Rachel's Reasonings page 2

Gun control
I resent it totally! The government is treating us all like children. If I ever was inclined to kill someone my kitchen cleaver, butcher knife, my car, my baseball bat are all weapons! I can think of a lot more, but I believe I have made my point. I agree there are "safety" rules that should be utilized. I believe parents should "parent" their children about the risks in handling dangerous objects as much as teaching them to cross the streets safely. Education is the key here not removal! That prescription bottle is even more dangerous in my opinion, when will they be removing that from our homes?
Only the honest, respectable, law abiding persons will register their guns, others will still do what they are doing now to acquire them. In effect they are removing guns from the people we trust, and giving the law-breakers even more strength and power by doing so! It is telling the lawbreakers they have nothing to fear, the good people are without arms! I have to wonder what kind of a government would take this route, spend this kind of money, go to this extreme to allow the would be thief feel even safer to break and enter? They have taken the baby "walker" away. The stairs are still there!

I did not start out that way, but I think I might be now, to a certain degree. My conversion here was "the government" and the laws they have forced on us. My two neighbors were fighting. The issue was ones cat going on the other's property, both sides called the police. The first asked for assistance in straightening out the matter, they were told they must sort it out themselves. The other called the police and said "it's because I am ........(nationality named here)." Two cruisers arrived immediately!

I was in a restaurant, and a very beautiful woman came in to sit down at a table near me. I am a woman, but I appreciate beauty in any instance and must admit I did look a few times. Her face was flawless, perfect and belonged on the cover of a magazine! She was a natural, no makeup at all and in my opinion the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was thinking those exact thoughts while looking at her. I did not mean to make her uncomfortable, but obviously I did as she called out loudly "what in the f..... you staring at whitey?" I felt it acceptable she objected to my looking and was embarrassed she caught me, I would have apologized, but her language was very offensive and her reference to my color was definitely not called for! She lost all her beauty in my eyes, and I have never forgotten how her "mouth" made such a difference in the way I saw her. She was a great influence to me though in the ways I now handle a distressful situation. I did learn a great lesson from her.

There was another instance when a person accused me, right out of the blue... "you stole our land from us" ... That is pure bull! I have no more influence over the past and what happened back then than you do! You have your rights, battle them with the government, don't accuse me!

Canada opens its doors to all, no matter what color or race and not necessarily with my approval. However I do feel, if you want to collect the rewards (I'll call them that for lack of a better word) i.e. welfare, legal aid, ohip, social assistance etc. you should be obligated to make your own contributions to the Canadian government just as I or any other Canadian must do.

Luckily my applications gave me multiple choices in my places of employment. I chose one because I received the shift I wanted and they did not require a uniform. I asked specifically about a uniform before being hired to be sure there was no room for error. I worked there for months. Then another girl was hired, and within a few weeks she put in a request for uniforms. I had a perfectly acceptable dress code of my own, black slacks, white blouse and apron, and enough changes to allow a complete inside out change every day for a week. I was able to do laundry once a week on my day off. The uniform decided upon was a dry clean only, dark brown pullover type top. Two tops were supplied, and we were supposed to be responsible for our own dry cleaning. I stood my ground and was given a two weeks notice. The board of labor said it was legal. That same fall it was decided that a "turban" was allowed in the Royal Canadian Mounties!

I worked as a waitress, and was asked by a customer about my views on the subject. I expressed what I felt at the time. In a nutshell... I would be very agreeable to the new non-smoking laws if a person like the non smoking cook could quit her job in this restaurant because it was not a healthy environment to work in and be eligible to draw unemployment, sick, or welfare benefits until she found another. I agreed that smoking is a messy habit and in my profession I had the privilege to clean up after it everyday all day long. I would much rather clean ashtrays though than pick up someone's discarded gum!

Just a random thought here:
Children don't realize how "dirty" a used chunk of gum is and I as a mother have had occasion to snatch one of these away from my child before he popped it into his mouth. Could that dirty chunk of gum my child found have been a vehicle for the aids virus? If so, the gum chewer could be just as dangerous and possibly even more so than the dirty old smokers!

Here is one good example of the inconsiderate "holier than thou" attitudes I have had to deal with.
Retired now, "John" used to work with my husband. They ran into each other the day before in a grocery store and chatted for a bit. The next a.m. he was on the other side of the cash register I work at with customers lined up behind him and the restaurant more than half full of those already seated. John held his money tightly forcing me to stand in from of him while he said in a voice loud enough for all to hear "Rachel, I saw Denis yesterday, I know he quit smoking and I don't think he should be spending his money buying your cigarettes, you should be ashamed of yourself..... and John kept holding his money, forcing me to stand there and be publicly embarrassed until he finished saying what he had to say. If I had looked after him with a cigarette hanging from my mouth, or even had a cigarette close at hand, his scene might have been justified, but certainly not in this instance!

