Hello, my name is Strong Sad. This weird girl wants me to write an introduction to her fanfiction. I think she mistook me for someone important. Oh well, I'll give it a try.

Weirdoes in Paradise: Chapter 1,2,3,4,& 5
Everybody goes on a trip to the Isle of Pom, even me. We find out that Pom-Pom is a prince and then there's angst. I'm starting to like this story, but I can't say why or the author will kill me.
20x6 Stinkoman, Part 1,Part 2
Apparently in this fanfic I'm an otaku. I don't know if that's an insult or not.
Dating Other People
Marzipan doesn't ask me out in this fanfic. I guess that really isn't a surprise. I wouldn't ask myself out, mostly because I'd be too shy to ask anyone out. Even if I did get the courage, even I would refuse to go out with me. I'm such a loser.
A Visit with Strong Sad
While I normally enjoy depressing stories, I'm not sure I like one starring me. The story is libel...for now.

Visit my Fanfiction.net website here.

I also have a fanart site, so visit that.


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