The fear of being anti-social and self-enclosed haunted and confused me in reality, who was the one with the problem me or the whole blasted community I often asked myself. The only thing I was sure back then was that only a small portion of the case involved youthful naivete.

Finally the second school year was a turning point, although I stumbled through the first half of the year 2001. However, the paths were smoother to tread on and I hardly learnt my mistakes the hard way. The joyous discoveries inspired me to re-create characters related to DBZ and even my own ones.

The best things I would ever be thankful were the relationships and friendships I shared with my family and friends. Without them I would not have realized how lucky I was. Most important of all, they lead me to see things in different views and helped me retrieve my confidence. So this homepage would not be down without them.

Note: Heheh, the best thing of being a hostess of a webbie is that you don’t have any English teacher criticizing your layout and grammars etc. Not that I minded but I just didn’t want to torture any more teachers~ who was the English teacher I had back in intermediate? Mrs Parsley or something ^^

This message was typed in 18th of January 2002.
Why I Decided To Make This Homepage
Hwaaaaaaaaa~ Meow I just hoped that this hasn't bored you~ I hope you enjoy yourself~

you heard the puss, just click its mouth to exit ^^