March 31, 2006

on the up-side of things... he was short, wasn't very smart, and was two years younger. i've said it once, and i won't hesitate to say it again: LP is a fucking JERK.

but the downers: (are you ready for this?)
*my sweet tax return is going to my moms.... cuz my lil brother has this gigante ER bill that needs to be paid. i dont have any plans for the money... so this will be for the best for the family. all of you take heed::: KEEP YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE!!!!
*my sunday off will forecasts a rainy day. POOP. and it was my only day off this week. and i can't go to the beach. poop poop poop!
*i'm getting too fat for my jeans again
*i haven't had a single drop of coffee all day (and i opened today, and had a LONG ass sorority gig tonight)
*every pore of my body oooozes espresso... even after i shower, i can still smell the aroma.
*i dropped my phone again
*the marines wont leave me alone
*my room is eternally in progress. furniture moving just never works out the way i want it or need it to.

and i think that's all for the downers.

all in all... nothing much happening in life. just work, school, and the everyday nanananananna. voila. i need a life.

and a resume.

March 30, 2006

baby steps, mar... baby steps.

i'm finally beginning to feel like a real barista. why now? after a month? because i got to cover a shift at a different store... and i've had shifts other than the buttcrack 4am shift. hooraaaah for me!

aside from starbucks life... nuuuuthin much going on. actually.. ABSOLUTELY nothing. i got keys to friends' apartments. i'm rearranging furniture in my room. i'm slowly purging crap that i really don't need. and i've finally started putting money in my savings account. hooray!

(((((FILLER POST HERE... cuz mar has no life. until she can start drinking again. or she starts dating again. bah humbug)))))

March 28, 2006

i had a long list of things to do today.
i'll give you a wild guess of how many things i was able to scratch off of that list.
i'll give you a hint: it's my average....
aka: ZERO.

but at least i found a hidden talent: i'm better at parallel parking on the LEFT side, than the traditional right. meaning.... i'd be a better driver everywhere else in the world than here. then again.. the rest of the world is right-hand-drive... so maybe not.

(1) i give up on LP
(2) i need to start dating again
(3) i still haven't found a job. mainly, cuz i haven't finished my resume
(4) but at least i got a freelance artistry offer from Estee Lauder: meaning:::: GRATIS!!!!
(5) my tuesday night class is like death row: i just count the minutes til the torcher is finally over
(6) LP is a jerk
(7) it's fun being semi-unemployed
(8) i kinda like waking up at buttcrack early in the morning (but just don't tell anyone)
(9) brian and I went to "our restaurant" for dinner and had no sparks. great. just like old times.
(10) yes, i'm still seeing brian on a regular basis. and this is the reason for update #2

March 26, 2006

how it ended up being TWO nights in a row of being weaksauce, i shall never know. i can tell you one thing tho: my sisters are GOOOOOD at makin me break! hahahah! PB bar n Grill on thursday nights are always guaranteed fun. specially when i run into Starbucks (the hottie, not the crew), hang out with a few good pledge brothers, and toss back a few shots. hahahha! i'm lying. i only had 3 drinks that night. oh well. good times, good times.

the not good times about it? gettin home at 2:30am and having to be at work at 4am. and after a night with tequila... we all know how mar does with tequila. needless to say, i was sent home after 3 hours cuz i had to throw up every few minutes. ick. and we all know i looked like shit that day.

alcohol is baaaaaad.

in other news: i love MOCHI!!! hahahahah! long story. call me for details. i'm too lazy to type it up here.


class was cancelled today. and i was having a hard enough time filling the time. i really need a full time job.

i'm debating on whether i should go to aptC or apt3. or maybe i could just vegg out and study. or actually go to sleep; cuz i have work at 4am and i havent worked a 4am shift in a coupla days.

then again... i ain't got shit to do tomorrow either. which means i could just sleep all day again.

but let's not let the excessive sleep become habit.

it was a BEAUTIFUL day today too. average temp all day as 78degrees! WOWZERS! today was a "Build me up buttercup" kinda day.

blah. apt C it is!

