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If you are reading this you must be extremly bored or just have nothing better to with your time than look at shit web-sites.
I was very bored when I wrote this and to stop you from reaching this boredom level i have complied a list of 40 things to do to relieve boredom. Also I have a page of classic games to keep you entertained for short periods. And some funny music clips.
Classic games to relieve boredom
Watch the spiders if you are bored enough
Movie Sound Clips
Billy Connelly The A-team Links
Previous guestbook pages: One, Two, Three
1. Break or create a new record for the guiness book of records, such as how fast you can say the alphabet or how many beers you can drink in 2 minutes.
2. Stand on your head untill you see funny colours
3. Try to improve your non-dominant hand. Abuse it if it does badly.
4. Pretend if everyone except you smells really bad.
5. See how many individual pieces of paper you can rip form the nearest sheet.
6. Create a new language
7. Use the above language in a shop.
8. Turn the sound off on the Tv and create your own script.
9. Apply for evry job in the newspaper.
10. Create new words and submit them to the oxford english dictionary.
11. Watch TV upside down
12. Paint your room entirley black then at night shut your black curtains and try and find the way out.
13. Order a man in Russia a pizza.
14. Build  a nuclear device
15. Without the help of mirrors try and see the back of your head.
16. Start a cult.
17. Start a crime spree.
18. Tatoo yourself.
19. Create 200 e-mail aliases then use them all to abuse someone you hate.
20. Pick a person in teh street then stalk them for the rest of the day.
21. Set up a hot dog stall outside a Weight Watchers Centre.
22. Get your pet stoned or drunk.
23. Read War and Peace backwards in public
24. Become a professional spammer
25. Hail a cab and ask them to take you to Sydney and efuse to leave the cab until you get there. Where the police remove you from teh cab ask them to take you there.
26. Find a dam and try and break it.
27. Pretend to have an alternative personallity and see a phychiatrist and see what they think.
28. Join the Mafia.
29. Try to incite a Jihad in your town/city with it's neighbouring town/city
30. Ring the FBI and ask to speak to Mullder or Scully.
31. Carry a cattle prod up a very busy street or on a rush-hour train/tube.
32. Try and crash the stock marker.
33. Set up trip wires in super markets.
35. Reset evry alarm clock that isn't yours to 3am
34. Start a revolution
35. Give away free sweets in the street, if people accept it then beat them with a stick for frogetting what their mother told them.
36. Try to summon a demon.
37. Crack a safe.
38. Speak like Yoda.
39. Try juggling knives, chainsaws or fire.
40. Glue a £10 note to the ground and kick over anyone who trys to pick it up.