" . . . Let me have 
A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear 
As will disperse itself through all the veins, 
That the life-weary taker may fall dead . . ." 
  "Romeo and Juliet," Act 5, Scene 1 
          NEW POISONS 
Name: Name of the poison, plus any nicknames or black-market terms 
Delivery: Injected, ingested or contact 
Effect: The effect on the victim if the save vs. poison is failed 
Save: The effect if the save vs. poison succeeds (not whether there is a
save allowed.  There always is) 
Onset: How long it takes for the poison's effects to begin 
Duration: How long the poison's effects lasts 
Cost: Cost to obtain 1 dose of the poison 
Delivery: Ingested 
Effect: Death 
Save: 25 dmg. 
Onset: 1 round 
Duration: Instant 
Cost: 700 gp 
     Dwarfrot is a special kind of poison, constructed using alchemy, very 
primitive genetics and a bit of black magic.  It nullifies a dwarf's normal
saving throw bonus vs. poison.  Note that normal bonuses for high Constitution
still apply, but not the special dwarven saving throw bonuses. 
     Example: Ron Jewelcutter has a Constitution of 19.  When drinking 
dwarfrot (unintentionally), he no longer gains his dwarven poison save
bonus of +5 for a 19 Constitution.  However, on the chart in the PHB, he still gains a
+1 to his poison save for an unnaturally high Constitution. 
     Skills and Powers note: The optional poison save bonuses that are
offered to other races and a few classes under the Character Points system ARE NOT 
affected by dwarfrot. 
Delivery: Ingested 
Effect: Special 
Save: None 
Onset: 1 round 
Duration: 1 hour 
Cost: 350 gp 
     Bloodfire is an unusual poison.  When the victim fails his save vs.
poison, he feels a strange warmth run through his veins.  In a matter of seconds,
his insides surge with an incredibly painful burning sensation.  All rolls, including
attack, damage, reaction, proficiency, saving throws, ability and morale checks,
are made at a -3 penalty.  AC receives a +3 penalty.  Spells may not be cast, as the
magic-user cannot concentrate through the pain.  Movement is reduced to one-third, and 
talking is possible, though often short and not very communicative. 
Delivery: Injected 
Effect: Special 
Save: None 
Onset: Instant 
Duration: 1 turn 
Cost: 150 gp 
     Often used in the lower classes of a large city, sytharm is a
hallucinogen. When injected, the victim is allowed a save which he may voluntarily
forego.  If the save fails, he is overwhelmed by strange sensations and visions.  The
effects are similar to that of a "spectral force" spell; the victim behaves as if the
hallucinations were real and present, but cannot defy the laws of physics.  A subject who
believes he is walking on a rainbow bridge cannot float over a chasm, though he
won't move past what he thinks is a brick wall. 
     In some areas, distilled sytharm is sold much cheaper, around 10 gp
per dose.  However, the effects of that type last for only 3 rounds, and the 
hallucinations are much less realistic. 
     Addiction is possible, although it is a totally psychological
addiction. Every time a person willingly takes a dose, they must make an Wisdom check
with a -1 penalty.  Success means they realize that this is addictive, and will
not use it again.  Failure means they take another dose.  Checks are made after every
dose taken, though there is a cumulative -1 penalty applied to each successive
dose (so, after your 10th dose, you have a -10 penalty to break the habit).  Each day
without a dose results in a -1 penalty to all rolls.  The addict may make a
Constitution check (with the penalties for a day without a dose) to come off the
addiction, if he goes one day without a dose. 
Delivery: Injected, ingested 
Effect: Special 
Save: None 
Onset: 1 round 
Duration: 1 hour 
Cost: 200 gp 
     Popular among statesmen and nobles, mindbuzz is a sympathizing drug. 
Any who take it become susceptible to any persuasion or requests.  When
taken, provided the save vs. poison is failed, the victim suffers a -5 penalty to
saves vs. spell for defending against enchantment/charm spells.  If mundane methods
of convincing are being used, any who speak to the victim seem to receive +5
to their Charisma score. 
     Elves and half-elves are affected differently.  Their normal bonuses
against charm-related spells are halved.  Thus, elves, for the poison's duration,
have a 45% resistance against charm spells, and half-elves get only 15%.  Their
resistance against hold spells isn't affected. 
Delivery: Contact 
Effect: Special 
Save: Special 
Onset: Instant 
Duration: Instant / 3 rounds 
Cost: 50 gp 
     Caustar is brewed from very toxic herbs, and is used by many
professional mercenaries.  One dose coats a medium-sized slashing or piercing weapon, or
two small weapons of the same type, and lasts for 2d4 successful hits.  When
the weapon hits and does damage to an opponent, they must save vs. poison. 
Failure means that the hit does 2 extra points of damage.  The caustar enters the
wound and slows its closing, also giving extreme pain. 
     A successful save means that only the caustar's pain factor affects
its target.  The victim suffers a -1 penalty to all rolls for 3 rounds. 
