A Friend Like yOu... by T.V*
dedicated to my childhood friends this two simple poems... Hao, Tho*, M.D, T.D and M.T.
I miss yOu Guys a Lot!!!!

There`s lots of things
With which I`m blessed,
Though my life has been
both Sunny and Blue,
But of all my blessings,
This one`s the best:
To have a friend like you.

In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask... I`ll help you through it."
But you don`t wait for me to ask,
You just get up And you do it!

And I can think
Of nothing in life
That I could more wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And love a friend...like you.

Our PrEciOus oF Time.
by T.V*

We were classmates
We were neighboors
We were best friends
We were souls
We were one-heart
and we were fine.

I've gotten your dreams
You've gotten my back
I've held your tears
You've held my smiles
You've shared your fun
for me to play.

We'd played hide -n- seek
I'd seek -n- you hide
We'd played jumping-rope
Jumpin' jumpin' -n- no stop.

We'd climbed up the tree
Find the freshest, sweetest fruits
We'd gone down the river
fishing and swimming
We'd gone to top of the hill
Kiting and bicycling

Weren't those moments precious?
Weren't we share so much fun?
Say Yes if it was Fun
and Say YES, that was precious
and Say NO, I won't forget
Our precious moments of time.