Resaca is a battlefield where Sherman led his armies in the Atlanta Campaign. There was blazing musketry and artillery. The monument is a stone archway where you enter Resaca Cemetery. On the archway there is a bronze plaque. This tablet is “Dedicated by the Atlanta Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy to the memory of Miss Mary Green, who established this Resaca Cemetery, the first in this state for our Confederate soldiers." Made by the Georgia School of technology. The marker inside the Cemetery just behind the arch reads: "Confederate Cemetery Resaca established shortly after the war by Miss Mary J. Green and Associates for the burial of Confederate soldiers who fell at the Battle of Resaca. May 14, 1864, Maj. General A. P. Stewart's Division, Hoods A. C. (R. T. of Johnstons line) posted 600 yards north east, attached Stanleys Division, 4th A. C. near Nance's Springs and drove it north west to Old Union Church above the county line. May 15th Stewart again attacked the Federals posted a quarter of a mile south of the county line (near Scales house) but failed to dislodge William's Division, 20th Corp."

In front of the marker is the Confederate Seal and a Flag pole displaying the battle flag. The large cross is to the left behind the Arch in the center of the Cemetery. Engraved on the cross: "To the Unknown Dead"

Resaca Cemetery is located 7 miles north of Calhoun off of Highway 41. There are two signs giving the location of Resaca Cemetery. On the large sign there is an arrow, and the small sign behind it advises one that this is Confederate Cemetery Rd. Then there is a white marble marker and it reads: "The Resaca Confederate Cemetery is located ½ mile of this spot. This marker is given and placed by the Gordon County Chapter No. 932. United Daughters of the Confederacy."

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