Consejo General de Huelga

We talk to all the college students and all the population to declare:

1. The movement grows and it is fortified. In spite of the impressive campaign of discredit, calumnies and defamations, orchestrated by government and the main directorate of information of the UNAM, the movement day with day is fortified. First managing to arrive at all the corners of the University, mainlly winning strike, cattle the affection and decided support of an ample sector of academic and administrative workers. Now, we already extend to other schools and public universities, that will participate with some action in 2a. National day of Fight by the Gratuitous Education the next 12 of May, which ties with the actions of common fight with the CNTE (National Cordinator of Education Workers) by greater budget for the education.

On the other hand, from all the population that listens to us in classrooms, doors of factory, trucks, Meter, streets and markets, we have just obtained samples of affection, support and solidarity. We all know well that if now we managed to frustrate the commitments of the government with the international organisms, forcing it to distribute the education free, this it will not only serve to guarantee the right of all to the education; we know that it will serve too, that tomorrow can win the electricians who are about in a similar fight to defend the electrical industry; the workers of the National Institute of Social Health who are trying to prevent that the hospitals are sold; the natives who fight by their autonomy; the elementary and secondary teachers of which as first point of their petitionary sheet have put the exigency of the abrogation of the regulation of payments in the UNAM.

2. The only interest of the student movement, that we do not hide and we have made explicit in manifestations and papers, is the one to defend the right of all the people to the education, shaped, still, in so adulterated Constitution, art. Third: "All the education that distributes the State will be gratuitous ".

3. The only strange hands in the university, are the ones that are behind Barnes director: those of the government and international organisms, with the dark interest to entirely put the public universities to the sevicio of the capital, to turn them into payment universities.

4. The attempts of the government and its director, to try to debilitate the strike, go of badly in worse and they do not more than to fortify us.

- Is enough that any person, with criterion, listens a student, to give the reason and stop to believe in the lies of Televisa and TV Azteca.

- They were not satisfied to his quiet march of unconditional of director and confidence personnel, the past 6 of May, they went to make a ridiculous march to the Main Square, of 120 people who constantly were reprimaded by the population and the teachers who are in long stay in downtown.

- The classes extrawalls that they impel to divide to the movement not have given them any result. Our brigades have arrived at the different sites and have convinced to the few that, from fear or lack of information, had gone to the call and have ended up adding itself to the movement or simply retiring indignant when discovering that they want them to use of blacklegs, that those classes do not have any academic interest, because they are given in the worse conditions and they do not have any quality. For that reason they do not show more than four heads and a professor in his spots of television.

- Now, they try to force to the students of the preparatory to present final examinations, with the threat that will be reprobated to those who they do not attend, and the promise of which it will be exempted to those who attend them, looking for to corrupt the dignity and conscience of the students. Another attempt failed beforehand, and what only has increased to the indignation of all the students and parents of family by this illegal action, ineffective, and that does not fulfill any academic requisite.

- From government, it is insisted on presenting the image of a student movement divided by the action of currents and polarized groups that act in their interior, and make all type of police signallings. They are incapable, to see that this one is a movement of masses, unified by a slogan: the defense of the public and gratuitous education; that there is no more direction, of no current and less still of a person, who the one of the join of the students from the Assemblies of each school and the General Council of Strike, in where they are coordinated, that the different currents are subordinated to these instances; and that each that insists on giving that false image, does not do more than to fortify the unit of the students and its conduction of the movement from the Assemblies (thanks!).

- They also insist on condemning the participation of political organizations in the movement and, to demonstrate that such interference exists, command to their spies of government to record and to photograph meetings. They think that such demonstration, that is not more than to discover the lukewarm water, could generate distrusts. They are mistaken. They are incapable to see that, independently in the militancy or not of the students, all we are participating in equal to equal in the movement, with ideological independency, organic and economic of all political organization; all subordinates to the Assemblies. They only demonstrate plus his strategy against the movement causing greater indignation by his work of espionage. Out hands of Government of the UNAM! We vindicated the constitutional right of all college student to militance in the organization that better seems to him.

- The repression of that we have been object, at hands of the "porros" and the bodyguards of UNAM, as well as the death of our two companions from the CCH, of whom we made responsible the director, every time their impositions have taken us to the streets putting in risk our lives; far from stopping us, it impels to us more in continuing ahead. Two flowers have died, but the spring blooms, their death will not be in vain and we will obtain its ideals that are those of the movement.

5. The new initiative of the director to place another window of proceedings with the purpose of receiving proposals of the community for the dialogue, is a ridicule.

6. We maintain our exigency of public dialogue, facing the nation, transmitted live by TV and Radio UNAM; direct between the authorities and the student, in front of all, speaking clear and avoiding all interpretation of intermediaries or messengers; and opened, in an enclosure of University City, in where the doors are not closed to anybody. If the director has arguments, that says them facing all. which is the fear? The college students we have demonstrated that we know to behave to the height in these discussions. We demonstrated it in the public dialogue of 1987 and multitude of round tables, conferences and discussions that permanently are made in the audiences of the university, without these become a "circus". In addition, we demanded that this dialoge is decisive, of where we obtain solutions, because it does not have case of seating to discuss if nothing is solved. Not to accept these minimum conditions, is tacit test of the lack of reason and arguments of director.

7. Our petitionary sheet has been extended already to six (6) points.

8. In the moment in which the director changes his atittude of close mind and blindness, showing disposition to dialogue public and openly, we will procede to form our own comitte for seat to discuse, even during the strike, because this it will not end without the solution of the petitionary sheet.

9. The 15 of May, finish the term fixed by the University Council, for "receiving opinions and proposals of the college students", through the Technical Councils. The students we have thought, in the consultation organized by the University Assembly, in which participated more than 100 thousand people; in the march of past 23 of April, where we were also more of the 100 thousand college students; and, we will return to, to think in the march of the next Wednesday 12. If he really wants to consulte to us, governing Sir, open wide your eyes and destapese the ears, so that you listen to us and see us in the route that we will do from Tlatelolco to the Main Square and gives the answer that the college students hope.

10. If the government and his director bet to the wearing down, again they are mistaken. We are convinced of the justess of our demands and the nobility of our movement that it demands to guarantee education for everyone. We will not give step back, until obtaining it. Every day that pass, strike grows, grows and it is fortified. We are being united the students of the public universities, the teachers of the CNTE, the electricians; we will continue growing with more sectors of the population, in the defense of the rights of all.


Consejo General de Huelga