The poisons listed in the DMG have no cost listed with them.  What a shame!
Fortunately, I have provided a chart that solves this problem.  Each of the
16 different poison types is listed below with its cost to obtain one dose. 
75 gp 
110 gp 
150 gp 
185 gp 
560 gp 
450 gp 
195 gp 
225 gp 
300 gp 
750 gp 
50 gp 
100 gp 
230 gp 
1150 gp 
500 gp 
750 gp 
     If you want to make your own poison, you must decide its basic 
capabilities.  Below is a list of all of its necessary qualities, and a
step-by-step example poison, created using these rules. 
Name: Give it a descriptive name.  I've decided that this poison will cause
internal bleeding, so I'll call it Red Death. 
Delivery: How is it delivered?  Is it injected, ingested or transmitted
through contact?  Red Death will be injected.  It's not as subtle as something in
the food, but not as easily found. 
Effect: What does it do?  This is most often direct damage, but poisons can
also be Paralytic or Debilitative.  See the DMG for descriptions of those.  I think
that Red Death will just be a typical poison.  It does 50 points of damage if the
save is failed. 
Save: What does it do if the save vs. poison is failed?  Sometimes there is
no effect if the save is successful.  Sometimes the poison still does damage through
other means when it doesn't take full effect.  Red Death does 10 points of damage
if the save succeeds. 
Onset: How much time does it take for a poison to take effect?  Instant
poisons are good for hit-and-runs, though it's easier to reason who has done the deed. 
Poisons with long onset times are better for covering one's tracks, though
they allow more time to see if there is a problem.  Red Death will have an onset
time of 10 minutes. 
Duration: How long does the poison last?  If the poison's effect is
damaging, this is instantaneous.  Otherwise, a longer duration may be applied.  Red Death,
as it does damage, has an instant duration. 
Brewing: The time to mix a poison varies according to its components.  The
base time to make any poison is 30 minutes.  However, potency may modify the 
poison's time to create.  Consult the charts below for appropriate
modifiers.  Add up all of the modifiers, then multiply the modifier by the base time (30
Injected       0 
Ingested       .5 
Contact        1 
Per 5 points of damage done        .5 
Death                               5 
Paralytic                           1 
Debilitative                       1.5 
Per 2 points of damage done        .25 
Per minute          .25 
Per 30 minutes (if not damaging)   .5 
Less than 30 minutes               .25 
     Red Death is an injected poison that does 50 points of damage (10 if
the save is successful) and has an onset time of 10 minutes.  This adds up to a
total modifier of 8.75.  8.75 x 30 equals 262.5, or 4 hours and 22 minutes to
brew. Quite an afternoon's work, but probably worth it. 
     Note that, when brewing a poison, the concoction must be observed for
the full time, if not specifically attended to.  The brewer must, in the very
least, remain in the same room as the brew to ensure a successful balance of ingredients.
 The person brewing the poison must also have the Herbalism proficiency, and
makes two Herbalism checks to make it; one for gathering the proper amounts of
the right ingredients, and one for successfully mixing and brewing.  If both
succeed, the poison works; otherwise, it has no effect as a poison. 
     The cost of the poison is based upon its type also.  For every point
of damage done if the save is failed, 5 gp is added onto the cost.  For every
point of damage that is taken if the save is made, 3 gp is added.  Poisons that
cause death have a base cost of 500 gp.  Ingested poisons add 50% onto the cost, while 
contact poisons add 100% to the cost.  The final result is the cost for one
     Red Death does 50 points of damage, 10 if the save is successful.  50
x 5 is 250, 10 x 3 is 30.  250+30=280.  Since its injected, no more modifiers are
done. Thus, one dose of Red Death costs 280 gp.  Much more than the average
injected poison, but, then again, Red Death is far more powerful.  Note also that
this is merely the advised cost, the "suggested retail price," as it were.  If the
poison is incredibly rare, or the seller is rather untrustworthy, the price may be
     Poisons may be brewed that are more or less powerful than normal.  If
you wish to brew a less effective poison, decide the bonus to the saving throw
vs. poison that the victim receives, up to +7.  For each +1 to the save, reduce
the brewing time by 10%. 
     Let's say that an assassin needs to get a dose of Red Death brewed as 
quickly as possible, but wants it to still retain some effectiveness. 
Deciding to allow a +3 bonus to the save, he gets to work on the poison.  3 x 10 is 30,
so 262.5 - 30% is 183.75, or 3 hours and about 4 minutes.  Much quicker than
the 4 hours and 20 minutes originally. 
     Extra-deadly poisons may also be brewed.  For every -1 to the saving 
throw, add an extra 20% to the brewing time. 
     An assassin who has plenty of time to kill is mixing some Red Death,
with a normal brewing time of 262.5 minutes.  She wants her victim to suffer a
-5 penalty to the saving throw.  5 x 20 is 100, so the time to brew will be
doubled. 525 minutes comes out to 8 hours and 45 minutes. 
E-mail me at for comments, questions and feedback!
