At here you are able to view the written works done by me, I sort of considered them rather naive but it did kind of got me back thingking back then. It's kinda hard to believe all these rages you can get from people........
Just wondering if YOU  ever had the same feeling ^^

This is an old poem I did in year 2000, sharply reflecting the unfait feeling I had at school with these snobby people.

I never want to shed one tear again
After seeing your back
With other people whom I hated
The laughters and banterings are
The thorns that tear the old wounds
The bells are the saviors that pull me from the meaningless
Gawking at the tedious articles
Avoiding the dark side the
Desperation is driving me
Fomiddably it pounced towards me
Ducking dopely with few scars remain
Bleeding like mad
Yet my conscience tell me
“Get a life!”
This is a poem I did for Religious Education, it tells the emotions of a stressed teenager and what she really wanted and needed. Actually our teacher wanted us to write what these stress can cause tragedy to teens and to look more closely this poem isn't being specific enough and not finished ('cause she doesn't give us enough time ><) but ah well, i think she' satisfied with this anyway ^^

Every school day seemed like a piece of paper
Prepared to be stained by
Splotches of insults and laughs
From the same superior people

I’m always hiding
Hiding away myself
My ugliness
My circus clown-like performances
Last of all
My own defenseless soul

These whom I though were my friends
Are nothing more than arrogant roosters
They stride around showing off their feathers
And peck you hard on the hearth in you
When their eyes reflected the
Difference of the way I am

I’m so pathetic that even
The class-clowns won’t accept me
They laugh away their fantastic lives
While I wept for my ruins

If dating guys and dressing up
Are the ways that our age do
Then I’d rather return to the time
When everybody just played clays

They school works are suffocating me
Like ice cold heavy chains
The superior people including my loved ones
Are the ones hat threw stones at me
Whilst the tortures I’m already bearing

I can’t take this anymore
No one is real
The whole world is all messed up
Like being poured with Sulphuric Acid
Misshaping everything

I stormed out of the house
Leaving the old hag screaming behind
some other poems not done for school
click on Goku below to tell me what you think
A piece of creative writing I did for English  yeah~ in 2002!!!*NEW*
Mock English assignment *new*

Oh for sakes Carrot dont' be a big baby!!