Last update: July 17, 2001

from Wojtek Szadkowski (Satellite)

First of all, we would like to thank all our contestants very much for sending in the artworks. You did really great job! We received artworks from over ten different contestants who used a variety of techniques. Four of the contestants are professional artists. Some of the artworks are truly excellent and it was a very difficult decision for Wojtek, but he had to say "no" to a few excellent artworks that he really liked a lot. Finally, the decision was made...

The cover artwork, logo, and the complete graphic design
of Satellite's debut album is going to be made by


Copyright 2001/Mark Wilkinson

Mark Wilkinson is the author of numerous cover artworks of the albums and singles of Marillion and Fish. Other bands that Mark made artworks for include Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Hawkwind, and others. In addition to the record sleeves, Mark makes illustrations for the book jackets, magazines, and posters. He recently released his own book, "The Masque," which covers all his artworks made for Marillion and Fish.

Mark's website - "The Masque"

"The Masque" book is available now!


The second best artwork cover was made by
Marko Heisig.

Copyright 2001/Marko Heisig

Marko's artwork gallery

An excellent logo made our friend,
Thierry Guilleminot.

Copyright 2000/TH. Guilleminot

Thierry's artwork gallery

