Destiny & Freedom
By Hull_Lass

(Disclaimer: I don’t own Farscape, the characters aren’t mine, don’t shoot me).
Rating: PG

This is the final part in the 'Lazarus' series

The previous chapters:
Lazarus Part 1
Lazarus Part 2
Lazarus Part 3 - Revelation

Scorpius, Bracca and Sikozu were on board the marauder. Bracca piloted the vessel on their way to meeting with Crichton, D’Argo and the rest of his and Sikozus’ former crewmates. on Moya, it seemed pointless to bring commandos with them as Sikozu was now as good as any commando would ever hope to be.

“What do you think this meeting is all about Scorpius?” Sikozu asked.

“I’m not sure, it is very unusual for Moya’s crew to take this kind of action my dear.” Scorpius turned towards Sikozu and came in closer to her. “Let us humour them for now and listen to what they have to say. If there is nothing of value, we will just kill them” smiling as he said the words.

An arn later Bracca scanned for Moya and what he saw startled him. There were leviathans everywhere, his readouts read over 200 vessels and 1 vessel in particular that had what looked like a weapons lock onto their craft.

Bracca leant back in his chair in front of the flight console, looking very uneasy, “Scorpius, I think you should see this?”

Scorpius came to the front of the vessel, “What is it captain?” He asked.

“See for yourself.”

Scopius looked more than a little shocked when he looked out of the window. “No it can’t be, it simply cannot be.”

Then a voice came over the comms. “Captain Bracca, please surrender control of your vessel, we are deploying the docking web to bring you on board Moya.”

“I do not belive that I know you, please identify yourself.” Scorpius asked.

“I am Talyn, son of Moya.” As Talyn announced who he was, he could only picture Scorpius’s & Bracca’s faces round about now. “I ask again, please surrender control of your vessel”

“Very well, we are surrendering our vessel to your control…”. As he said it, he signalled to Bracca to give control of the marauder to Talyn’s control. Scorpius was more than just a little shocked. “Scorpius, what’s the matter?” Sikozu was more than a little concerned, she had never seen him react like this, he was in awe but she saw something in him that she had never seen before, fear.

The marauder docked in Moya’s transport hangar. All the crew were there to meet him. Crichton, Aeryn, D’Argo and Chiana. (Rygel and Noranti were preparing the meeting area).

Bracca decended the marauder first, then Scorpius and then Sikozu. “Well, well, well, the family’s all back together again huh?”

You could well detect the tinge of sarcasm in Crichtons voice. “How longs it been Scorp? Sputnik?” He asked

As Scorpius & Sikozu walked by John he quietly thought to himself, not frelling long enough!

Aeryn invited their guests to come with her and Chiana while they escorted the guests to the meeting room.

Crichton walked to a corner in the hangar bay where there were boxes and behind them he found his favourite DRD, 1812. He picked it up and then put it back on the floor.

“Hey 1812, can you rustle up some of your cousins to keep guard on the marauder. Just in case there are anymore suprises on that thing?” He whispered.

The DRD squeeked in what sounded like a positive reponse “Ok, that’s a good boy.”

John then commed pilot. “Pilot can you please scan the marauder to see if there are any unwanted gate crashers on board.”

“Of course commander, just one microt, scans indicate that the marauder is completely empty, but I will keep checking every quarter arn.”

“Thank you pilot.” John commed off.

He then commed again. “Talyn are you ready for the meeting?”

Came the response.

In the meeting room, there was a big circle table in the centre of the room. Already sat down were Bracca, Sikozu and Scorpius. Aeryn, Rygel, Noranti and Chiana were keeping guard. D’Argo was outside waiting for Talyn and Crichton.

He then saw John and Talyn walking towards him together. Looking like they were ready for business. Then the three remaining people walked in.

“Please everyone sit.” D’Argo said then turned to Talyn and said, “OK Talyn it’s your spotlight tell us what is so important.”

“Very well.” He inserted the crystal into the data port and the faces of the members of the peacekeeper high council were displayed. “Scorpius, Bracca, I am sure that you know the faces of the people who have just been displayed on this crystal?”

“Of course,” said Bracca rather smugly. “They are the members of the Peacekeeper High Council.”

“Well would it trouble you to learn that they are all dead?” Talyn announced.

Scorpius and Bracca sat up in an instant with clear alarm on their faces.

“What do you mean, dead?” Scorpius demanded.

Talyn then removed the crystal and then put another one into the data port. Another image came on the display, it was a group of people, all looking very well armoured, very well armoured indeed.

“Do you know who these people are?” Talyn asked.

“Yes.” Bracca said as he went suddenly a nice shade of white.

“Oh Yotz, not them again.” Rygel said.

“Frell.” exclaimed Chiana.

“Who are they?” asked Noranti, “I’ve never seen them before?”

“Of course you haven’t granny, the last time we encountered these people, you we in la-la land, comatose and in a vacum!” exclaimed Crichton.

“Why, who are they?” Noranti wanted to know.

“Koreshi.” They all knew who they were, the last time the crew crossed their path (with the exception of Bracca & Crichton.) They were all minaturized and stuck in cylinders.

Scorpius’s face began to realise the magnitude of what had just been announced.

“Bracca, inform the carrier that we are going to High Command at once.” Scorpius ordered.

“B-B-But sir.”

“Do it!!” Scorpius & Sikozu snarled together as they did indeed know what had just been revealed to them.

“OK Bracca just a recap here, so you know clearly just how major this really is!” John said as he looked at everyone in the room. “You were on board when the Koreshi were assigned to hunt us down weren’t you?”

“Yes.” he confirmed

“Did you know that Axikor was the head Koreshi?”


Aeryn then said to the arrogant Captain. “Did you know that he was also a member of the Scarren ruling caste?”

