A New Form of Government.
Hello, I am William Devine and I live in County Tyrone in Ireland. I have been having a few ideas for a new type of government which is a more realistic form of socialism, an evolution from from the writtings of Karl Marx, a less experimental ideal of that of Lenin's.

As I live in Ireland i have seen many things happen. A Unionist/Conservative government which is fascist and a ruling line from another country which has a constitutional monarchy who are raised up on a higher plain than anyone else, but no more!

My new form of government will be able to show people the right way to live, and, it will be finally implimented across the globe in the next 150 years unless there is some kind of disaster caused by capitalist lateral thinkers or the remnints of some kind of unjust society.

My Government will be a strike and a realisation by the common man that we have the power.

The essence of my government is a Socialist Fundamentalist government ruled by the people through votes. At the first stage of this revolution it is imperitive that there is a dictatorship of one man until a system of voting can be worked out.

To take control these seven things must first occur:
1) Small countries (5000000 orless) should be peaceful at the result of a socialist style. Do this by gradually adding more public owned services until most things are controlled by the state.
2) These small countries should band together to form a ISUNOSC - Independent Socialist United Nations Of Small Countries.
3) These countries should be headed by one man or women who dictates what these countries should vote for in the UN, EU, NATO, CENTO, SEATO, etc.
4)By doing this the small countries will have gained power and with their shared wealth should try to spread their ideals to bigger countries through subtle forms of Propaganda and strategic inport, export treatys.
5)With most large countries now joining the whole global economy will be in the hands of the small countries representative, with this every country will join from fear of isolation.
6)A new person should be appointed as head until all countries join and there is no threat of terrorism, this should take 5-10 years.
7) Now from a system of voting through the internet or some relative method the people will have the power.
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Name: William Devine
Email: hunkywilly@yahoo.com