March 23, 2006

note to self: mar is NOT allowed to hang out with her sisters after hours anyplace where there may be alcohol. i CRACKED. after dinner at the Seau's bar, and a very frustrating meal with a sister's man, we headed over to Dave n Busters. and when has mar EVER not drank at DnBs? especially during happy hour. =P but i only had ONE blackout. and that was it. that was my jager/redbull/151 fix for the entirety of lent. fuck me. i'm so weak.

but reconnecting with sisters and friends was goood. got to just get away from the mess at home. it seems like the more i clean, the more shit NEEDS to be cleaned. ugh. it's never ending. i need to find a full time job NOW, before i go insane from the cleaning materials vapors. bah.

and my lawyer told me i didn't need to show up for court. here's to hoping that he actually went, and that there isn't a warrant out for my arrest right now. *knock on wood*.

so anyhooo... day 2 of hanging out with SecretTwin-JannieBigBooty. fun times ahead =)


hilites of the day:
*running into jeR at the antimall
*'scoes omelette
*new stuff
*driving the truck home
*no rain!!!

not so good times finding out one of my good friends was just diagnosed with type I diabetes. and she's only 27 =( she's so YOUNG!!! so off to the hospital we go tomorrow after work to see how she be.

also not so good times: my phone is permanently connected to aim, and it refuses to sign off. and i've been getting a million messages, none of which i can access cuz my phone sucks big booty hoes.

March 19, 2006

wowee! for the first time in my life, i'm getting a SWEEEET tax refund, and i actually don't NEEEED it. i mean, ofcourse i NEED it... but i dont necessarily NEEEED it. as in, i can actually wait for it, and no bills will go unpaid. make sense? so the money can actually go into my savings account, instead of hoping it will come just in time for me to send out pending bills. hooray!

also got an email today letting me know that i will not have to appear in court. my lawyer will be taking care of everything, and appear on my behalf. personally, i think it might actually help if i make an appearance, but he's been doing this for 22 years, so i'm putting my confidence in him. he's got a very good reputation, so hopefully, things will pan out for the best.

i've had all weekend off... and the only thing i've managed to accomplish is doing a SINGLE load of laundry. and one which i dont necessarily need. the load that i really need (for work, etc.) is pending. sitting on my floor, waiting to be picked up and dumped. bah. but i'm on my way to long beach, and i only have 16 hours next week (as opposed to the usual 40-60), so i'll have plenty of time to finish laundry, clean bathrooms, etc.

and seriously... i have my baby brother to blame for having dirty bathrooms. i had to take him to the Childrens Hosp. ER immediately after work on Friday, because his doctor advised that he get his lab work done immediately, because he was showing symptoms of appendicitis (thank god, results were negative). but it was a LOOOONG 9 hour stay in the waiting room. so needless to say... i didnt get anything done that afternoon.

and ofcourse, i could be doing something else productive at this time.... but you know me. always the lagger.

and i'm forecasting a delay in a bay area trip. why? because i just found out that i have midterms right before my spring break. bah humbug. which foils any plans that i previously had. its okay. back to the drawing board.

March 18, 2006

holy crappers my court date is 4 days away. i think i'm gonna poo my pants. EEP! hope ya'lls are prayin for me.

nemoclone stopped calling. so i take it he read my blospot. whoops.

more news later. my ride just got here.


slowly but surely, i'm pimpin out myspace. ugh. what a fahcking LOSER i've become.

note to self: little people are amusing. even moreso because a majority of them are my race. the most amusing part: the littler ones tend to hang out with little ones too.... so in pictures, everyone looks normal. it's funny. i'd link you to pictures/myspaces.... but that would just be mean.

and it's freakin COOOOLD for san diego! i feel bad for my brutha out east. i bet he's freezin his patooty off. cuz he left his winnie-the-pooh slippers here.

driving home on the 94 east today, i saw snow-capped mountains. actually... the WHOLE mountain was snowy. crazy shit. you never see that in san diego. at least not THAT clearly pre-805 on the 94. (if you're not from SD, i apologize, cuz you probably don't get that. i suggest looking at the satellite map of our freeways, and maybe you'll understand)

