Changing Worldview for a New World Coming

Monthly Updates

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Just What IS Rekonstruction?

We aim to be a study group from different disciplines and different traditions who come together because we want to think deeply about our faith and its consequences in a university context through careful attention to the Scriptures.


Rekonstruction meets every teaching week on Monday in the Guild Club Meeting Room, Murdoch University.

For upcoming sessions in 2001, contact Nathan Hobby:

August 2001 onwards

Reading Other People's Mail?!

A look at 1 Corinthians -

'Shaping Self and Community in Christ'

  • "What are we to do with the information gained by eavesdropping on this conversation between the agitated apostle and his refractory followers?
  • "How does it speak to us?
  • "Paul, after all, was not aiming to write timeless truth or even a general theological treatise; rather, he was giving a direct pastoral instruction for one community that faced a specific set of problems in the middle of the first century....
  • "What does it mean to take Paul’s advice... addressed to ancient people in a very different world almost two thousand years ago, and to declare it to be Scripture?...
  • "To discern how the word comes to us through this ancient letter, we must be alert to discovering imaginative analogies between the world of the letter and the world we inhabit." Richard Hays

Go to Nathan's Workbook on 1 Corinthians

October Update November Update February Update

Copyright © 2001-2002 Ian Packer