Most smokers of today began smoking when it was acceptable and in style! Glamorous movie stars made smoking even more "in" by using long, fancy often jewel studded cigarette holders, and posing for pictures with them. I think there are many smokers out there who feel the same as I, tired of the habit, it's messy, I no longer even like it, it is very inconvenient, but ....it seems as necessary as food and drink to my system. I do not have the will power to quit on my own so I find myself once again looking for a smoking area to commit my crime, knowing I risk one of those holier than thou creatures invading my space and embarrassing me in public.

PLEASE: let the next druggie, alcoholic or fat person stand up and ask me if I don't have the will power to quit smoking!

Alcoholism is considered a disease today, and hospitalization covers the expenses of the "dry out" clinics. Smoking is just as addictive, why shouldn't it be treated in the same manner? Smoking patients are forced to go outside to indulge, but that isn't good enough, now it must be so many feet away from the hospital... as sick as they are! Instead, why aren't the hospitals offering an alternative covered by ohip to assist the patient with their withdrawal? I know of at least one doctor who maintains no one should quit cold turkey, as it can be just as bad for your health as the habit itself!!! If you will take notice here I have never complained about the country moving towards a smoke free environment!!! It is the attitudes of these inconsiderate people with the holier than thou egos I am objecting to. If I had a choice today to be an inconsiderate non-smoking person with an attitude like that or a person like myself who just tries to fit in somewhere and not step on other peoples rights while exercising my own.
I would rather be me any day!!!

Breast feeding in public
I breast fed my children, but I scheduled my shopping trips around feedings, or expressed enough for a supplement bottle. I never did find it necessary to breast feed in public. I certainly do feel the child deserves to eat and if caught in public when feeding time arrives there are certain discreet ways it can be accomplished. One lady came into the restaurant at a quiet time. There were only a few men scattered at different tables. A back table was empty, other tables available against a wall, but this "lady" chose to put herself in a center table facing all others to plop herself out to feed her child. It was obvious she was more interested in displaying herself and exercising her "right" than she was in feeding her child. As a matter of fact the baby objected and refused to nurse! The men left....
Women's Lib
I like being treated like a lady! I love being helped with my coat, having my chair pulled out, doors opened for me and all those things that used to be, before women's lib. I am one woman who will never burn my bra... I need the support too much! However I do believe in equal pay for equal work.... it's only right! On the other hand for example I don't think the mines should have to supply different shower rooms for men and women
if they used public showers when the woman was hired. She should expect to use the same toilet, or shower if she wants to be treated equally! Don't draw lines now!

Never right for me, and never right as a form of birth control. However I do feel there should be legal abortion clinics to guarantee good health care and under 3 months gestation laws. I don't believe a rape should force a woman to deliver a child if she doesn't want it. I don't believe an under developed child should be forced to continue with a pregnancy that could endanger her life. Take for instance ...highly paid models who only have a "few" good years to devote to their careers... should she be raped and on top of that be forced to give up such a career? That is like rubbing salt into an open wound. This victim is twice raped in that case. If you need an abortion for a legitimate reason you should be able to go to an approved clinic to get it done quickly, legally and safely.

Penalty for Rape I believe a rape in today's society should include a murder charge. should it result in a pregnancy. First degree murder.....if the perpetrator knows they are carrying the aids virus.

Assisted Suicide
Definitely! If you can legally decide an abortion is an option to your pregnancy why is it so wrong to decide you don't want to live your life in extreme pain or totally paralyzed? You should be able to find help to comfortably and successfully end your own life if you so choose. I believe it is cruel to make you live on when your future holds nothing but pain, suffering and stress for you and your loved ones. Assisted suicide should be made legal and easier for those who choose a quality over quantity life!

Spanking your child
I believe a slap on the fingers is in order should you find your toddler sticking something into an electrical outlet for instance and your "no, don't touch" doesn't work! I believe a firm smack on the buttocks is in order when a child who is old enough to know better is found playing "chicken" with oncoming traffic! AND I think the 'strap' should be reinstated in the school system. The government has made so many laws in the last 30 years that has interfered with "normal family life" and then piled laws on top of those to punish the parents who followed the first set and can no longer control their children because of it! I think the government should butt their noses out of the family's business and let the parents have control of their own home and children. Of course there are some instances where a child needs help but I do not believe any child should be taught in school to call the children's aid on their parents if they feel threatened. Call the police if you are "touched" in a way that you don't like.... etc....are etching thoughts in children's minds when they are much too young to determine a grounding from a threat or discipline from abuse. Rather than teach an entire class room that the world is full of monsters and they must report mom, dad, uncle, aunt, etc. if they yell too much or touch them in a way they don't like, I am sure a teacher or health nurse, or principal should be able to pick out a child who appears to need help and set up special classes or meetings for them. Then they could discreetly discover if that child should be watched more closely. I would much rather see something like that than teaching whole classes of children how to report their parents if they are not happy at home. I well remember a teacher telling my children to go home and tell mommy and daddy they shouldn't smoke! That was the first time any of my children talked to me like that, and it was taught to them by a teacher!
Please note: My issue here is not the smoking, it is the teacher teaching the children to talk to their parents in such a manner!

