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Thats Bonita. She and me worked at our first job together. Are we close friends. I (as usual) have no clear cut answer. She is surely a welcome relief in a mess that we call as life. She is married to Naru, who is a character with whom I share a very similar relationship. Over the years, I have grown to like and enjoy their company. Bonita and Naru, fell in love in college and remain very much a dovey couple until today, unlike some other stories, I hate to relive.

To a set of dear friends...My cup of life....(Naru is sorely missing in these pages...)...Should be in on the next update.

Is there a lot of feminine grace about Boni. She has a sweet voice and lovely sense of life, if I must say so. The following paragraph is in no way in relation to her, but on the issue of feminity I just remembered it.

"But Kira! What will you do?" Maria Petrovna gasped.
"I'll be an engineer."
..."But Kira!" Lydia stared at her, bewildered. "That will mean dirt, and iron, and rust, and blow-torches, and filthy, sweaty men, and no feminine company to help you."
"That's why I'll like it."
-Ayn Rand, _We the Living_ c1936