Alec: Is it just me or...
Tommy: Even I knew the lyrics to that bit!
Zoe: What's wrong ?
Tommy: Cathy and Elva have just sang the lyrics wrong.
Vicki: Huh? and they call thenselves fans of Nicolas's and she can't even remember the lyrics.

Zoe runs to the plug of the Tv in backstage and sees that the wire is lose. Just at that moment Cathy and Elva comes round the corner of the backstage and gets the wrong ideas

Elva: Oh, so it was you Couldn't we have just so guessed
Zoe: What are you on about?
Cathy: Are you happy now? you've wrecked everything of mine
Vicki: She didn't even do it!
Elva: What didn't she do? Pull that plug out? Or steal ..
Alec: Elva..!
Cathy: You'll be sorry. Elva...

   Elva and Cathy go off leaving Zoe gutted.

David: Sis! Phone call

    David passes Zoe her mobile phone.

Zoe: ...You what?...No way...Thanks see you in a bit

    Stunned at the news Zoe sits on the floor staring into no where

Alicia: Zoe what's up?
Zoe: ..They can't be that quick
Vicki: Who can't be that quick?

Zoe:...*stands up* site..Vicki you know of any internet cafes around here?
Vicki: No
Alex: I do..
*pretending she can't hear Alex* Alec do you know?
Tommy: I saw a computer room upstairs

    Zoe runs upstairs. Followed by Vicki, Tommy, Alec and Alex not knowing what was the matter. At the top of the stairs Zoe nearly crashed into a guest from the party next door.

Zoe: Sorry...
Chris: Jing Yi?
Zoe: You are...
Chris: I'm Chris...from VIFC..remember me?
Zoe: Oh yes..Hey talk to you later got to find the cpu room. You know where it is?
Chris: What's up? Missing your site already?
Zoe: There's something wrong with the site and there's a meeting to be held in half an hours time
Chris: I have a lap top here which you can use
Zoe: Thanks.

    Zoe quickly switches on the laptop and gets onto the site. She found that there had been a connection problem and very quickly deals with the problem after asking a few of her friends on the net to help. VIFC assistant was also on the net at that time getting ready for the meeting. Zoe switches off the laptop after saying a few good lucks and giving advice which the assistant needed to deal with some of the fans problems.

Zoe: Thanks *passing the lap top to Chris*
Chris: No wonder people voted you so many times in the favourite manager polls.
Tommy: Wah..Cousin you was so quick
Zoe: Haha with a bit of help form my friends. hey got to go back now. Phone me when you have time.  Nice meeting you in real life.

Alex: Who was that?
*Zoe totally ignored him and walked straight past with Tommy and Vicki back downstairs to wait for the results of the competition*
Alec: *smiles* give her a bit of time. She'll be ok very soon.
Host: Ladies and gentlemen. After a round brilliant singing skills from our 2 pairs of contestants we now have a result. Although Cathy and Elva sung very well and danced beautifully they didn't know the lyrics very well and when there was a fault in the plugs of the Tv they couldn't sing to the beat without the words. On the other hand when Zoe sang with one of our Judges wife she carried on singing the lyrics to the song and didn't even give herself the chance to go wrong. Vicki sung very well and we was told that when Vicki had to sing on her own at the beggining when Zoe was not there , for a very good reason of course, she did very well in making up her own steps to the dance to use up the whole stage and not let us think there was someone missing. After our judges fair trial the winners of tonights competition is....VICKI LIN and ZOE CHAN!! Congratulations!

They were all very happy of the results except for Cathy, Elva and Cathy's Dad of course. He couldn't believe his daughter lost a match that she had started off and to someone who they though didn't know mandarin but turned out to be better then Cathy at it. They were totally gobsmacked. They got congratulated by relatives and friends. Cathy and Elva had disappeared by that time, probably sulking somewhere, or thinking of more plans.

Zoe: David, Seen Vicki?
David: Nope