
The best part of this webpage so far. Enjoy!

Something Awful
The internet makes you 5tup1d!1! Lolololol!
Flash cartoons about everybody's favorite armless white dude.
Homestar Runner Wiki
Wait, who is this armless white dude?
deviantArt: strongbadia
And how would he look if he was drawn anime style? (Check out willdrawforpocky)
A great man, responsible for Dsyfunctional Family Circus, PFC's forefather.
The Onion
Local Woman Links To Parody Site.
A MSTing For All Seasons
Ever heard of MST3K? No? Well, first visit this site first, then go here for some of the best MST3K fanfiction.
Zany Video Game Quotes
Weird quotes from video games. Push to start!
Urban Legends Reference Page
Learn about urban legends and common myths. Send this site to seven other people to help the boy with the burlap sack for a body!
The Simpsons Archive
This site has a lot of information about the Simpsons. A good resourse.
Ice Anvil Online
Chibi Clan moved! And stopped updating.
Web Gallery of Art
A little class on this list. A huge site for European art up to the 1800's.
Olga's Gallery
Smaller, but has more recent art.
History House Online
Kooky history articles, but it's been ages since they've updated.
The Ishmael Community
The offical site for Ishmael and other works by Daniel Quinn. You can find out more at Who is Ishmael?
This site helped me make this site. Thank you!