Stories about the Stupid

I was a Juvenile Detective in Montgomery Alabama for 
about 7-1/2 years during my time there I saw some pretty Stupid 
things. Here is one of those stories.

I came to work one day to find I had another Burglary case to work. After getting the information from the dispatcher I went to the location. Upon arrival I met with the home owners. They stated their home had been broken into. The lady of the house then started to giggle. When I asked her what was so funny she said the only things taken were a South Trust Bank watch worth about $5.00 and two Alabama Vs. Georgia tickets and a bag of candy. The lady then stated as we walked through the house she could not understand why the theif took those items and not the Tv or some of the other stuff in the house. I told the lady that it appeared to me the house was entered by juveniles due to the items taken. I then asked the lady if I could look around and see if I could find any further evidence. While looking in the kitchen I looked as I always do in the trash can. I found a balled up piece of paper. I then un-balled the paper and found it to be a love letter of some kind. I showed this to the lady and she stated it was not hers. I then read the letter. The writer was attempting to tell somebody she "Liked Them". The letter was written as if by a 10 year old. (Something like what your reading now). The funny part about the letter was it had the authors name and address and telephone number written in VERY BIG BOLD letters on the top and the bottom. I located all the property at the girls house.

Take me back
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