Chapter 2

At the temple
“Quick quick, hurry, we have to get this temple cleaned up and ready before ge ge arrives” panicked the monk, he had been informed earlier that Zhao ge ge was visiting the temple and he knew she was hard to please.
“Arrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” screamed the monk as he saw Zhao ge ge’s carriage arrive. “Quick everyone, line up” stuttered the monk.
Just outside someone said in a loud voice “Zhao ge ge jia dao”
“Au mi tuo fuo” the monks replied in unison.
Zhao ge ge was pleased with this treatment “its not that bad after all” she whispered into her maids ear and walked confidently inside.
As ge ge was praying she heard voices as if 2 people were arguing outside
“Why cant I go in?” asked a males voice, who seemed rather annoyed
“Because ge ge is inside” she heard her maid reply in a rather irritated voice
“So?????? what difference does it make? I come here to pray as well. Even if she is a ge ge she cant expect people to respect her because this is a temple, they should respect the gods here, not her” the male replied annoyed from the treatment Spring was giving him
“Well I suggest you better leave before ge ge hears you” said Spring as she was offended by the males treatment of disrespect towards ge ge and her. “If she sees you here you wont be so lucky”
“Come out if she wishes” snickered the male.
This was all Zhao ge ge could stand. She rushed out and slapped the male while screaming “HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME AND MY MAID????”
“Just because you’re a ge ge doesn’t mean the whole world have to bow at your feet” the male replied as he rubbed his now swollen cheek and looked up. “Who do you think……………………………..” he stopped as he saw Zhao ge ge.
Zhao ge ge gasped in disbelief as she saw this man standing infront of her and gave out a faint cry.



“Tommy” cried Vicki, “why do we have to suffer in this era? Please come back next time”
Tommy hugged her closer “I promise I’ll return your love and make you happy in the future” he sniffed


End of flashback
They just stood there and stare at eachother both felt compelled to speak.
“Ummmmmmmmm you want to pray, well go ahead then”said Zhao ge ge breaking the silence and the stare, but the male seemed oblivious to the fact that ge ge was talking to him
“Whats your name?” asked Zhao ge ge trying again.
This time the male snapped back to reality and replied “my names Alec, Alec Su”.
“Oh nice to meet you Mr Su” replied Zhao ge ge rather awkwadly, she had forgotten that she was mad at him due to the flashback. “well me and my maid better head home now, bye” said Zhao ge ge
Alec bid Zhao ge ge a goodbye and went into the temple to pray for his mothers health.
Back at the palace
“Ge ge” called Spring breaking Zhao ge ge’s thought, “ are you ok? Since the time you arrived home you’ve been in very deep thought. Whats bothering you?” Spring asked concerned for her mistress thinking she might be sick again.
Zhao ge ge stared into space for a few more moments before suddenly saying “ do you remember me telling you that I always have that weird dream about a monk named Tommy and a female named Vicki?”
Spring nodded
“Well that Tommy look exactly like Alec” said Zhao ge ge rather excited.


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