Current Status of Railways in Kosovo

Teêcò ía cpïcêoì jeçèêy ce íaäè ïoä eíãëåñêoã òeêcòa

Railway services in Kosovo are presently run by the KFOR railway regiments on the 330km of standard gauge lines in the province. Not all of this is useable, but refurbishment is planned. Work is reported to have begun to repair the Sinji tunnel north of Pristina.

Motive Power

The following locomotives are presently on Kosovo:

Class 641, ex-JZ:
111, 112*, 122*, 129*, 130*, 131*
203*, 204*, 211*, 212*
plus three more;

Class 661, ex-JZ:
114, 128, 132
201, 203*, 228*, 231, 233, 254*, 261

664-062*, ex-JZ

734-030*, ex-JZ

Class 202, ex-DB:
318, 432, 516, 613, 615, 786

Class 63000, ex-SNCF:
63015, 63018
One of these had an accident in late 1999 or early 2000. Serviceability of that unit is not known.

Class 20, ex-BR:
20901, 20902, 20903

Class Di3, ex-NSB:
3.619, 3.633, 3.641, 3.643

for a total of 40 locomotives.

* = out of service

Passenger Services

Passenger trains are in service on the lines stated below. Most trains have two or three carriages and are not heated. All trains are heavily guarded by KFOR troops.

Firstly there is a service from Pristina teretna to Skopje (Macedonia) with two round trips daily leaving Pristina at 0730 and 1400 and returning at 1030 and 1700. Travel time is two hours each way. On this line there are also four freight trains daily.

The second line on which passenger trains are known to run is Kosovo Polje-Mitrovica-Zvecan. A twice-daily service began on this line on 27 December 1999. 200 people used the train on the first day of operation, since then an average of 400 people ride daily. The train stops at the following stations: Kosovo Polje, Obilic, Priluzje, Vucitrn, Pantina, Mitrovica and Zvecan; more stops are planned to be added. The morning train leaves Kosovo Polje at 0530 and returns at 0708, while the afternoon train leaves Kosovo Polje at 1520 and returns at 1658. Travel time is one hour 38 minutes each way.

There are regular freight trains on the lines Kosovo Polje-Leposavic, Pristina-Prizren and Prizren-Pec, but it is not known whether there are passenger trains running on these lines.

All trains are driven by KFOR soldiers at present, but these duties, along with all others, were to be transferred to civilians by September 2000, but it is not known whether this has happened. Deutsche Bahn of Germany, SNCF of France and HZ of Croatia are to begin training local drivers, engineers and mechanics in the near future.

Æeëeçíèöe ía Kocoây

Æeëeçíèöe ía Kocoây cy äaíac äpæaëa y ïîãîíó âîjíèêa KÔOPcêèx æeëeçíè÷êèx jeäèíèöa ía 330êì æeëeçíè÷êèx ïpóãa êoje có ía Kocoây. Oä oâèõ ïðóãà íèñó ñâå óïîòðåášèâå, à jå ïëàíèðàí îáíîâèòè èì. Ðå÷åí je äa oáíîâà Ñèœeã òóíåëa ía ñåâåðó îä Ïðèøòèíå je áèëà îòïî÷åíà.

Âóžíà Ñðåäñòâà

Ïo cëåäåžå èíôopìaöèje, oâå ëoêoìoòèâ cy ía Kocoây:

Cepèja JÆ 641:
111, 112*, 122*, 129*, 130*, 131*
203*, 204*, 211*, 212*
è òpè êoìaäa âèøe;

Cepèja JÆ 661:
114, 128, 132
201, 203*, 228*, 231, 233, 254*, 261

JÆ 664-062*

JÆ 734-030*

Cepèja DBAG 202:
318, 432, 516, 613, 615, 786

Cepèja SNCF 63000:
63015, 63018
Jeäaí oä oâe äâe ëoêoìoòèâe je èìaëa íecpežy íeêaä y 1999. èëè 2000. ã.

Cepèja BR 20:
20901, 20902, 20903
Câe ëoêoìoòèe oâe cepèje cy ce âpaòèëe y Eíãëecêoj

Cepèja NSB Di3:
3.619, 3.633, 3.641, 3.643

òo jecò, 40 ëoêoìoòèâe.

* = âaí ôóíêöèje

Ïóòíè÷êè Caoápažaj

Ïóòíè÷êè âoçoâè cy y cëyæáè ía cëåäežèì ïðyãaìa. Ïoíajâèøå âoçoâè èìajó 2-3 êoëa è íèñó ãðejaíè. Câè âoçoâè có ÷óâàíè âojíèêa KÔOP-a.

Ïpâo èìà âoçoâè oä Ïpèøòèíe òepeòíe còaíèöe äo Cêoïša äâoïóò äíåâío. Boçoâè ïoëaçe èç Ïpèøòèíe ó 0730 è 1400 è âpaòe ce ó 1030 è 1700. Äóæèía âpeìeía xoäa je 2 caòoâè. Ha oâoì ïpóãoì èìa òaêoђe ÷eòèpè òepeòíè âoçoâè äíeâío.

Äpyãa ïðóãa ía êojeì je ïoçíaò äa èìa ïóòíè÷êè caoápažaj je Kocoâo Ïoše- Mèòpoâèöa-Çâe÷aí. Oä 27 äeöeìápa 1999. ã. èìa ñëóæáa äâoïóò äíeâío. Ha ïpâoì äaíó cëóæáe je pe÷eí äa 200 cy šyäè ïóòoâaëè òoì âoçoì, oòaäa ïpoce÷ío 400 äíeâío (pe÷eí je äa è cpáè è aëáaíöè). Boè èacòaja caìo ó oâèì còaíèöaìa è còajaëèøòaìa: Kocoâo Ïoš, Oáèëèž, Ïðèëóæje, Bó÷èòpí, Ïaíòèía, Mèòpoâèöa è Çâe÷aí. Jóòapњè âoç oäëaçè ca Kocoâoã Ïoša y 0530 è âpaòè ce ó 0708, a âe÷epњè âoç oäëaçè oä Kocoâoã Ïoša ó 1520 è âpaòè ce y 1658. Äóæèía âpeìeía ïóòîâaњa je jeäaí caòa 38 ìèíóòe.

Èìa câaêoäíeâíè òepeòíè caoápažaj ía peëaöèjaìa Kocoâo Ïoše-Ëeïoøaâèž, Ïpèøòèía-Ïpèçpeí è Ïpèçpeí-Ïež, a íèje ìè ïoçíaò aêo èìa ïóòíè÷êè caoápažaj ía oâèì ïpóãaìa.
