August 28, 2005

SO. today i was helping a middle-aged Mexican lady. like most others, her first question to me was "Que habla espanol?". i dont. so i told her NO. and she proceeded to speak in english. i helped her find what she needed, and began applying products on her face. then she asks...

"Where are you from? and why don't you speak spanish?"

so i told her.. "I AM FILIPINO. i've lived here for most of my life. so i dont speak spanish."

then she replies... "well your name is spanish. so you need to LEARN spanish."

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! but last time i checked, the native language of the Philippines is Tagalog, and NOT spanish. and hadn't i just TOLD her that i wasn't mexican? and EXCUSE ME, but just because we're close to the border, doesn't mean that i need to learn spanish. and HELLO... do you not understand Filipino history? and MEXICAN history, for that matter?

people in this world amaze me. how dare her.

note to self: download "Hey Leonardo (She likes me for me)" by Blessed Union of Souls on ipod.

August 23, 2005

Damn you're OLD. but i love you, old man. and i hope you enjoyed your "B"day with your HELLA COOL new friends (even tho you STOLE them from ME!)

Padre Game was a BLAST!!! Nothin like buyin out a WHOLE SECTION and havin all your buddies screamin and yellin and behavin like animals. i LOVE IT. and at the end of the night... everyone got LAYED!!! cuz you know... cupidMar over here. (jokes.. uh hur)

anyhoo... i have other comments to make. see on maRfiles please.

erik i miss you. call me foo.