Marshallville Historical Society
Route # 1 Box 51
Marshallville GA, 31057

This monument is erected to all the veterans from the Revolution to the present day that were born in, lived in, or died in the tiny town. Marshallville residents have always risen to the call. I’m told by Mrs. Davine Campbell who spear headed the monument that there are 63 Confederate soldiers listed. The Library Hall dedicated to Jacob Walter Frederick 1831-1928 is directly across the street.
The Parade of Flags is put up during 5 Holidays a year. D.O.T. will not let allow the flags to remain up on the right-of-way. The is why the marker was moved to private property after the initial installation.

The Marshallville Chapter #711 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.




The statue of the soldier is located on the town square. The monument is a shaft with an older soldier on top. On front it reads: “CSA”. Below that reads:

"To our Confederate soldiers, those who fell in fiercest fighting and sleep beneath the sod of every Southern State. Those who have passed away in the after years of peace, and whose ashes now hallow old Henry’s Hillsides, those who like a benediction, still limp in our midst. May God preserve forever in our hearts, their memory and in all minds, a knowledge of their motives and their cause".

“To our Confederate Dead.”

On the right side of the soldier are the years 1861-1865 and below are two crossed muskets. On the soldier's left are two crossed furled flags. On the back is inscribed:


"Erected by the Charles Zachary Chapter # 921 U.D.C. 1910.

The Charles T. Zachery Chapter #921 of the U. D. C. is no longer active.

McDonough Fountain

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