March 13, 2006

honestly, i don't even know why i bother. actually... i DO know. it's because i care too much. and i don't even really know why. it's one of those things that i just can't justify. (like that thing with GrandeMocha) because in reality, it really isn't good for me. it really isn't good for any relationships that i have, or will have, or have had, for that matter. i really just do it just because....maybe because of a feeling that i think will change with time. well... not really a feeling i think will change with time... more like the situation and the actual THING itself. UGH. i really should be done with it. but i enjoy it. and that's not a very good thing. cuz when i really think about it..... it's really not that great anyway. .... but in my head, it really is. so maybe it is that great.... but probably not. UGH. i guess we'll see.

speaking of GrandeMocha.... what i don't get about it.... is because he's really not my type. not really, anyway. and we've never really talked. and he's never really smiled. i know NOTHING about him. and yet.... there's SOMETHING there that compels me to him. i know it's not physical. maybe we had a really good thing in some previous lifetime. it's possible.

so i pulled an erik. and i'm trying really hard not to. but slowly but surely, i think LP is winning my heart. don't ask why. cuz really.... he's not that wonderful. but i love the feeling i get from hanging out with him. and he's good times. funny, not too smart, but his stupid jokes make up for his lack of intellect. i just keep telling myself that it's because he was a marine. and it makes it all better. the part that makes it not any better? he's got a girlfriend. hence, the pulling an erik. (hahaha! dude, i had to. falling for someone unavailable is synonymous with YOU!) and really... her and i are complete opposites. she's one of those little (literally) asian girls that are designer-obsessed, not too smart, and gets everything handed to her on a silver platter. bitch. so really... i just think she's probably not too interesting. but then again... LP isn't really that smart... so he probably doesn't even notice.

that's mean. i'm going to hell.

working at starbucks is still wonderful. i almost don't want to get a real, grown-up job. but really... i HAVE to. otherwise my bills will really get the best of me. cuz honestly.... you don't make shit as a barista.

and TWO MORE FUCKING DAYS at RobMay before that place completely shuts donwn. i'm actually starting to miss it. as much of a hellhole as it was... i LOVED the people i worked with. and sadly, that has to come to an end. at least i know i'll keep in touch. at this point in my life, i can't start pulling the same shit with friends that i used to.

speaking of which, i ran into one of my CG bros today. sat with him and his MiraMesa wifey for a good 45 minutes just catching up. they live in Kansas now. and have been traveling. they're grown-ups. and i'm so jealous. i remember back in the day when i'd see them on the 4th floor of the SDSU library eating their lunch. such a loving couple. they're gonna be happy. i want something like that.

and the part that makes me feel like crap? i HAD that with someone. and i let it go because we were both too immature. UGH. what a dumb girl i am.

but for now.... eatin my cake too. dum dee dum dee dum.

know what sucks? i can't sleep past 4am now. FUCK. i miss sleeping in.

reading JoeRogan's blog made me laugh. he's got a couple of new entries. i suggest you read it. then follow up by looking at Kevin's myspace. it really shows how sad it is to be in middle america. some people really think they have talent... and it's SAD. (btw, i'm talking about the song on kevin's profile) you know me. i'm always down to defend coastal living. slash, chicaaago.

p.s. it scares me to know that if you google me, you can find my celphone number online. cuz of all the guestbook signs from previous years of AphiG events. gnarly.

March 11, 2006

if you smell coffee in the bathroom, i was probably the last one to use it. i was doing so well avoiding coffee, too. and then this job happened. now i consistently pee coffee. which isn't necessarily a bad thing... considering that now i'm getting an awful lot of calcium and protein (soy milk n reg milk, hooray!). but i need to start drinking more water before my pee turns brown. ew. nasty.

i've worked myself to become dependent on at least 6 shots a day, and a couple of large teas. espresso shots, and black tea, folks. still no alcohol, remember?

and speaking of which: i've received 2 invites for ST. Patty's day. last year w/ Cookie was good times (i heard), so she invited me this year. i politely declined. booo. but ofcourse, i offered my taxi services just in case.

had a date night with Brian last night. well... kind-of-a-date-night. dinner and a blockbuster night. but no funny business this time. what do i think of it? EH. i guess we'll see what happens, right? but i'm being careful. i don't want to let go of my single-ness just yet.

actually... i dont want to let go of my singleness AT ALL. but it's been good to date someone that gets me.

and here's your 180:

it was freakin HAILING in mission valley today. i work right on the San Diego river, so the parking lot actually looked like it was a part of the river. the hail was just getting absorbed and settling on the ground. it wasn't even bouncing anymore because it had rained THAT much.

so we all know how NOTfun the drive home was. stupid San Diego drivers.

and lastly: i finally received a release date. my last official day working for RobMay is MARCH 17th!!!! let's celebrate, folks! real world... get ready... cuz here i come!

