Peerless Princess Cook Book
Inside hand written is the Wichita Thursday Afternoon Cooking Club motto:
Live well but avoid waste

These recipes are from the cookbooks I found in my mother's things,
called the Peerless Princess Cookbook,
published by the Wichita Union Mill Co. of Wichita, Kansas,
(Makers of Celebrated Peerless Princess Flour)
copyrighted 1903 and 1908.
The "reciepts" are by the Thursday Afternoon Cooking Club,
To see the original cover of the 1908 Peerless Princess Cook Book Cover

For fun I scanned one of the recipes out of the book

This was my great grandmother's recipe

To 1 Pint of cold Mash potatoes,
add 1 well beaten egg.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Roll in Perfect Princess flour and make into balls.
Press or roll the balls rather thin
then place a Tablespoon of finely chopped and seasoned meat of any kind
on potato cake - covering but one half,
then fold over and press the edges together;
place in buttered baking pan and put in oven until brown.
Serve with Tomato or brown sauce.

Mrs. J.H. Aley - my great-great grandmother


Mince 1 can of salmon saving liquor for sauce.
Put in 4 Tablespoons of melted butter,
1/2 cup of fine bread crumbs,
pepper and salt
and finally three well beaten eggs.
Put in buttered mold, set in pan of hot water.
Cover and steam in oven for 1 hour,
filling pan with boiling water as it evaporates.
Set in cold water a minute and turn out. Sauce -
Heat 1 cup milk to boiling and
thicken with a Tablespoon of cornstarch wet in cold water,
add a spoonful of butter,
salmon liquor,
a beaten egg;
take from fire, season, and stand in hot water three minutes covered;
add juice of one half a lemon.
Just before serving pour over pudding.

Mrs. A.H. Aley - my great-great grandmother - 1908

1 Tablespoon Peerless Princess flour
1/2 cup sugar
Add quickly 1/2 pint boiling water; boil a moment
and pour while hot over
1 egg well beaten.
Flavor with lemon or vanilla.

This reciept was from my great grandmother, Mrs. George Whitney


Make a rich dough, using Peerless Princess flour,
roll half an inch thick
and spread over with two cups of tart apples, chopped fine.
Roll together as for jelly roll,
cut in pieces two inches thick
and drop into a boiling syrup made from
a cup of sugar,
one and one-half pints of water.
Flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon,
Place in hot oven and bake 20 or 30 minutes.

This recipe has the name of Mrs. Will Dixon on it
Sweet Fritters

Beat 1 egg
with 1 cup sugar,
add 1 1/2 cups milk
and a little salt;
mix 2 small teaspoonfuls baking powder,
with sufficient Peerless Princess Flour
so that when added it will make a thick batter.
Fry in deep fat.
Also, nice with apples mixed in.

Mrs. George M. Whitney - my great grandmother- 1908
Fruit Cookies

Use 2 cups sugar,
1 cup butter,
1 cup butter and lard mixed,
3 eggs,
4 Tablespoonfuls sweet cream,
1 level teaspoonful soda, dissolved in a little warm water,
1 cup raisins,
1/2 pound English walnuts, chopped,
3 1/2 cups of Peerless Princess Flour,
Mix well and drop with spoon into well buttered pans, at least an inch apart,
Bake Slowly.

Mrs. J. H. Aley - my great-great grandmother- 1908

Chop the following:
1 peck green tomatoes
10 peppers
12 onions
Salt overnight and in the morning drain perfectly dry,
then add the following:
3 pints vinegar
1 pound sugar
1/2 pound white mustard seed
2 Tablespoons salad oil or butter
1/2 ounce turmeric
Cook 2 hours. After scalding add
2 Tablespoons of flour mustard

Mrs. George Dickson - 1903

Take 1 (level) teaspoonful soda,
1 cup sour milk,
1 cup sugar,
1/2 cup butter,
1 cup raisins,
1 teaspoonful cinnamon,
1 teaspoonful cloves.
Mix enough Peerless Princess Flour to drop from a spoon.
(hand written is 2 cups flour,
Bake in slow oven Another note looked like (ther. just to 400)?

Mrs. Geo. M. Whitney - my great grandmother -1908

All art work on my pages is original unless stated otherwise.

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