The Hunter Anime Club MK II

  Link to Forum -All newws ,events and the majority of happening are done there


    Intro page

   1.  Who are we?

Simply, we're a random assortment of people with one thing in common: an interest in anime. . The meetings are fairly relaxed  though we try to keep the noise, screaming and gunshots down to a dull roar as we are in a library    

    2..  Who are you?

.Oh yeah suppose i should introduce myself. Hi i'm Kev the founder and president of the Hunter Anime Club. I first attended the Newcastle University anime club which I    really  enjoyed, after leaving Uni i decided to form my own club.

On the forum page I use the user name Night Angel if you want  to message me or something

    3.      Where do we meet and when?

We try to meet every  2nd,3rd and 4th Saturday of the month when possible at the Maitland City library from 10am to 2:45 pm.

To find the room when you enter the library turn left and just follow the signs and knock on the folding doors.

Minor note= (the room on 1st Saturday of the month is taken by another group which is why we don't met them)..

However it not always possible for me to organise a meeting as I also have Study, Work and family commitments. Therefore it is necessary to inform you guys when our meeting are.

 Normally I post our meeting dates on the FORUM as well as emailing the dates to all the members on our mailing list. I can Phone people but this  normally done if there is a last minute cancellation or you don't have regular access to the net.

4.  What types of anime do you watch?

Well we don't really limit ourselves, if there popular  support for a Series, ova or movie we will show it if we get get a hold of it,

We normally watch our anime In Japanese with English  Subtitles as this is what our group favours. If there is a series like Cowboy bebop that has a really good English dub then we may watch it as dub if it is popular.

We have watched everything from Hellsing to FLCL, to Full Metal Panic.

We also been watching the great series Red vs blue even though it not an anime as its just great  series.

5.  I'm a bit new to anime, is this for me?

Many in the club have only gotten into anime when they joined us or have only been able to watch a small amount of anime, so you'll fit right in. We show a varied collection so you're bound to find something you like. Pop in and ask, most of us don't bite (except for the vampires) and we are always looking for  fresh blood ....I mean new members .

6.  I have this brilliant new anime show I've just seen and want to share it with the world, can I?

Yes, for sure. We're always after new material and shows. Who knows it may topple Azumanga Daioh as the best show ever. Not likely though.

7.   How do I find out more?

You can email me at to find out when our next meeting is.

Or head over to a Forum and check out what we have been doing and what  we have planed and post or private email me over there.

I also show on the forum what anime we currently have showing.


8 .What with the name?

Well actually that a bit of joke. A fair while back i was creating an Anime club and held the meetings at A bowling club which had a really Cool room which had a projector tv. Unfortunately due to its high cost it died after only 2 meeting as i simply could not pay for the costs. This club was called the Maitland Anime Club.  I was going to call the current club the Maitland Anime Club but I thought Hunter anime club MK II was cooler.

Naming the club Mk II part is my offering to the fallen original   club. See bellow

Maitland Anime Club= M.A.C= MK

MK II= Maitland Anime Club 2

The club is dead, long live the club!

So it just my little joke.

9.    Your club's meeting times/location are difficult for me to get to do you know of any other Anime clubs in the region?

I sure do Newcastle University has an anime club

There website is

They meet on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:00pm to 9:00pm or there abouts. We meet in room EF122 in Engineering.

To get there, go to EF in the engineering block and head to the second story above EF14, the big nice new computer room. It's a great room for this type of meeting. The right size, and with a projector and a fridge, it's got the right facilities.

You may want to double check those details as its been a while since i was there


Thanks to madman for their support