March 7, 2006

i think i've gotten things WAY out of order. i've found a daycare/perma-babysitter for my children. her name is Erica.
I've also picked out a china pattern by VeraWang/Wedgewood. and my stemware by Waterford. and my flatware by Waterford.
i've picked out my wedding gown.
i've already planned out where i'm gonna live, how i'm gonna live, what to name my children, and what kind of pets we will have.

and the part that should have come before i started picking out all of this?

the husband. or even the potential.

geez. can someone just hurry up and fill the spot already so i can freakin get on with my life?

blah blah blah.... you should marry for love... blah blah blah.

it would be nice, wouldn't it? but i like the OVERALL picture better. the love part will just fall into place.

shouldn't it?

i don't know. don't listen to me. i'm the girl that gets things messed up.

change in topic: i LOVE being on bar at starbucks. cuz i'm GOOOOOOD at it, damnit. 2nd shift in a row that they left me hangin n makin drinks all by my lonesome. and it was busy. and nobody bothered to really teach me anything except how to make foam. but you know what? i knew my shiiiiiit.

what a cocky sunnovabetch.

you woulda been proud of me, tho. i was like a bouncy ball all over the place.

yeap. proud of the girl with the degree makin drinks at starbucks. woop dee faaaahcking doo.

March 6, 2006

my nieces are the CUTEST things in the world. and my nephew comes at an extremely close second place. i'd show you the pictures and the video, but i still can't figure out my phone.

mar + technology = broken electronics and frustration

the schedule for the next two weeks at starbucks is out. i have 50 hours in the span of 2 weeks... and EVERY SINGLE SHIFT starts at 4:15am. holy crap. my boss thinks that i don't need to sleep.

that's what i get for showing up on time. had i shown up late for the past few 4:15am shifts, i wouldn't get that many in the coming weeks. damnit. that's what i freakin get for being a responsible employee.

my older brother officially leaves san diego for good in 3 hours. i'm not sad to the point of crying just yet... but i know it will hit me in a couple of days when there's no one there to wake my ass up at 7am with the obnoxious singing and the blowdryer.

then again... i'll be at work.

which reminds me... can anyone please help with my resume?

plans are in the works for a trip out to Maryland. would anyone like to come along and be my bitch for a week?

March 4, 2006

first of all... ERIK... you're weaksauce. that's all i gotta say. WEAK WEAK WEAK. blah!

so i'm a bit bummed these days. 1) because my brother leaves on monday for the east coast. he's moving back out there because "san diego is too chill." let him live his life... but i just think he still has a lot of prep work to do before he moves away. i.e. getting his savings together, getting his legal stuff in order, getting his alien stuff in order, etc. it's his life, but i just want him to live it well. but maybe a change in environment will help him along with the motivation.

2) kinda bummed cuz i missed Lee's party night last night. my pledge sisters are hardly ever together, and i missed out again last night. and this is my first weekend in a very long time without alcohol. (but that's a good thing).

and 3) LP worked all day yesterday and didn't even bother to come by and do his daily flirting. i wasn't a mess. i didn't even look tired. and i know he wasn't that busy. argh. at least Dookie did his daily. but still. i'm over Dookie.

and our last story of the day: i don't understand what's going on between Brian and I. are we just friends? are we heading in the same direction we were before? what's going on? i don't really understand. but i'm keeping my guard up. it's just nice to have him around again to call at random times and to know that someone will appreciate something stupid that i did/said/saw/heard. BAH. i need to stop.


erik... FOOOL. you're such a biter! hhahaha! it's all gravy (gravy for your cold turkey?). this is something we both have to do anyway. and something that both of our livers NEED!!! (well... maybe just YOUR liver. mine is okay) we need to make a bet. to see who cracks first. and no LYING! fool. if you cheat, you gotta 'fess up to it. i'm not gonna do the sunday cheating thing. and if you can have drugs, then i can have drugs too! hahaha.. j/k. maybe just weed. not perkisett(sp?) like SOME people i know. and it still counts as cheating if you take the perkisett with cough/cold medicine. so no cheating!

