1.-what is hypnosis?
hypnosis is a totaly natural phenomen, it is a very comfortable and relaxed state in which its quite easly to converse sensably with the therapist .it is a reliable and safe therapeutic thechnique which is centuries old and recognized by many branches of orthodox medicine as a valuable alternative to drugs to accelerate healing and to help combat pain .

2.-what happens when i am under?
when you are under you remain in a very calm and relaxed state where you are always fully aware of everything that is being said and everything that happens in this relaxed state .while you are in this very relaxed state the therapist will give you possitive suggestions to help you with the problems that you have previously discussed with your therapist in the pre induction talk .

3.-what does it feel like?
the vast majority of people feel actually no such thing as the hypnotized feeling and vast of majority of people will insist afterwards that they have not gone under, although after a few sessions most people start to become aware of how the state feels to them ,one way to describe it is like the feeling when you are awaking first time in the morning and you feel so comfortable and relaxed but you would rather just turn over and then go back to sleep , this feeling of pleasant relaxation is what most people feel when they are in this state .

4.-how is it done?
hypnosis is usually done by a voice induction though there are other various methods such as strobe ligths, spirals, and so on, but usually the voice is used as well ,there are no special ways of speaking ,no incantations or magical words and the accent is quite often on producing a very relaxed state of mind .mostly a slow and soothing aproach is taken but there are many therapists that use their normal speed of speach, some people prefer to use a comand method of induction ,a more authoritive aproach, sometimes too they will employ the use of touch in various different ways commonly of the subjects back of the hand or forehead or the shoulder, mostly the client will close their eyes very soon in the induction but an individual can quite easily be hypnotized with their eyes open .after hypnosis is induced (usualy in a matter of a very few minutes ) a deepener routine might be used to deepen the state.

5.-what kind of things can hypnosis be use to help people with?
hypnosis can be used to provide help with stress management, weight management, smoking habbits, anxiety, P.M.S., fear and phobia treatments. also self confidence and assertiveness pain relief, improving performance in sports, working, and public speaking, personal development, relaxation, plus many others please ask for details.

6.-does hypnosis have side efects?

7.-can anyone force me to do anything while hypnotized?

8.-if a patient has been hypnotized once successfully does that make them more succeptible?
we all enter into what is know as naturaly occuring trance states several times each and every day, once a patient has been formaly hypnotized they can enter into that state again either by hetro hypnosis (which is by being hypnotised by a hypnotherapist/or hypnotist) or self hypnosis ( which can be taught to someone by a hypnotherapist) .

9.-can u make someone do something they dont want to do?
a hypnotized person would not do something that would not normally do just because they are hypnotized ,if the hypnotist or hypnotherapist told somebody a suggestion that goes against personal morals , values, beliefs, ethics then they would do one of two things, one is compleately reject the inapropiate sugestion and not comply and do nothing, or two immediately come out of the hypnotic state and wake up .

10.-can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes but there are few exeptions , and the exeptions are : those who are educationaly challenged or suffering from senility or very young children or anyone of the influence of large amounts of alcohol but there are also some people who should not be hypnotized for several medical reasons .

thanks to mr Terence Watts for some of the information contained within this section .

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