Message Boards

Please choose from the following:

The Hunter Online Message Board

The Fred Dryer Message Board

The Stepfanie Kramer Message Board

The Charles Hallahan Memorial Message Board

The Hunter Fan Fiction Board


- These message boards are monitored daily and the webmaster reserves the right to delete a message that he feels is of an inappropriate nature, does not relate to the message board for which it is submitted or is in attack of another message board poster or the message board theme.

- Solicitations for "money makers" or any outside sources not relating to these message boards are not permitted and will be promptly deleted if posted.

- Submissions to the Hunter Fanfiction Board are gladly welcome, however, must be written in good taste without any inappropriate or "x-rated" storylines. Please be considerate of the fact that visitors of all ages visit this website.

- Anyone found to be in violation of any of the above rules will be blocked from all message boards.