Who I am








Well, I’m a 33 year old woman happily married for 12 years to the greatest man on earth. Most of my life I’ve been overweight, except for my teens because I never ate. My parents always bought my clothes at the “chubby” section and yes I went through all the hassel with the low self esteem issues. I grew up in a loving home with a caring and supporting family and have usually been very secure of myself.

I’ve never been “really” fat (according to the people that know me) but for me it’s fat enough.

I never before felt the need to lose weight because I never thought of it as a problem, it was just the way I was. My wake up call came in March, I used to smoke heavily, and I was getting tired of smoking I didn’t do it for pleasure anymore it was just something I did, I started to do some soul searching and I realized I had none or little control over myself, my body, my feelings, etc..., and just like that I was fed up, how much longer would I put up with myself being such a whimp ? So I did the first thing to make things different I quit smoking, I’m not going to say that it was easy but the feeling I got from choosing not to smoke was empowering, it made me stronger and stronger everyday and also fatter. I was still out of breath, out of shape with no energy, just feeling bad and depressed, I started looking through the internet to find support, any kind of support and I understood that in order for me to get better I had to control EVERY aspect of my life, so I did. It’s a battle that goes on everyday, believe me, specially when I look at a Snickers bar at the checkout or when we drive past McDonalds or any fast food place for that matter but I’m giving it all I’ve got because I believe in me and I believe I can change.

The thing that keeps me going everyday is knowing that whatever decisions I take today will make my tomorrow better or worse. I understand that I’m human and I realize I can fail at any given moment but I get right back up and keep walking and it just seems to get easier and easier every day.

I enjoy being challenged because it makes me be a better person.

I love cats, I think they’re beautiful creatures as close to perfection as it gets, I love music of all kinds, specially R&B, I live in a beautiful place real close to the sea (which I don’t visit much because of being overweight) I love going for walks at night, a good cup of coffee, a great book.

This is me, and I get to learn a little more of myself as I go along.