A blog for a group of angels, who own an angel clique.  


Home Archives Arch-Angels

Tuesday, March 26, 2002
What's wrong with the form? I'll try to fix it if I can..
::: posted by Flame-Haired Daughter of War at 2:31 PM

Sunday, March 24, 2002
Yea it is getting annoying. I've still got like 10 more in mai mailbox. N-e-1 when they find time fix out form! It's treas confusing and it's onlie sent to mai e-mail.
::: posted by Serena the A[z]N at 6:14 PM

Saturday, March 16, 2002
Okay, I added the angels of Nothingness, Sparkles, and Paganism. I changed the angel of generousity to the angel of bravery. I'd've done more, but geocities decided that it didn't want to let me back into the account.
::: posted by Amanda the k{J}n at 11:31 PM

Friday, March 08, 2002
Lalala... I am SO bored. Serena, FWD those emails!
::: posted by Amanda the k{J}n at 11:20 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2002
PU2... they should be sent to my email.. this whole forwarding crap is beginning to get annoying and I thought I fixed that...
::: posted by Amanda the k{J}n at 9:53 PM

Friday, February 15, 2002
I dunno if i stil have it, but i'll check. BTW where do u want submissons sent? Like to wat name coz I've got like 10 submussions on mai mailbox now.
::: posted by Serena the A[z]N at 3:40 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Okee Dokee. Um...I lost the submission, so will you send it back my way, Sere?
::: posted by Amanda the k{J}n at 4:53 PM

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