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Stuff, Explained

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Welcome to Stuff, Explained! Explore SE if you want to learn about math, physics, or engineering! Don't forget to sign the guest book, and come back soon!

ENGINEERING PAGE: This page is intended to remind engineers about the math and physics behind their methods and procedures. This is mostly directed toward electrical engineers, especially with communications and/or electrophysics specialty.

MATH PAGE: My math page is here! You will find my answers to different questions, proofs, tips, and my ideas about mathematics. If you have any questions (about my page or math in general) email me, and I will reply and/or put my answer up on this page.

PHYSICS PAGE: This physics page is similar to the math page. Again, I encourage you to email me and twist my brain. I will respond to you as best as I can.

NEWS: A log of the changes made to this site.

LINKS: Here is a list of my favorite links. I'm warning you though, most of these are math related...

ABOUT ME: Some info about me.

CONTACT ME: My email address is lori_dalton@hotmail.com. Feel free to ask me about technical stuff, TAMS, A&M or anything else you think I might know about. If you have suggestions or comments about my site, please tell me!

Copyright © 2004 Lori Dalton