Shrine to Jeff Thompson, Right Stuf Producer
Welcome to the Shrine!
Last updated: 02-24-02
"Who is Jeff Thompson?" you ask?  Jeff Thompson is the talented producer from The Right Stuf anime distribution company.  Jeff can be seen frequently on the convention scene- here are some pictures of the handsome, bearded man for your enjoyment!
This site currently houses 46 pictures of Jeff Thompson, not including this picture-
Where Jeff *just* manged to get blocked out of the shot. :-(
Aw, if that doesn't warm your heart, I don't know what will.
Here's a preview of what you can see on my other pages!
Jeff with microphones!  See him speaking.
Pics of Jeff with cosplayers, and on discussion panels.
Choose one of the five pages the Jeff Thompson pictures have been divided into, then check out the About Jeff and LInks Pages!
The many faces of Jeff Thompson.
Jeff Thompson with other anime-related personalities.
Uncategorizable?  I call them,
Links About Jeff Thompson
To all who view this page- please remember that while a lot of this may seem tongue-in-cheek, that's just my goofy otaku personality.  I hold a great respect for Jeff Thompson and all other people in the anime field, and I don't mean it to seem any other way! ; ) Every US anime producer, voice actor, etc., deserves their very own shrine for as much crap as they get from some of us American otaku.  But think- if it weren't for these people bringing over anime, how many of you would even know what it is?  Thanks, and enjoy the site!