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About Hunter-M-Link

   Because there is still something left for us to do…




Our Aim? To promote the cause of God's  mission to the world among Christians of Newcastle and the wider Hunter region

Why? Because God loved the world so much he...  Because the love of Christ compels us... Because there is only one God... Because judgement is certain and hell is real... Because God does not desire that anyone perish... Because Jesus commands us... Because the Lord is worth of all praise, worship and honour... and Because there is still a world full of people among the nations who have not put their faith in Jesus.

Hunter-M-Link was formed by Lindsay Mason, Cathy Pope, and Ross and Lyndal Webb after doing the first Hunter-based Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course together in 2001.

The original conception was to provide a forum for mission coordinators in local churches to meet together to share ideas for promoting world mission to their respective congregations.

The first meeting was held in August 2001 with people from 9 churches. Each church delegate shared various ideas for promoting mission they had tried with their congregations. The result was a report that will be of interest to any mission promoter at the congregational level. Click here to read it. | Report on 2nd meeting with Bruce Dipple of SMBC

Each church also filled in a questionnaire that was aimed at gathering data on all the missionaries and mission agencies supported through local churches in the Hunter region. Our aim is to compile a database that will hopefully allow us in the future to, for instance, coordinate prayer meetings centred around a particular missionary, country, or agency. Please click here to download a copy of the questionnaire. The MLink committee would love to receive your input.


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