Welcome To The World Of Ian

My Kids:

jackwow.jpg (68231 bytes) Meet Jack:

Jack is 6 years old. He likes watching cartoons on the telly. His favourites are Ed Edd and Eddy, Cow and Chicken and all Tom and Jerry. He's also into the latest Star Wars film. He hasn't seen it yet and next time I'm home I'll take him to see it. He's great fun, he likes me to make lego for him, like a fool I do it instead of letting him do it himself. *News Flash: Jack now makes his own lego and has the video of the latest Star Wars film*

Rebecca3.jpg (74039 bytes)

Meet Rebecca:

Rebecca is 8 years old. She likes playing on her roller blades, collecting beanie babies, of which she has loads and looking after baby born, her best Christmas present. She has a mischievous sense of humour and spends a lot of her time laughing. She can do an excellent impression of a tomato!!!

Kimberley.jpg (56461 bytes) Meet Kimberley:

Kimberley was recently 11 years old (February 2000). This picture was taken at her birthday party. She also collects beanie babies. She enjoys playing with her school friends, of which she's got loads. Although she is still so young she is very mature for her age and extremely responsible. She likes swimming, going to the pictures, riding her bike, listening to music (S-Club 7, Steps, Britney Spears) and reading which she does every night till very late.

SchoolPhoto2.jpg (23669 bytes) Here's the latest school photo of the kids. Kimberley looks like she just needs a doll and a blackboard and she could be the trade test transmission girl from yesteryear telly. Still, if you scan these pics and send them back you never have to pay for them. "I'm not tight, I'm just careful" as a former colleague used to say!
MumJack.jpg (13382 bytes) Meet My Missus (and Jack):

This is Niki, she has the unenviable task of looking after our three kids while I work away from home. She does a fantastic job of it. She single handedly transported herself and the kids to China last year to visit me when I was working in Shanghai. I have enough trouble carrying one suitcase and a guitar through an airport. But she got them all there with no dramas, unless you count delayed luggage.