<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/hunebedden/bwv812.mid">
The megalithic tombs of the Netherlands, Province of Drenthe
The megalithic tombs of the Netherlands, Province of Drenthe
©2001 Wim Dekker, Haren
Hunebed D47 in Emmen (Angelsloo Haselackers), gemeente Emmen / Großsteingrab D47 in Emmen, Gemeinde Emmen / Allée couverte D47 à Emmen, commune d'Emmen / Tumba megalítica D47 en Emmen, municipio de Emmen
Map of the megalithic tomb Drenthe 47 at Emmen (Angelslo Haselackers), municipality of Emmen, cadastral section F nr. 1301. Owner: State of the Netherlands, acquired from B. Jans and B.J. Haasken c.s. at Noord-Barge on 28th of November 1871; 11 stones, deviation 21°30´, condition July 2001.
Deksteen van Noord-Barge D48 (Noordbarger bos vak 201), gemeente Emmen / Deckstein von Noord-Barge D48, Gemeinde Emmen / Menhir de Noord-Barge D48, commune d'Emmen / Monolito de Noord-Barge D48, municipio de Emmen
Roof stone of Noord-Barge D48. (Noordbarger bos vak 201), municipality of Emmen, cadastral section D nr. 5256. Owner: State of the Netherlands, acquired from K. Ensink and A. Huizing on 24th of June and 12th of July 1871; 1 stone, deviation impossible to determine, certainly not a tomb, but perhaps belonging to one, condition July 2001.
Hunebed D49 bij Schoonoord (Boswachterij Sleen), gemeente Sleen) / Großsteingrab D49 bei Schoonoord, Gemeinde Sleen / Allée couverte D49 chez Schoonoord, commune de Sleen / Tumba megalítica D49 cerca de Schoonoord, municipio de Sleen
Map of the reconstructed megalithic tomb D49 near Schoonoord (De Papeloze Kerk, Boswachterij Sleen vak 63), municipality of Sleen, cadastral section A nr. 1267. Owner: State of the Netherlands, acquired from G.R.W. Kymmell, archivist of the province of Drenthe, on 28th of June 1871; 22 stones, deviation 61°30´, condition 1969.
Hunebed D50 bij Noord-Sleen (Middel es), gemeente Sleen / Großsteingrab D50 bei Noord-Sleen, Gemeinde Sleen / Allée couverte D50 chez Noord-Sleen, commune de Sleen / Tumba megalítica D50 cerca de Noord-Sleen, municipio de Sleen
Map of the megalithic tomb D50 near Noord-Sleen (Middel-es, the more northern of the two), municipality of Sleen, section B nr. 823. Owner: State of the Netherlands, acquired from the Markgenoten van Noord-Sleen on 19th of May 1870; 38 stones, deviation 92°, condition July 2001.
Location of tomb D47 at Emmen / Lage des Grabes D47 in Emmen / Ligging van het graf D47 in Emmen / Position de la tombe D47 à Emmen / Posición de la tumba D47 en Emmen
Location of the cover stone D48 near Noord-Barge / Lage des Decksteines D48 bei Noord-Barge / Ligging van de deksteen D48 bij Noord-Barge / Position du monolithe D48 chez Noord-Barge / Posición del monolito D48 cerca de Noord-Barge
Location of the reconstructed tomb D49 near Schoonoord / Lage des wieder hergestelltes Grab D49 bei Schoonoord / Ligging van het weer herstelde graf D49 bij Schoonoord / Position de la tombe réconstruée D49 chez Schoonoord / Posición de la tumba reconstruida D49 cerca de Schoonoord
Location of tomb D50 near Noord-Sleen / Lage des Grabes D50 bei Noord-Sleen / Ligging van het graf D50 bij Noord-Sleen / Position de la tombe D50 chez Noord-Sleen / Posición de la tumba D50 cerca de Noord-Sleen
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