Jefferson Davis Avenue erected by Chapter “A” United Daughters of the Confederacy 1924 (15th Street, NE of Augusta Canal.)

The First
Presbyterian Church

The Church located at 646 Telfair Street was organized by the Rev. Washington McKnight, Rector of the Richmond Academy.
In 1804 the Church was incroporated by the Georgia General Assembly and given a lot on the common by the Richmond Academy Trustees. The cornerstone of the present church was laid July 4, 1809. The building was dedicated May 17, 1812. The steeple was added in 1818. One of the most outstanding pastors was the Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, 1858-1870. He was the father of Woodrow Wilson. On December 4, 1861, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States was organized here. During the War Between the States the Church and the grounds were used as part of a military hospital and temporary detention camp for prisoners of war. The building was renovated in 1892.

Rollersville Cemetery

Rollersville cemetery at one point in time was a private cemetery. The graves were marked, no one knows were the stones are or what happened to them. The cemetery was originally for the Huntington family, 1 1/3 acres of the cemetery was laid out for whites, ¾ of an acre was laid out for blacks. In the mid to late 1890’s the black section was full. The last burial was in 1910. The record book for Rollersville Cemetery is kept in the vault at Magnolia Cemetery. In 1936 Morton L. Reese visited the cemetery and stated it was maintained by the city and there was a wire fence around the cemetery. Today there is not a trace of evidence that Rollersville cemetery was there except for a monument the city of Augusta placed in the center of the cemetery in 1981.

South side of the monument.
During the War Between the States the cemetery became the final Resting place for fallen Confederate Soldiers and later United Confederate Veterans. The Huntington and Bohler Families jointly donated this cemetery to the Rollersville Community in 1867. After incorporating Rollersville in 1863, the city of Augusta employed a caretaker who kept the burial records from 1883 until when the cemetery was closed in 1910. 3,598 burials of integrated races were recorded during this period.

North Side.
Dedicated by the city of Augusta 1981 A.D. Lewis A. Newman-Mayor, Cemetery committee, Chairman B. L. Dent, Co Chairman W. H. Grant, Sr., Inez R. Wylds, S. H. Elliott, Jr., J. C. Jones, M. L. Dewitt.
Hicks Street at Bohler Street

Home of Charles Jones Jenkins, Jr. LL. D.

After rendering valuable aid to his state as a Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court (1860-1865). Charles Jones Jenkins was elected Governor in 1865. For defying certain reconstruction measures of Congress and military orders, he was replaced by Gen. Thomas H. Ruger, Provisional Governor, December 9, 1867, at the demand of Gen. George Meade, Military commandant.

Before leaving office, Governor Jenkins arranged for secreting the State Seal, moneys and executive documents until the Carpetbag Regime ended in 1872. Then he turned them over to Governor James Milton Smith with a detailed record of his administration. The General Assembly passed a resolution of gratitude, introduced by Joseph B. Cumming, Speaker of the House, and presented Governor Jenkins with a gold facsimile of the seal, inscribed: "Presented to Charles J. Jenkins by the State of Georgia, In Arduis Fidelis."

Born in South Carolina in 1805, educated at Franklin College, Athens, and Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., Governor Jenkins was a lawyer and State legislator, senator, attorney-general. He was President of the Constitutional Convention of 1877 and of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia for many years. He died June 14, 1883.

Boyhood Home of Woodrow Wilson
419 7th Street

He spent the war years in Georgia. He was born in Staunton, N. J. amd moved to Augusta when he was one year old in 1857.

Woodrow Wilson was later to become the 27th President of the United States, He lived in this manse of the Presbyterian Church of which, his father, Dr. Joseph R. Wilson, was pastor from 1858 to 1870.

During his boyhood here his next door neighbor and playmate was Joseph R. Lamar, who became Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia,1902-1905 and Supreme Court of the United States from 1910-until his death 1916.

Woodrow Wilson was born in 1856 and attended the University of Virginia Law School, graduating in 1881. He had previously graduated from Princeton University. He practiced law in Atlanta, and in June 1885 he married Ellen Louise Axson of Rome Ga. In the manse of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Ga.

He later studied political science at Johns Hopkins, became a professor at Princeton 1890 and became President of Princeton in 1902. He was elected Governor of New Jersey in 1910 and President of the United States in 1912 re-elected in 1916.