Bracca’s face went paler than Scorpius’s, “If he had access to the High Council, then that would mean……” Bracca gulped.

“That all the current High Council members are……. bioloids! Servants of the Scarrens.” Scorpius began to see how it was done.

“Axikor had grafted a Koreshi exo-skeleton onto himself and then disguised himself as a Koreshi.” Scorpius stated.

Then Bracca remembered, “Sir, he had been recommended by other members of the council, I remember the initial meeting with Commandant Grayza. I had come from the bridge into the meeting hall. I thought it unusual as she was on her own with him. But I don’t understand how she could be a bioloid?”

“Bracca, don’t you get it?” Chiana broke in. “The Koreshi have minaturising technology, it is probably possible that he reduced Grayza when she was on her own with him and replaced her with the robot.”

John stood up, “Look Bracca, we humans have a saying, cut off the head and the body dies, that’s what the Scarrens are doing, replacing the leaders of the high council with bioloids who will bend to their whim and when the time is right!” he looked at Aeryn, “Checkmate, game over, the fat lady is singing”.

Crichton went over to D’Argo and the others, asking “Well, guys what do you think we should do?”

“I say we fight.” Aeryn said, “If the Scarrens take control of the galaxy, it’ll be the end for everyone, not just the peacekeepers, but the Luxans, Hynerians and almost every other species around.”

“Granny, what do you think?” John asked the old woman.

“If we stand and do nothing, millions or perhaps billions of innocents will die. I say we do something or our lack of action when the war comes will be on our conciences forever.” Noranti looked around and saw that everyone agreed with what she said.

“As much as I don’t want to agree with Noranti she is right.” Rygel said. “We must do something, or my throne won’t be there waiting for me when I overthrow that traitor, Bishan.”

“Typical Ryg, always thinking power.” Chiana muttered, “I’m in, but what do we get for all of this?”

“D, what about you?” John asked, “It’s gotta be something that we all agree on here.”

“I’m in, John.” The big Luxan put his hand on his friends shoulder and nudged it a couple of times as a gesture of support. ”We must act because it is the right thing to do.”

“Oooookaayyyyy then.” John turned toward Scorpius.

“Hey Bracca, do you still have the pardons from the high council?” Crichton asked.

“Yes, why?” The arrogant captain asked.

“Because, Captain, Part 1 is we’re cashing them in!!” John turned to Scorpius. “Look Scorp, you’ve tried to get the wormhole tech from my mind and it’s not worked, I will not let this technology fall into the wrong hands.” Crichton went closer to Scorpius and said. “You want to defeat the Scarrens?”

“Yes," he replied. ""ith all that I am.”

“Well here’s the deal, you want wormhole tech, you ain’t gonna get it, accept it and move on, but what you will get is me & Aeryn, commanding whatever assault force you chose to attack the scarrens and we’ll kick their asses back to the stone age! Does that work for you?”

Scorpius’s face lit up with what looked like joy, he had not forseen this, but his prey had now become his saviours. What a strange universe.

Scorpius then asked, “What is Part 2?”

At this time Kahaynu materialsed before them. “I want my children to be free!” he said as he came over towards the Scarren / Sebecian half-breed. “Leviathans are gentle beasts who only want to serve others, not be enslaved by a ruthless force that the Peacekeepers have become.” Kahaynu said. “And in return we will help you in your efforts to rebuild your high command and to keep your peacekeeper children safe from the scarrens.”

“That’s the deal Scorp! We’ll help you kick the scarrens asses, you get to be on the new PK high council.

The leviathans here have volunteered their services to escort your children on your command carrier to safe space and the ones in control collars will be freed and again act as transports for the children in whatever fleet they are with.

There’ll be Me and Aeryn in command, D’Argo, Chiana and Rygel on Lo’la, Noranti will be oboard Talyn. He will head the leviathan transport fleet along with Moya to get the children to safety when the battle begins."

John turned to Kahaynu, “Does this work for you?” he asked the leviathan god.

“Yes, I am very happy with the outcome, and I will be happier when Scorpius gives his word to this outcome.”

“Right, Scorp, what do you think, does this work for you?” John asked.

“Yes, I will honour our agreement here today, I will send word to our other carriers to meet with us here, so that the transfers can take place.”

“What happened then grandad?" The young girl asked as she looked at the old man in the chair. “Well didn’t you do your history lessons Olivia?”

“Yes, that was the beginning of the great war, that brought peace to the galaxy and the new peacekeeper force.” She said as she looked out of the view window.

Her new home for the moment was a leviathan vessel, but she never knew the name of the ship as she didn’t get to see her grandparents all that often with all the travelling they did.

The old woman walked in. “You been telling stories again hmmmmm?” as she kissed the old man on the cheek.

“Yes indeed I have, I’ve been giving our young granddaughter here a history lesson.” He whispered in the old womans ear. “It’s time she knew the rest, come on, lets show her the rest of the lesson.”

“Olivia, we want to show you something else, will come with us please?” the old woman said as she helped the old man try to get up out of his chair.

“Would you like to meet our pilot?” the old woman asked.

“Yes, very much, in a way I’ve been wondering when you two would get around to this.”

“We just have to make a quick stop in command, you don't mind do you? We had to make sure you were old enough first, and now that you are, it’s time you knew everything.”

With that they took the young girl up to command where she saw a Luxan, Nebari a Hynerian and several other dignitaries.

The old Luxan came up to the elderly couple, and hugged them. “Ahh John, Aeryn good to see you, is this Olivia?”

“John, Aeryn.” she gasped, those were the names of her grandparents, No it couldn’t be. "Who are you all?” She asked inquisively

“Damn girl, we’re your history lesson” her grandfather smiled.

The End