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Some of my favorite links......
Glory2*HIS*Name's Praise & Worship Room -- A place to listen to some great Christian music while you surf.  This room was developed and designed by Sharon, known as Glory2HisName.
WMHK - The BEST in Christian Radio and you can listen to it online.
Precept Ministries - Kay Authur - A place where you can get materials to help you learn how to study and understand the Bible.  Also, an EXCELLENT Bible teacher.
Living Proof - Beth Moore - Excellent Bible studies that will take you straight to the Word of God and teach you by applying His truths to your life today.  An incredible Bible teacher.
Freedom in Christ - Neil Anderson -- Do you know WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST?  We don't have to live bound by Satan's lies!!!  Christ has set us free -- learn to live in that reality!!!!
Here are some more of my favorite Ministries, Organizations, Musicians and/or Teachers AND some some sites for excellent Christian resources:

Bible Study Tools - Includes scripture searches, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, etc.
OnePlace.com - LOTS of good teaching/preaching and other Christian resources.  These are just a few of the ones I listen to often.  You can listen to them through OnePlace or at their own sites.
James Dobson - Focus on the Family
Tony Evans - Urban Alternative
Jack Hayford - Living Way Ministries
     Greg Laurie - A New Beginning
Charles Stanley - In Touch Ministries
Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living

Mark Lowry - FUNNY guy!!!

Dennis Jernigan - WOW OH WOW!! Incredible lyrics, incredible music, and an unbelieveable testimony of how God can deliver out of sin
Max Lucado - UPWORDS -- Hope.....pure and simple.
Today's Family - Gary Smalley - Excellent help for couples
Born Again Marriages - Help and encouragement when your spouse wants a divorce and you don't.
MovieGuide - Movies are reviewed from a Christian
Christian Coalition - Know what's going on in
world today and how, as Christians, to respond
BreakPoint Online - A Christian
                                           perspective on today's news and trends.
Here are some of my favorite shopping sites for great deals on books and an incredible Christian music club:

Christian Book Distributors

Sound & Spirit
-- See banner and information above for  this INCREDIBLE music club!!  Great CDs/tapes with great offers!!  Over the last 7 years, I've gotten tons of new CDs and have paid an average of $4.50 per CD.  Can you beat that anywhere???

LifeWay Christian Stores

Family Christian Stores

Dayspring E-Cards

KingdomBuy.com Shopping As A Ministry--It's almost too good to be true.  But you can help the hurting by shopping.  Each dollar you spend at KingdomBuy's online merchants generates a contribution to the ministry of your choice.  Between .05% and 20% of your purchase price on most items goes to help the hurting.
Great Sites for Daily Devotionals

Gospel Communications Devotionals - LOTS to choose from at this site.

                                     Helps you learn how to live in
                                     victory through freedom in Christ.

A variety of daily devotionals
from which to choose.
Some Great Christian Magazines


Today's Christian Woman

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Created 3/01
Updated 03/15/05

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Sound & Spirit Music Club -- I have been a member of this club off and on for around 15 years.  I have never been disappointed.  If you would like to add to your Christian music collection, this is a very economical way.  Email me and I will send you an invite.  You have the opportunity to get 12 CDs/tapes for the price of ONE, plus shipping, and I will get 4 for the cost of shipping only.  Great deal for both of us!!  Email me today and put Sound & Spirit in your subject line.  Let me know if you want more information OR if you are interested in joining.
Visit these sites and click where indicated--by doing this you can provide food and mammograms for those who need it/them but can't afford them....and it will not cost you anything but a couple of minutes.  You can visit&click daily.