Suppressed memories????
I am at a complete loss of what to subtitle this subject, but it is a very touchy one with me. I believe the trend toward this very destructive path was instigated by psychiatrists in an attempt to better their businesses! Surely a suppressed memory must be dealt with, but how in the world could it be enough evidence to cause a third party to be found guilty in the eyes of the law many, many years later? I am not talking completely off the wall here. I have had some horrific things happen to me very early in life and yes there are memory flashes! They flash as pieces to a puzzle and we must put them together to make up our own scenario. I have to wonder how true or real those memories are when they are brought to the surface with the assistance of another party!

The memory is a funny thing! My brother, younger by 2 years.... remembers many things and situations that happened when we were children! However, I was there but my memories are not the same as his! He saw the same situation in a completely different light than I! While I am positive my own memories are true memories, my brother is just as convinced his version is the real one. I do not believe for a second that he is making his version up, but I know what I remember!

If the above is correct I can only come to one conclusion. These are not memories per say, they are the pictures we made with the memory flashes! Each of us have our own interpretation of a given situation or event in our past. Neither one of us are making it up, we just learn things in different ways and what we are actually remembering is our lesson learned, not the true picture or event in our past.

Given this outlook on the subject, how real are those suppressed memories people are blaming for the situations they are in today? I am not saying they didn't suffer being molested (for instance) rather I am wondering how right and just the laws are when they let crimes committed so long ago be tried in the court system today based on memories alone, even with a ratio of two or three to one. Unless there were pictures taken, and signed and witnessed documents how much can we trust the allegations are true? But..... if that kind of evidence were available the case would have been tried back then!
"Catch 22"..............??????????????

Catfights.........women fighting over a man.
I do not believe I have ever experienced the emotion "jealous" in this instance. I have been married for more than half my life now and certainly there have been times a "flirt" has turned her attentions towards my husband. I see what is going on, but I let him take care of the situation himself. IF... he didn't handle it in a way I can be proud of I would wait until we get home. My anger would be towards him, never the flirt. I believe the person who feels they must resort to fighting the "third" party is a very insecure person. They are telling everyone their "partner" cannot be trusted, and broadcasting how unsure they are of keeping their relationship. I look upon the flirt as a test, on me, on my husband and on the value of our relationship. There is no feeling of sucess compared to the one I feel when I hear him telling her with no interference on my part that he is not interested! In short... I love him but would rather he left if he wasn't happy with me, AND GO NOW... while I still have a chance to make a life for myself. Real love cannot be demanded and it shouldn't have to be fought for, you earn it and let it be free to make it's own choices. If it takes a wrong turn so be it, let it go ...it was not worth it in the first place.
Pass the Buck Generation
I have long since lost my patience with the "pass the buck generation" of today.

If they are addicts or alcoholics it is "because mother made them one while carried in her womb." If they are murderers or abusers .... there was a history of violence in their past. If they beat their children it is because they were beaten as a child. If they are charged with DIU... it is because their friend didn't take the keys away, or the bartender sold them too much booze.

Damn it.... IF I got drunk at a party it was because I drank too much! I would never think my own husband was responsible for that! My mother never raised a hand to me, but I spanked my own children.

Todays young adult is taught they come first. If your parents are cramping your style tell them to "f---- off" A specialist told one young lady exactly that ... I know the individual. In all fairness, I told the person who was twenty-two years old at the time that it was her life to live, not her mothers or anyone elses BUT would never have considered telling her to tell her mother to"F--- off". What is this world coming to?

Todays youth takes no responsibility for their actions yet they are considered old enough to make their own decisions. When it comes time to pay the piper it is Mom and Dad who must pull their wallets out. If some horny young miss decides she wants to screw around at age eleven and even as young as nine all she has to do is go to the local health clinic to get some form of birth control with a promise her parents never have to find out!!!! Tell me WHO is there to make sure she uses it?

The young unwed mothers of today are encouraged to keep their child, and given every opportunity to do so. This is wonderful in the beginning, but I know of too many young mothers who are abandoning that child when it starts cramping their style. The child is a misfit in the newest family life, so who gets their walking papers? The child does .. Now I have to wonder what will that child do? Who can she blame for the events in her life?

If I had a problem, of any kind I was taught to "get over it" hold my head up and not to make the same mistake again. The rest of my life didn't have to be screwed if I worked at it. You got what you deserved out of life and you only worked harder to get it.
Life is a lesson you never complete.

This generation has no faults, no blame, no responsibility and I hate to think what the next generation will be taught.

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