*:*: Leo Koo & Vicki Zhao's PaGe*:*

.:.Hi eVeryOne.:.
WeLCome to Leo Koo & Vicki Zhao's pAgE!!!
Dis Is mY firSt lay-out dedicated to mah IdoLs
sho if there is something inappropriate
Plz- foRgIvE meEh foe onCe!!!..^-^*
-n- I hOpe yOu liKe diS desiGn.
N'E'WAY...the reason I made dis PAge
because I think Vicki and Leo are veryyyyy
--*kUtE*-- couple. Don't yOu think sO???Had AnyOne seen
the latest series movie "Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng"
a.k.a[Dong Song Ly Biet]--[ Love and Drizzle ] by Qiong Yao
You'll see how KuTe they were in that movie
I hOpe in the future, they will cast some of Qiong
Yao's romance fictions aGain. BaidaWaii, I hAvE sOme
simPle piXz of Vicki and Leo....wiT dAh CreW
On deE oThEr pAge thO'.. i dUn hAvE mUch
tHeiR pix On mY comP...Sho if You are
TheIR #1 fanz.. aS meEh :0) You can SearcH
tO other web sites to See mOre thEir kute piX....
and Plz dOnT 4get to tickInG my GuestbOOk..!!!! =)
Any feedback will be welcome anytyme!!!!

..:::Vicki Zhao:::..

..::.Vicki Zhao's -Profile..::..

..:::Leo Koo:::.

...::Leo Koo's Profile::...

If you wanna see the crew pix [Vicki, Leo, Alec & Ruby]...
just click on the pix of Leo+Vicki