Predict baby gender

Alan DeCherney, chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California at Los Angeles and editor of the medical journal Fertility and Sterility. predict baby gender Baby gender prediction. hich is why it is striking how quickly the establishment has responded to the news out of Fairfax, Va. Not all doctors approve of the technology, and most want to know much more, but from the first announcement of the earliest results, they have considered Microsort to be real science. "It's in a different category from everything else," says Dr. predict baby gender Babys. Alan Copperman, director of reproductive endocrinology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan. "It is not a scam. " He is reassured, he says, by the fact that the first Microsort results were published in Human Reproduction, "a reputable peer-reviewed journal," but he notes that it was only one study and a small one at that. predict baby gender Chinese-gender-prediction. Of 14 couples using Microsort to conceive a girl, 13 were successful. "I hope that over the years we can see numbers large enough to call it safe," Copperman says, adding that he does not foresee ever offering it to his own patients. "But you can definitely call it science. "Like much technology, this science began with a narrow, lofty goal -- to help couples who are carriers for a specific subset of genetic flaws. There are 350 "X-linked" genetic disorders -- conditions like hemophilia and Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, which are most prevalent in boys. If an affected couple can be guaranteed a girl, they can be spared the wrenching decision of whether or not to terminate a second-trimester pregnancy. In the early 1990's, there were no such guarantees. Fugger was the head of the cryobank at Genetics and I. V. F. at the time and had just pioneered the earliest use of frozen embryos for in vitro fertilization. Looking for his next project, he approached Lawrence Johnson, a scientist at the Department of Agriculture who had developed a machine for sperm sorting in farm animals. Female sperm, in all mammals, have more genetic material than male sperm, meaning they are larger, and Johnson's flow cytometer first dyed the sperm and then passed them one by one through a narrow opening. As they shuffled along they were zapped with a laser. The X-bearing sperm glowed more brightly, and the machine used that difference to sort X from Y. Johnson began his experiments in cattle and swine.

Predict baby gender

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