hrrrmmmm. so what should the terms be?? hahhahah! this should be interesting.

and the fact that both of our spring breaks fall BEFORE easter makes it even WORSE!!!! ugh. and another thing that's BEFORE easter.... my lil sis's 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! shit shit shit shit shit! oh well. i'll be her designated driver anyway.

but hey... i have a little proposition for you. since i'm supposed to come up to the bay for the tail end of your spring break and the beginning of my spring break.... what if on THAT SUNDAY... we BOTH cheat? and in God's eyes, it's not really cheating. and seriously... if i come up there... we're drinking, damnit! unless i come up after easter... cuz of stupid work.

i guess we'll see what happens. stupid RobMay is freakin pissing me off with the keeping me in the dark thing about my schedule. my Sbux manager is already starting to get on my case about it.

in other news: NemoClone called me today and asked for a second date. that's kinda weird. i didnt think he would with the way the first date ended. whatever.

i think i'm starting to get a crush on an Ewok at work. =(

03.01.06::37mins later

opening day is SOLD OUT!!! =( so i just got tickets for the third home game against the giants. not as exciting... but whatever.

and as much shit i'm gonna get for it.... i'm bringing brian to the game. for the same reason he took me to see unwritten law.... because neither of us could find anyone else that would want to go. cuz our friends suck.

hahhaah! you guys dont suck. you just dont like baseball. which makes you suck.

MARch 1, 2006

HOORAY! i finally have partner numbers! I'm officially a part of the cult that will soon take over the world! The upper-ups have a plan to TRIPLE the size of the company within the next couple of years. we already have 10,000+ stores. so 30K+ stores within the next couple of years? it's a bit ambitious... but completely do-able considering the strength and inertia of this company. (for those of you completely tuned out, i'm talking about starbucks. dur) today i get my first official markout... aka first FREE pound of coffee!!! but i'm thinking of just doing a box of tea cuz my throat is KILLING me. i lost my voice a couple of days ago. and although i like the sexy voice that's coming out, i hate the feeling of the phlegm and scratchiness and the burn whenever i drink anything acidic.

in other news: yesterday i had a meeting with my HR manager about my position in the company (now we're talking RobMay/Lauder... aka full time job). Originally, when i chose which stores/positions I would like to go forward with, I only put 1 store and 1 position down, otherwise i would opt for the severance package. I put "Fashion Valley Macys Estee Lauder Counter Manager." a bit ambitious, i know. but i know i could/would kick ass in that position. that, and i'm sick of the stupid blonde bitch having some kind of power over me. i'm over the power struggle. been there, done that, don't feel like doing it anymore. So since that position was not available, my HR manager pulled me into her office and let me know another location was available... HORTON PLAZA. and we all know how much i loved working in that area. and to be offered a management position,(aka promotion!), in an area that i love, and for Lauder... it was something that i should not have REFUSED. but alas... i turned down the job. and it may sound like a step back and a completely idiotic move.... but i've got my reasons.

firstly: i'm fucking sick of what i do. i'm tired of catering to grumpy old women and gift-hungry asian people. i would have even less patience with the many foreigners that come to that mall. i dont think i could work at macys because of the bullshit that i've been through throughout this whole merger. and lastly, i just dont give a fuck anymore. it was an experience, and i'm done with it. on to new and better things.

which brings me to: sometime this week i will be speaking to my Sbux manager about my position in the company. i dont wanna be a bottom feeder for long. i want UP, damnit. so i will be asking her to place me on "fast track"... aka the elevator for the company ladder. ambition: i want my own store within a couple of years. i want to be a district manager within 4 years. and i want to be in the corporate office in less than 5 years. and damnit, i can do it. and just based on the experiences of my friends, and from the very little i've been exposed to... i know this is a GREAT company to work for.

it's day one of Lent. no alcohol. and people have already started asking when we're gonna have another drink up. fuckers. i didn't even party last night.... and it didnt even RAIN! damnit!