Nancy was absolutely terrified by cockroaches. Now she still doesn't like them but treats them like anyone else does. Gregory could talk to anyone unless it was a woman he was interested in. Now he can talk to and date who he pleases. Alexandra used to be paralyzed at the thought of talking in public. She became a car salesperson!
Karen used to be incapacitated at the thought of driving over 7 specific bridges. Now she can do it with no problems!

Phobias and Fears

Is there something that frightens you out of your wits? Something that you want to do but just can't?

Fears and Phobias are automatic responses to real thoughts and to real experiences that create an unpleasant or even disabling feeling that can overwhelm you. They just don't make much sense, do they? Why be so afraid of bridges, or elevators, or animals, or any of hundreds of things that everyone else treats so casually?

With Hypnosis and NLP we can get to the cause of the fear or phobia and reprogram your responses.

Mary was petrified of flying over water. Now she flies to europe whenever she wants to.
Make an Appointment

Worries and Anxieties
