Ameritech  Hoosier  Academic  Super  Bowl
Between  The  Wars
November  11, 1918  to  December  7,  1941
updated   02-22-02
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Georgia  O'Keeffe
Georgia  O'Keeffe
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Harold  Arlen
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Stuart  Davis
Stuart  Davis
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Thomas  Hart  Benton
Thomas  Hart  Benton
Top  Dance  of  the  20's
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Bertrand  Russell  Links
Bertrand  Russell  Society

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Peano Zermelo Russell
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Polynomial  Functions
Polynomial Universal Functions
Abundance of Elements
Abundance of Elements - Rare Earth
Abundance in Universe
Amino  Acids
Amino  Acid  Structure
Amino  Acid  Structure
Artificial Elements Quantum Wedge
Atom  &  Atomic  Theory
Atomic Structure of an Atom
Atomic Structure of Materials
Balancing  Nuclear  Reactions
Century  of  Science  1920-1939
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Cyclotron - Ernest O. Lawrence
Ernest O. Lawrence
Sir  James  Chadwick
Chadwick Biography
Digital  Library  Science
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Electronic  Configuration
Electronic  Configuraiton  Links
Equilibrium  Chemical
Equilibrium  Henderson
Equilibrium  K 
Ernest  Rutherford
Exact Masses Abundance of Elements
Expansion  Into  Science
Film  History 
Film  History  by  Decade  -  GOOD
100  Most  Important  People  in  Film
George  Eastman  Film  House
Goddard  Fast  Facts
Goddard  Father  of  Space Age
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Hermann  Oberth  Remembered
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Isotopes  -  Los Alamos
Isotopes  Table
Isotopes  -  Periodic  Table
Isotopes  Project  LBNL  - EXCELLENT
John  MacLeod  Biography
John  MacLeod
Karl  Landsteiner  Biography
Karl  Landsteiner Rare Blood  Groupings
Karl  Landsteiner
Kreb's  Cycle
Kreb's  Cycle
LeChatler's  Principle
LeChatler's  Principle
LeChatler's  Principle
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Molecular  Genetics  Primer
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Quantun  Theory  About
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Radio  History
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Sir  Alexander  Fleming
Sir  Alexander  Fleming
Sir  Alexander  Fleming
Subatomic  Particles
Technology  in  Broadcasting
Television  History
TV  Inventing
TV  Technology  PENDING
Valency Tags
Vulcanization  of  Rubber
Wave  Nature  of  Light
Wave  Nature  of  Light
Wehrner Von Braun
Wehrner Von Braun background
Werhner Von Braun & V 2 Rockets
Social  Studies
1928  Olympics
1932  Olympics
1936  Olympics
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart Links Page
America  First  Committee
America  First  Politics
America  First Committee - Lindberg
American History Page
American  Presidents
Autos  of  the 1920's
Babe  Didrikson
Babe  Didrikson
Babe  Ruth
Babe  Ruth
Bonus Army March
Bonus Army March Links
CCC  &  Roosevelt
Causes of the Depression
Century  Countdown
Complete Listing of FDR's Fireside Chats
Coolidge Biography
Coolidge,  Calvin
Dawes  Plan
Dawes  Plan
Dawes  Plan
Depression Radio & FDR
Dust  Bowl
Dust  Bowl  Links
Dust  Bowl  Overview
the  Great  Depression
Great  Depression & New Deal
Early Radio
Economic & Depression Terms
Eleanor  Roosevelt
Eleanor  Roosevelt  Links
Eleanor  Roosevelt  Universal  Declaration
FDR  and  the  New  Deal  -  MASSIVE
FDR' s  Four  Freedoms
FDR's  Battle  with  Churchill
Harding  Biography
Harding,  Warren  G. 
Herbert Hoover 
Herbert Hoover on the Web
History  Channel 
Hoover  Decade
Hoover,  Herbert  C.
IGCSC  Treaties
Immigration Restrictions 1920's
Immigration Headlines
Indiana  Governors
Jesse  Owens  Biography
Jesse  Ownes  at  the  Olympics
John  T.  Flynn  America  First
Ku Klux Klan - Indiana National Leader

Lawless  Decades
League  of  Nations
League  of  Nations
Lend  Lease  Act
Lend  Lease  U-Boats
Lend  Lease  Project
Lindberg Home Page
Lindberg Webquest
Jazz  Age  -  Flappers  Culture
Jazz  Age  - 
Jazz  Age  Home  Page
League  of  Nations
Middletown  USA  Study
National Recovery Act
National Recovery Administration
NRA Divisions
Neutrality  Acts
Neutrality  Act  of  1937
New Deal Checklist
New  Deal  Network
New  Deal Politics
New Deal Programs Success & Failures
Paul  V.  McNutt  -  GOOD
Philosophies of Hoover & Roosevelt
Prohibition Years
Red  Scare
Red  Scare  Between  the  Wars
Red  Scare
Roaaring  20's  Jazz  Age  MAJOR  Soc. Stud.
Roaring  20's  &  Great  Depression
Roaring  20's  Webquest  with  Links
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 
Social  Security  FAQ
Social  Security  Speech  FDR
Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
Stock  Market  Crash  1929
Stock  Market  Crash  1929
Stock  Market  Crash  Clack  Thursday
Stock  Market  Crash  Dust  Bowl
TVA  History
Volstead  Act
Wagner  Act
War of the Worlds Reaction
War  of  the Worlds Website
Washington  Naval  Conference
Woman's  Suffrage Movement
Woman's  Suffrage
Woman's  Suffrage  Biography
WPA Statshery
It is simply one of the many resources on the Internet. These pages are simply resources.  They are not direct links to answers for any questions in the competition.  The writer and/or any people suggesting links are not legally responsible for any correct and/or any incorrect information given  out at any site. SIMPLY, sit back and enjoy researching   "Between  The  Wars"  .
Thank you            Dick  Ramey
CLICK  if  you  would  like  to  see  pictures  of  the  IPS  /  IACE  area  Super  Bowl