"(The Civil War) created in this country what had never existed before, a national consciousenss. It was not the salvation of the Union; it was the rebirth of the Union."
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
Memorial Day Address (1915)

Charles Jones Jenkins
Summerville Cemetery

Charles Jones Jenkins 1805-1883, Lawyer, Jurist, legislator, State Senator, Governor, (1865-1868). The obelisk marks his grave. He hid the state Seal, records and funds until Governor James Milton Smith was inaugurated in 1872. There are many eminent Georgians buried here, in Summerville cemetery. Location Cumming Road at Johns Road.

Col. Charles Colcock Jones, Jr.

Montrose was built for Robert A. Reid about 1849. When Mr. Reid died he left money to build the Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, erected next to the house at the northeast corner. After the War Between the States, Col. Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. married his second wife, Eva Barrien, and moved to Augusta because she was from there. The Jones’s lived in the home until their deaths. Their descendents Carpenter and Waller in the mid 20th century continued to live their until J. B. Fuqua bought the house. When the Fuqua family moved to Atlanta, they gave the house to the Church where it became the Parish Hall. His eighty permanent publications include works in colonial Georgia, Indians, Confederate subjects, biographical sketches. The best known book is "Antiquities of the Southern Indians and History of Georgia". Twice given the degree of Doctor of Law, Col. Jones was honored, further, with membership in various literary and scientific societies in this country and in Europe. He was an outstanding collector of autographs, historical documents, and primitive objects. His home is on Walton Way and Johns Road in Augusta.

Lieutenant Colonel Goode Bryan
Magnolia Cemetery

Goode Bryan Lieutenant Colonel July 19,1861. Elected Colonel (to rank from February 15, 1862 ), March 13, 1862; Brigadier General August 31,1863. Resigned, disability, September 20,1864. He was a resident of Augusta, Richmond Co Ga. for 13 years he was a widower. Graduated West Point 1834; Member of the Georgia Secession Convention from Lee County: He entered the Confederate service in 1861 and served until he had to resign. Died Augusta 18, 1885, at the age of 74. He is buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Augusts ,Ga, his grave site is near the West Wall Avenue.

General Edward Porter Alexander
Magnolia Cemetery

Edward Porter Alexander was born in Washington, Georgia on May 26, 1835. His parents were Adam Leopold Alexander and Sarah Hillhouse Gilbert. He was the brother-in-law of General Jeremy F. Gilmer and General Alexander R. Lawton who were married to his sisters. He graduated from West Point in the class of 1857 as a Brevet Second Lieutenant Corp. of Engineers. He served in the Utah expedition. On April 3, 1860 Edward married Betty Mason of King George County, Va. He resigned his commission in the United States Army, and became Captain in the Corp. of Engineers Confederate States Army. He rose rapidly in rank to his commission of Lieutenant Colonel of artillery while serving on the staff of General Pierre Beauregard at the First Battle, Manassas. He excelled greatly in battles in which the Army of Northern Virginia participated. On the third day of the great battle of Pickett’s Charge he was commissioned Brigadier General. Edward served with Longstreet’s Corps as Chief of Artillery until the war ended.

After the war he became a professor of mathematics and engineering at the University of South Carolina. He later became a successful businessman, as president of numerous Railroads and Banking. He wrote his Military Memoir’s and a number of other publications. General Alexander died in Savannah on April 28,1910.

Seven Brave Soldiers
Magnolia Cemetery

This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these seven brave soldiers who rest elsewhere in Magnolia. They fought against oppression, tyranny, absolute power and usurpation of states’ rights, all of which still plague our country. Erected by E. Porter Alexander Camp 158, Sons Of The Confederate Veterans. Commander Woody Highsmith, Adjutant Walker McWee, Lt. Cmdr. Tony Carr. Judge Adv. K. G. Watson
This 15 day of January 1994

Ambose Ransom Wright
Magnolia Cemetery

Ambrose Ransom Wright was born in Louisville, Georgia on April 26, 1826. His nickname was ‘Rans’. On his tombstone it reads:

"To the memory of Ambrose Ransom Wright, Major General in the Confederate Army during the War Between the States. He was a Candidate for President Elector from Georgia, 1856. He served in the Georgia State Senate 1863; and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Georgia, 1872. He died in Augusta, Ga. on December 21, 1872."

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